Legolaf, who made up his mind to return to the ship, when he just entered the air valve cabin, an unexpected situation suddenly occurred. The metal box containing isotope 654 in his hand suddenly burst out a light. In the light, Dick's old guy's face emerged. Legolaf was cold and an extremely unknown premonition poured out violently in the heart of the star fighter.

Damn it, what's the trick of this old bastard!?

"Sonofbitch!!! I didn't expect it! How can I not install a safety device on this thing? I'm forced to go to hell ~ ~"

Dick's face distorted by extreme excitement was the embodiment of the devil in the world in legolaf's eyes. Before legolaf could say his last words, the light from the box containing isotope 654 became more and more prosperous!

"Puff", it exploded, and then there was a violent and restrained explosion. Because legolaf was in the center of the explosion source, he and his "God killer" armor decomposed into quark level basic materials at the moment of light explosion.

With the rapid expansion of the aperture, the whole ship was quietly decomposed by the energy brought by the isotope 654 explosion in less than a second, leaving no trace in the universe, annihilating into the smallest particles and floating in the boundless space

"What are you doing? What if you suddenly make a loud noise and wake Coby up?" looking at Dick in the driving position, Ye Feng suddenly shouted a few curses at the device on his wrist. Ye Feng shouted to Dick discontentedly.

"You ungrateful bastard, if I hadn't helped you, do you think you would have a chance to chase the fairy beauty Kobi?" Dick was in a good mood and didn't spray with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng lowered his voice and said to Dick: "Old turtle calf, you have no intention to say that you pulled me, Jane and uncle mark into such a dangerous thing without saying a word. You TM still have credit? If you didn't have a good life this time, maybe your brother would break here. If there's anything else next time, don't come to me. You go to Uncle mark. He's in middle-aged crisis and is not afraid of death."

Even if he recovered his self-healing ability and got to know Kou Bi, he gave Ye Feng another chance to choose. He would rather hide at home all his life than go out with Dick. MD, there are too many accidents. Ye Feng's little heart really can't accept it.

"If you have a good relationship, you can't joke like this. I'm in a middle-aged crisis where life is worse than death. I'm not so afraid of death, but I'm afraid of dick! Don't listen to Ye Feng, an asshole. I still think you two look good together. You'd better find Ye Feng in the future, and I'll spend my middle-aged crisis honestly. Ha ha ha ha ha 。”

Looking at Ye Feng's murderous eyes, the loud uncle mark deliberately didn't lower his voice and said generously to Ye Feng and Dick.

Uncle mark once complained that the plain life smoothed his once arrogant edges and corners. However, after the experience of the "Guardian alliance", our generous uncle mark classmates grew up a lot and won't complain about why life is so plain. Uncle mark began to understand the meaning of life and began to understand the fun of living.

From this point of view, Dick is really strong

"Come on, there's so much nonsense. If I have something to do, none of you can run away! Ah, middle-aged fat man, he may not call you, but Ye Feng, an asshole, can't run away. I've invested in you, so you don't want to cheat!" Dick took a big sip of wine and turned his mouth. He didn't care about Ye Feng's eyes ready to commit suicide

Ye Feng: I know I can't die, Dick. I can only do it on myself. What can I do? I'm also very desperate

"By the way, I just remembered, Jane, middle-aged fat man, give me back all the small items I gave you before." Dick turned around and said that uncle mark and Jane were not Ye Feng's wild character. They simply gave Dick back the weapons Dick had given them before.

After all, they didn't have a chance to use these gadgets along the way. They didn't really feel bad when they returned them to Dick.

"Dick, it shouldn't be so easy to finish the elf fleet..." no longer bothered with Dick, Ye Feng asked what he was most concerned about: the invasion of the elf fleet.

Ye Feng knows very well that this time the elf fleet suffered heavy losses, which means that they have a low probability of being blacklisted in the eternal elf kingdom.

Although the probability of this kind of situation is small, we are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If Ye Feng meets the elves again in the vast universe, the situation they will face next time may be that both sides are in peace, or it may be extremely severe. It may be a formal fleet, or a more powerful combat force to seek revenge. There are too many unknowns.

Ye Feng can only be sure that if the elf fleet comes to retaliate, it will never end in such an inexplicable way as this time.

In short, Ye Feng's self-consciousness is telling him that up to now, this matter is only a comma, far from the end, and this is only the beginning.

Jane nodded. She also vaguely felt that it would not end so easily.

Uncle Mark's concern is very strange. He said with regret: "yes, it's a rare opportunity, but in the end, I didn't fight with the famous elves" war stars ". I feel I'm missing something."

Ye Feng has been unable to figure out the brain circuit of Uncle mark, who seems gentle and warm-blooded.

"Are you stupid? Have we ever been able to help others? Don't you even want the remaining hairs on your head? It's strange if you fight with the elf fleet and don't turn you from bald to bald.", Ye Feng couldn't help laughing at Uncle mark. He was so angry.

"Ah? There's nothing to worry about. I really can't handle it at that time. Once I use the gun, I can run away easily.", Dick's answer is not beyond Ye Feng's expectation. The old bastard will always think of himself

"What about us?" Ye Feng asked.

"None of my business!?" sure enough, Dick is always so straightforward

"Where are you going now? Back to earth?", maple leaf simply leaned back on his seat and didn't worry about the next thing.

Dick said in a flat tone, "go back to the lab first. I have to charge my delivery gun. First, because the client was killed, we are not paid for this job."

"Is it your fault that the client was killed?"

"Fart! Now I'm sober. If you don't accept it, go to find drunk dick!"

"Don't be unreasonable! Old bastard!"

"Don't you bite me! Maple boy!"

"Jane, don't stop me! I'll kill this old bastard!"

"Go, who will stop you."

"Jane, if you don't stop, why do you hit me!? uncle mark, come on, let's go together!"

"Ye Feng, I'm a little tired. Take a nap."

"Hey! Do you want to be so ungrateful?"

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