He will never live a magnificent life. He was born in a royal family with a prominent background. When he was born, he was the 12th heir to Wang Wei. Although the succession order was relatively high, if there was no accident, he could not succeed to the throne at all, but the accident happened like this, or natural or man-made disasters. In front, an heir died and fled, In the end, his 12th successor really became the last king on the planet.

Why say the last? Because not many years after O'Neill took power, he blew up the planet, literally. The planet was blown up. However, he did not perish with his people and his mother planet, but fled into space in a spaceship and several close friends.

As for why he made such a big mess, it's actually simple. He provoked people he shouldn't have provoked. In this universe, there are many races standing at the top. These races exist like gods, so people with a little brain usually don't provoke them, but it's a pity that there must be something wrong with O'Neill's brain when he was young. He even provoked an ancient god race in this way. This race has completely divorced from the concept of life. All their consciousness has come together and become a huge immortal consciousness. This group consciousness wanders around the universe like this, and few people will trouble them, because you can't get anything valuable from them. Even if you want to communicate with them to obtain some of their unique knowledge, the price is too heavy, so few people will do such brain damage, But for O'Neill, he must have a look at what he has not seen, so he ordered his men to attack the ancient God consciousness passing by his planet. Of course, this act of death caused extremely serious consequences. However, after witnessing the destruction of all his men, O'Neill made a correct decision in time. He immediately took several close friends and jumped into a spaceship. When the planet was destroyed by the God of stocks, they came into the universe in a spaceship, Thus began a wandering life.

Because they left in a hurry, they almost started their long journey in poverty. Later generations can no longer know how many hardships they had suffered and how many hardships they encountered during this period. In short, in the end, all the few confidants he came out of died, leaving him as a refugee. He was caught in a boat by a group of pirates.

After becoming a prisoner, O'Neill's way of thinking was different from that of ordinary people. Instead, he became a member of the Pirate Group from a prisoner. He and these people committed many evil things in the universe. Finally, these things came to light, The Pirate Group was chased by all parties, and few people survived, and O'Neill was one of them.

At least when he was young, his skills in life protection were definitely up to the full level. But in the aspect of death, he always stands in the forefront of the universe, so he leaves from one place and integrates into the next environment. Soon, the environment will be destroyed because of his or other people's behavior, and then O'Neill will embark on another wandering journey again.

However, he may have been cultivated as a king since childhood. O'Neill has an attractive leadership temperament, which makes those with brain problems gradually gather around him. Although it's a bit one-sided to say so, usually these people who have a problem with one mind will always be more prominent than ordinary people in some aspects, so this group of people can burst out great energy together. Not afraid of many hooligans, but afraid of the ability of hooligans. At least this sentence is very appropriate for the black robed Pirate Group gradually established to become a large-scale group.

After O'Neill gradually had his own energy, he began to command his team members to carry out some behaviors that other people could not imagine. Generally speaking, this behavior will only bring killing and will not bring them much benefit. However, because of doing so many things, everyone is naturally afraid when they hear the five words of the black robed Pirate Group, So unknowingly, some people will even take the initiative to seek refuge from the black robed Pirate Group. Needless to say, after seeing all this, O'Neill just wanted to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that this random venting behavior would bring unexpected benefits, so he was even more unscrupulous.

The people above are the people under this character, so you don't have to think about it. They are also unscrupulous. They often cause some trouble, and sometimes the whole army will be destroyed, but for them, such a thing is only a small part of their life. They are willing to do it even at any cost. Therefore, although the pace of personnel replacement is very fast, the number of black robed pirates is increasing sharply every day. In this universe, there are too many crazy people who want to do what ordinary people don't want to do. Because in the world of all normal people, they are too different to realize their ideas. If they get together with people who are equally crazy with the same ideas, they will live more relaxed and comfortable, This is also the fundamental reason why the spade Pirate Group has been able to recruit fresh blood.

This is a deformed group. All people are crazy. For a little thing, they will do things that people fear. Therefore, for them, no matter any system or any legal theory, it is completely meaningless. But the problem is that it's like weeds. The situation is so serious that the weeds can't be burned out and the spring breeze blows again. In many worlds, they are street mice. As long as they see them, they can kill them directly without any other warning behavior. But even so, it is difficult to stop them from wantonly burning, killing and looting in this world. After all, they are a group of madmen. You can't predict their actions. It seems that they may have fled here, but in fact, no matter how long it is, they can tolerate it. As long as you give a little space, they will rush over like wild dogs and tear you to pieces

Although O'Neill never stopped on the road of death, even in the process of accumulating strength of the black robed Pirate Group, he still took death as a lifelong thing, so he still provoked many powerful beings. In the universe, the Kujia nationality, which is famous for fighting, had a protracted battle with the spade Pirate Group. As for the cause of the battle, the two sides had long forgotten and only knew to kill each other. In addition, they had no other ideas. Although O'Neill has almost no comers in terms of death, although he is a little tiger, it does not mean that he is an idiot. It can even be said that he is a natural strategist. Although he has never studied hard for a day and learned tactics and strategy, he can often win by surprise when the battle is most anxious, Such a character is stronger than himself. Many Kujia people take advantage of surprise to win when fighting. At the beginning, they fall into an absolute disadvantage. Kujia people are famous for fighting, which is almost known in the whole universe. Therefore, no one will provoke them, but O'Neill is so special that others dare not provoke them, He dares to touch and do things that others dare not do. It is precisely because he has such a unique brain circuit that the Kujia family finally suffered a big loss in the battle with them, and he is still the one who took the initiative to retreat.

After all, O'Neill used the logic of thinking. Although the Kujia race is very brave and has strong combat effectiveness, it does lack a muscle in the use of intrigues, and O'Neill is one of the leaders in this regard. He clearly knows that if he resists head-on, his black robed Pirate Group will definitely swallow the bitter fruit of failure, and even seriously may have to take his own life, so he pretends to let most of his power area Kujia people face-to-face confrontation, but in fact, he himself takes a small team of powerful members, The formed death squads went near the Kujia home star in a small spaceship. Of course, they knew that it was impossible for the ship to break through the defense of the Kujia home star just because they only gave tips, so they found another way, but thought of a more sinister way, that is to detonate the satellite of the Kujia home star.

There are Kujia soldiers stationed on this satellite, but because all attention is focused on the face-to-face confrontation with the black robed pirate regiment, and the remaining people all take back the mother of the inverted Kujia, the left behind forces on this satellite are usually much weaker, which is exactly in O'Neill's mind, He led the boat directly to the satellite. This group of people slaughtered the soldiers left in the satellite base as if they were divine soldiers from heaven, and then detonated the satellite with their bombs and the bombs already in the base.

Detonating the satellite is not a big thing for the parent star, but because of this incident, the attention of the Kujia people's battlefield has suddenly shifted to the satellite. They are worried that it is likely that O'Neill will lead a team of people to attack the parent star, so they immediately want to go back to guard the parent star, and on the way of hurried retreat, This gives the main forces of the black robed pirate regiment a chance to attack head-on.

A lone demon retreated back into the defense circle of the home star, which led to the Kujia family's heavy losses on ships and living forces in the process of retreating. This even hurt their vitality, so that no matter how the black robed pirate group shouted, they refused to send troops easily from the defense belt of the home star.

After taking advantage of it, O'Neill screamed directly for a period of time, and then quickly ran away. Until then, the Kujia family realized that they had been shaken. In fact, the strength of the black robed Pirate Group is not so strong, and it is not worth shrinking in the defense circle of the parent star. If they resist positively, they are likely to be defeated.

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