Veronica asked silently, "Oh, my God, this old bastard. Damn it, what about other people's opinions?"

Uncle mark pointed to the "God killer" armor thrown aside by him and said, "guys, since we are all dead, I don't have to worry about this iron pimple anymore?". It's too hard to carry the fully armed legolaf, even for the "sexy Superman" known for his strength.


No one paid attention to mark.

Mark smiled helplessly: "my human design seems to have a low sense of existence..."

When everyone was at a loss for a moment, Dick, who had been looking at his nose and heart all the time, suddenly whispered, "yes, maybe, maybe it's maple leaf."

"What?" Ye Feng turned his head to Dick.

"Hey, I don't know. It's just a vague guess. I mean, when I'm drunk, I'll become stupid, emotional and illogical. It's like... I'm likely to be so drunk that I think someone is 10% important to me. Recently, due to my damn bad relationship, Feng Xiao and I I've experienced all kinds of events together. Maybe this is my form of expression. You know, I'm not good at expressing emotions, so I may take a circuitous way, such as: a bet is a game of destroying the planet. "

Dick looked around when he said this, afraid to look at Ye Feng with a bad smile.

Jane stood aside and said expressionless, "what a... Very" vague "guess."

Dick shouted angrily, "listen, I'm the smartest of you, because there are only us in this room. I just use logic to analyze. Only things related to maple boy can make me so stupid! I can't think of a more reasonable explanation."

"But you're betting on our lives."

Veronica can't fully trust Dick's hypothesis, especially when his life is at stake. Dick is a very unreliable human being.

"I'll bet, I understand." Ye Feng walked to the raised platform with a bad smile on his face. Dick talked endlessly behind Ye Feng, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Ye Feng, I think you have a proud smile because you have a wrong understanding of the current situation. I don't wriggle because I have any hidden feelings for you. I want to make it clear that if someone has better ideas, such as, if I have insured you, or --"

Ignoring Dick, Ye Feng went straight to the metal platform. He stood up and waited for things to happen.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, after Ye Feng stood on the platform, nothing happened. Veronica and Dick mentioned their throat and finally fell down. They had a very tacit understanding and "shouted" at the same time.

Just when people thought Ye Feng was the right answer. When the crisis was over, the platform under Ye Feng's feet was divided into two. A chair was raised in the open platform and just caught the falling Ye Feng. Before Ye Feng could scream, the chair fell down with Ye Feng and disappeared in the sight of people, and the separated platforms merged again, Stay, Dick, Veronica and others stared at the empty metal platform and were stunned.

"Oh, shit..." Dick scolded


Ye Feng didn't get too alarmed when he fell straight with the falling chair. After all, the worst result was to hang up with all the creatures on the planet. Ye Feng didn't care much about it (after spending some time with Dick, Ye Feng's psychological quality has improved... And in fact, the height of his fall is not high, Waiting for Ye Feng below is a device similar to the bumper car in the amusement park, from which Ye Feng's chair rises.

With the falling of the seat, Ye Feng sat firmly in the bumper car and began to slide forward with the bumper car on the track. Along the way, the screen everywhere was the affectionate confession of drunk Dick.

Sorry, I, I'm not good at saying goodbye. Besides, I'm drunk, so, you know, I just

It seems that I will never see you again. I don't like communicating with people. Moreover, I am a lonely person, and others don't like to approach me

Ye Feng's bumper car drove in one direction along the track. Along the way, in addition to Dick's nagging, various models were recalling some memories, which seemed to be the memories of Dick and the people he cherished.

There are scenes of laboratories and volcanoes. Looking at the unfamiliar life scene, Ye Feng's doubts are getting deeper and deeper. Dick's image can be vaguely recognized in these scenes, but Ye Feng can't find his own image. What's the matter!?

But I want you to know that although I don't show it sometimes, I really thank you for being by my side

As he reached the end of the track, Ye Feng, led by the bumper car, came to the platform with a yellowish brown metal box.

This is the "laleier gem" hidden by Dick's old bastard, that is, isotope 654. Ye Feng thought a little and roughly determined the objects in the metal box.

Ye Feng stood up and took great pains to lift the metal box in front of him with his own hands, but with great effort, Ye Feng couldn't lift the metal box.

"Damn it! I don't believe this evil!"

Ye Feng suddenly shouted, and his right arm was wrapped by an arm armor emitting hot fire.

This dark Arm Armor decorated with golden dragon and red fire cloud is the entity of black liquid injected by Dick to Ye Feng in the laboratory. It is inspired by the ability of an old friend of Ye Feng. It adopts micro nano materials. In the non combat state, all nanoparticles will participate in the metabolism of Ye Feng's whole body

Holding the box with "Yanlong Arm Armor", Ye Feng finally took it, and then he sat back in the bumper car.

At this time, a small screen stood up. Dick in the video looked a little excited and was rubbing his eyes to try to suppress the tears in his eyes.

Damn it, why am I crying? It doesn't make sense. You, you may be confused

Seeing old dick and Dick touching their tears in the video, Ye Feng was moved even though he was slandered and dissatisfied with him, and the tears in his eyes kept turning.

Ye Feng looked at Dick in the video with tears. He was drunk and opened his heart. Ye Feng didn't know that he was so important in Dick's heart. He regarded himself as his relatives, which moved Ye Feng!

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