Ye Feng waited for this moment. He sneered in his heart, and then firmly threatened Dick: "master Dick, now help me find my self-healing ability, or you'll wait for your little secret to be revealed to the world."

Veronica snapped, "Hey! No whispering!"

Dick and Ye Feng stared at each other for half a minute. Finally, Dick compromised. He cursed angrily in a low voice: "... You have seed! Wait!", and then the old guy ran back alone. Watching Dick disappear around the corner, Ye Feng knows that he is going to find a place where there is no one and open the door of time and space.

Veronica looked at Ye Feng suspiciously: "what's the matter with him?"

Ye Feng explained with a smile: "nothing. Old men have small problems, and Dick is no exception. He has a problem with his prostate. Find a place to open the gate and drain water."

Dick didn't let the people wait for him too long. In less than five minutes, the panting Dick reappeared in the sight of the people. With a gloomy face, he walked to Ye Feng in silence. In the confused eyes of the people, he directly injected a tube of red viscous liquid into Ye Feng's body with the injection gun in his hand.

Feeling the return of the powerful feeling in his body, Ye Feng couldn't help moaning a few times. That's the feeling, the powerful feeling!

Veronica said with a livid face, "doping is prohibited during work."

Dick asked, "are the rules and regulations so humanized? Non working hours are allowed, aren't they?"

"Shut up! Dick!" Veronica has a heart to kill Dick. She hasn't tried, but those efforts failed.

"Thank you, old man. I feel stronger than ever before." Ye Feng looked at the wound he cut on his arm and almost healed in the blink of an eye. He said with satisfaction.

"Hum..." Dick just looked at Ye Feng coldly and didn't show what he thought on his face.

Maple boy, you dare to threaten me with such dirty means. Hum, I didn't say that the things injected into you are pure natural and pollution-free. Boy, wait and see! Dick kept sneering in his heart. He would never lose money.

At this time, Ye Feng was immersed in the joy of recovering from the loss of self-healing ability, and didn't notice the faint sneer on Dick's face

"Everybody, don't delay and move on. It's not difficult to create difficulties. The surpasser bastard doesn't respect his career at all." on the road again, Dick swaggered the people to a broad space, which seems to be the core area of the fire, much more spacious than the corridor they just walked through.

Just as Dick kept BB for a moment, one foot of old green skin happened to step on a seemingly ordinary ground, but it fell after being stepped on.

"Holyshit!", Dick knew it was broken the moment he felt the ground sink under his feet. NIMA could even get caught in this prehistoric trap. It was a shame to throw it home.

As the trap mechanism was triggered by Dick, a huge three eyed man who was suspended in the air and dressed in great elegance suddenly fell from above and just hung near Dick. The three eyed man hanging upside down on the rope has more air in and less air out, and is on the verge of death.

Three eyed man? It can't be such a coincidence... Dikton feels inexplicable. He just went to the mother star of the three eyed people last night, and sarugeluna didn't tell him that the king of their three eyed people was taken away, but the little girl's life is all about sleeping and playing. If it happened, she may not care at all

Ye Feng hid behind Jane, leaned out his head and whispered, "don't breathe, and don't fart easily. I'm afraid this man can't carry it..."

"Go." Jane kicked Ye Feng away from behind her.

"What the fuck?" elf cried out involuntarily, looking at the body of his three eyed people who nearly hit him on the way of falling.

"Did the outsider do it? Who's this man?" Ye Feng got up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. Sure enough, he was able to stay close to his body and was severely kicked by Jane. There was nothing wrong except some dust on his clothes.

"Star woman" Veronica was shocked and gave them the client of the guardian alliance this mission. How did she end up like this!?

Veronica murmured, "damn... He's the client of our trip... The current of the three eyed family, well, is about to become the former King..."

"Ah? Client? You mean we can't find anyone to pay for this job?" Ye Feng had to comfort himself with the spiritual victory method: it's all right. Anyway, the self-healing ability has been restored, which is the most important

The honeycomb stood near the transcendent and said, "I feel its vitality declining."

The king of the three eyed clan, who was suspended in mid air, gave a cry of pain. The cosmic king had run out of lights, and the weak fire of life would disappear at any time.

"Girls and gentlemen, hive, a colony of bees with the power of human eyes," Dick mocked the hive, standing in front of the three eyed people.

Dick said to the three heroes of the guardian alliance, "OK, short task, good cooperation. Now that the client has died, it's time for you to find the" surpasser ". Er, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself."

Dick felt more and more that things were moving in a strange direction. At this time, running away might be the wisest choice. As for the "thing", Dick can determine the location where it is still buried by him through the weak signal it sends out. It's time to get rid of these people and take it away quietly.

"Dick, if you can take a king and abuse him into this B, the guy who does this must be the" transcendent "... Are we in danger? You'd better not act alone." Ye Feng walked to Dick and said with some worry.

"He's right. It's far from over, Dick. As a guardian, you must contribute to the safety of the whole universe." Veronica flew to Dick and agreed with Ye Feng.

"Well, have fun. I just remembered that the faucet in my house was not turned off." as Dick was about to turn around and walk deep into the fortress where he placed the "thing", the accident happened again!

In the open space where the people are located, all the exits are sealed by metal plates suddenly stretched out, and even the vents on the wall are sealed by baffles. The party was trapped in the open field in an instant. Obviously, someone wanted to trap Ye Feng and others.

Veronica shouted, "get ready for battle!"

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