Because Oliver confirmed the long-standing doubt in his heart about whether he was wearing a green hat, and there were unexpected gains!? Before his ex-wife divorced him, she had a dead child with her teammates!?

Oliver felt that he had been a joke all his life. He lost his mind and vented his whole body's fire on the hive, the adulterer in his eyes. The latter exploded violently and blew into a pool of mud, but it seemed that the attack did not destroy the hive in one fell swoop. The mud like material flowing on the ground began to creep rapidly, Is returning to adult form at a rate visible to the naked eye.


Veronica, the "star woman Xia", released a stellar force field, shrouded Oliver and the recovered honeycomb in their positions, and the two heroes of the guardian alliance suspended in the force field.

On the surface, Veronica seems to be persuading. She separates Oliver from the hive in her anger. In fact, she is maliciously trying to provide a killing opportunity for her lover - "hive"!

Honeycomb can change its body shape at will. After all, its body composition is a mass of fluid. The honeycomb caught Oliver in the force field and was at a loss in his weightlessness. His body was transformed into a pool of fluid. A dark brown mud directly penetrated Oliver's angry mouth and burst Oliver from the inside

As Oliver's half flesh and half mechanical body was broken by the honeycomb from inside to outside, Veronica ruthlessly recovered the stellar force field, and Oliver's blood, meat, broken limbs and mechanical structures splashed everywhere.

Not far away, Ye Feng and Dick, who had been watching the excitement, were inevitably splashed with debris and stood in place.

Dick said casually to Ye Feng, "I knew things would develop into nothing like this one day. You see, I've already prepared a micro washing machine with me." Dick took out a small spray pot the size of a palm from his pocket and sprayed it on his whole body. The originally dirty clothes were immediately clean as before.

Ye Feng said with lingering fear, "Hey, please give me some help. Well, it's really a good thing and feels very comfortable. Dick, are aliens so grumpy? Fortunately, today is my first day of work. I don't even have to write a resignation report."

After watching the love and hate between Veronica, Oliver and the three Guardian heroes of the beehive, enough to shoot 200 episodes of TV series, Ye Feng almost didn't believe in love. For the first time, he felt that it was simpler, pure and interesting to tear up the enemy on the battlefield or be torn up by the enemy

Compared with Ye Feng, Kou Bi has deeper feelings for the "Guardian alliance". She can't help muttering: "I, I didn't expect that the heroes in the guardian alliance are such people in private... My world outlook has collapsed."

Kobi has witnessed the ruthless force of the heroes in her heart. Whether it is the destruction of Sebastian 6 colonial planet or the love and hate relationship between Veronica and her ex husband and lover, these things are gradually eroding Kobi's admiration for these heroes she once thought were the most selfless heroes in the universe, Kobi's spiritual worship collapsed

Jane, who was looking at it in cold air, could not help but to make complaints about the world's view. "You should really go out with Dick."

Although Jane knew that she had no sense in what she said to her, somehow she could not help but make complaints about it.

"Are you still talking sarcastic, Dick?" Veronica flew to Dick and threatened the old green skin. "I won't let you go when all this is over!"

Veronica imprisoned Dick's hands with the power of her stars, pointed to Dick's nose and shouted to him, "you killed these people."

Dick said expressionless to Veronica, "Hey, ComeOn. There may be some of them that have something to do with me, but this half man and half machine can't rely on me. It's all a bad thing between you."

Veronica manipulated an asteroid in her mini universe, put it on Dick's stomach, and covered the old guy's stomach with pain on the ground.

"They are all." Veronica squints and stares hard at Dick.

"OK... As you wish, madam." facing Veronica's strength, Dick rarely looked back.

Congratulations, success

"Xiao Chao, do you know? In some places, the level of eight meter suspension is enough to enter the national team."

Sorry, I don't know football. I can't get it

When Veronica and Dick tore, the hive that killed Oliver was not idle, but kicked the remaining penalties. His tactics were very simple. He became a fluid, wrapped in a football and drilled into the goal net, which was similar to the way he killed Oliver.

After the entrance to the next area appeared, Veronica, who had no disguise of her true self, led into the next area. Behind her was dick with her hands imprisoned, followed by some absent-minded Kobi, Jane and Ye Feng.

As for uncle mark, he was struggling with Barry to carry legolaf, who was in a coma, walked at the end of the team and followed the people into the next area with the beehive.

Now it's clear that although the orcs on the planet I'm staying on are a group of mentally retarded and thoughtless, they do have a unique thing, which is the only thing of value to me. If you know what it is, put it on the platform. If you guess wrong, the planet will explode, and maybe the whole star domain will be destroyed, because I have TM this time Carefully checked the neutrino bomb above

Sleepy drunk Dick had a burst of BB in the video on the big screen, but his long nonsense confused the audience and didn't quite understand what he was expressing.

Veronica asked Ye Feng behind her, "what tricks is he playing? Ye Feng, you are the one who knows drunk Dick best."

"I think no matter what we put on it, we will die... Dick, an asshole, has always adhered to the idea that everything is rubbish except Lao Tzu. Others are" nothing "in his eyes. He wants to understand in the last time we live that we are worthless in his eyes."

Although Ye Feng wants to give this bossy alien bitch a big mouth, he is not in the mood now, because drunk Dick's words make Ye Feng very depressed. According to his past experience of drinking with Dick, he is afraid of things this time.

MD, am I going to die at the hands of a drunk madman? And was killed by him with him? This NIMA is so absurd... Ye Feng not only thought of it in his heart.

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