The old heroes of the three guardians alliance reacted most quickly and immediately put on a combat posture. Veronica, the "star woman Xia", manipulated the power of stars in her body, suspended in mid air, and two stars in the universe in her body surrounded her hands; The honeycomb mud dark brown fluid body transformed into six arms with barbs, guarding Veronica's side; "Doomsday warrior" Oliver's mechanical artificial eye burst into a dazzling red light. The gun barrel on his mechanical arm stretched out and aimed at the wind and grass around.

Kobi and the two war stars immediately put on their armored helmets and switched to battle mode. As for Ye Feng and Dick, they consciously hid in the circle surrounded by the guardian alliance and the elf team.

Jane and mark are not as shameless as Ye Feng. They at least light up their weapons, although mark holds up the track that is only for decoration

Dick in the circle of people has been taking out his white coat, as if looking for something.

"Shit." Dick whispered a curse. Although the old guy didn't want to accept this reality, his delivery gun really couldn't work. He forgot to charge it

"I feel that there is a very evil existence near here," said the honeycomb, with its teeth and claws, in his low magnetic voice.

Ye Feng looked at some pretending hives in silence. Things have developed to this point, using you to "feel"?

Suddenly, in the besieged area, a huge electronic screen fell slowly. In the image on the screen, an unexpected and reasonable person appears in front of the trapped people. It's the "transcendent", a guy in the form of an ordinary human man, who is smiling and greeting everyone:

"Hey, guys, what's up? Are you satisfied with my shape? Actually, I want to use the shape of the three eyed man I killed, but after thinking about it, I can kill the three eyed man with the help of my old man, so I'll spend it in a human shape today."

Ye Feng was completely confused about the situation. He asked carefully, "is this a video call?"

"Of course, I'm going to leave your dimension now. Well, I'm going back to a higher dimension. It's a pity that my home leave has expired. Although I'm reluctant, I can't help it. I have to leave. You know, I haven't taken enough credits to complete my studies back in my world. I have to take two courses again."

"Er..." Ye Feng is still very confused. It's better to say that he suddenly feels absurd.

"I know the purpose of your coming from my old man. In fact, you are completely unnecessary. I have sent all my wives back to their mother's house before I leave here."

"Ah? Have you sent them back? Then our legitimacy to kill you is not so reliable. Hey, everyone of the guardian alliance, I want to quit. I'm a hero, not a murderer.", Ye Feng pretended to go and was slapped down by Jane. Then he stood in place honestly.

"I have to admit that I made a mistake at the beginning. I shouldn't be preconceived about what princesses I want. I should directly want beauty pageants of all races. I must admit that a very important reason that forced me to leave this dimension is that these princesses are so ugly..."


Looking at the regretful "transcendent" in the video picture, not only Ye Feng, but all the people present have a black line on their face. This chattering goods is really far from the murderous "transcendent" in the eyes of everyone.

"Although we had a good talk, since you broke into my house without authorization and tried to plot against me, well, my old man and I decided to give you a little punishment. Well, everyone, it's getting late. I'll take a step first. Don't worry, there's a video recorded in advance that will guide you forward. Just say it, it's only according to what I set When the game route goes forward, you can live. Come on, minasan! Oh, by the way, old man, I put your "lalaiye gem" at the end. Don't forget to take it. "

CORBI exclaimed: "lalaiye gem, is this what you came for?" the fairy beauty finally determined the purpose of ELF's trip. Indeed, it is such a world-class thing that is worthy of sending two "star fighters" under the kingdom!

Lalaiye gem, whose scientific name is isotope 654, is a substance that emits light yellow fluorescence. Except that it looks a bit like a Xiang, it is extremely powerful. From this substance, we can extract the drug with the strongest efficacy in the universe - "dissolution". Except for the short duration of efficacy, there are no other side effects. After all, addiction should not be included in the side effects.

Whatever, this hallucinogen is the favorite of the rich class of all races in the universe. Isotope 654 has amazing destructive power, which is the original form of this material. You can burst out terrible energy. In short, a gram of isotope 654 can produce enough explosive power to easily destroy a small city in a specific high-temperature environment.

This material has the properties of energy absorption, compression and release, which determines its manic and angry side. Of course, if it were only explosives, isotope 654 would not be so famous in the universe. Another major characteristic of this material is the main reason why it is crazy by various races in the whole universe: extinction.

If the unpurified isotope 654 is inhaled into an animal, the animal will lose the ability to reproduce. Moreover, if the animal inhaled the isotope 654 participates in the natural cycle (eaten by other animals or dead bodies become fertilizer for plants), the animals in the whole ecosystem will lose the ability to reproduce, This led to the collapse of the whole planet.

The direct reason for the popularity of isotope 654 is that it can make genocide so efficient and complete. After all, the cost of trying to exterminate all enemies in the war is too high, and the weapons made of isotope 654 are much simpler and more convenient.

Although in the past century, the planet polluted by isotopes cannot allow organisms to survive, the winner has enough time to wait, and the polluted will only unknowingly lead to the extinction of the race. It is precisely because the "extinction" characteristic of isotope 654 is too hidden and cruel. It is an evil weapon collectively denounced among all races in the universe, but any race is secretly collecting this material. The powerful power of this weapon is too tempting to make all races crazy.

Fortunately, this material is extremely rare, otherwise all races will perish in the whole interstellar war.

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