More than half a month has passed since he returned from Dick's planet. During this period, Ye Feng basically followed Jane and was running around. Of course, they are not dealing with the business of entrustment, but simply to meet Jane's enthusiasm for delicious food. Although they don't know how they offended Jane, Ye Feng can only accompany her around the world to find delicious food.

Kobi didn't come to earth with Ye Feng and others. Instead, the fairy beauty decided to stay on Dick's planet. Although Ye Feng had some regrets, he could only respect Kobi's choice.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time Jane has time to enjoy her ordinary life. The amnesia female assassin is either in prison or dealing with all kinds of adventures with Ye Feng. She can relax and experience the fun of normal people, such as "eating", which greatly stimulated Jane's enthusiasm.

Of course, this is also due to the pancake fruit that Ye Feng eats all over the world. It opens the door to the new world and makes Jane out of control. She has the posture of eating delicious food all over the world.

"Why? I'm here to accompany my eldest sister and walk around the small dining car street?"

Ye Feng took out the ringing mobile phone. Seeing that it was Xu wenweak's call, he picked it up.

Xu wenweak's anxious voice came over the phone: "Maple son, Chu Qian is missing!"


Ye Feng swallowed the food in his mouth several times. He was shocked by the situation in Xu wenweak's mouth: "who? Chu Qian is missing! Are you kidding? She is a real steel skeleton. I can warn you not to end this kind of thing -"

"I'm not kidding! Fengzi, I just received an email from the" Z team "hunting Corps. They asked if Chu Qian was there. According to their words, Chu Qian has been silent for a full month!"

After listening to Xu wenweak's words, Ye Feng's heart sank. He knew that Chu Qian should have had an accident. "Z team" is basically Chu Qian's home. There is no major situation. She will never disappear without reason. You know, when Ye Feng strongly opposed at that time, Chu Qian told the head of "Z team", that is, Chu Qian's adoptive father, about her marriage to Ye Feng.

If "Z team" doesn't know Chu Qian's whereabouts, it's very likely that Chu Qian has an accident

After taking a few deep breaths, Ye Feng calmed down. He said to Xu wenweak at the other end of the phone, "have you found any clues now?"

"Well... Since I learned about this situation, I have started to investigate. Give me some time. When faced with an emergency, a person with ability like Chu Qian will fight hard according to her character. It is impossible to find no trace."

"OK, I'll go to you right now. I'll see you later."

"Well, Ye Feng, don't worry too much. We will find Chu Qian."

"Of course, hang up first."

During the conversation between Ye Feng and Xu wenweak, Jane stood quietly aside. From Ye Feng's expression and words, Jane can easily see that this matter is very important to Ye Feng, so she just accelerated to eat up the baked gluten in her hand and was ready to face the next situation with Ye Feng.

Jane asked Ye Feng, "Chu Qian, is it a friend of yours?"

On Ye Feng's face, there was an indescribable worry. He said to Jane in a low voice, "my ex-wife. Get in the car first, and we'll find Xu wenweak."



"She, I mean Chu Qian, should not be an ordinary person."

Jane, sitting in the co pilot's seat, asked Ye Feng next to her. Jane is curious about Chu Qian in Ye Feng's mouth. What kind of woman will she be?

Staring at the road ahead, Ye Feng said with a gloomy face: "well, she is also a capable person, and she is a very powerful capable person."

"No wonder you are so worried."

Jane didn't finish her words. If Chu Qian is really a powerful person who can threaten her, as Ye Feng said, the other party must not be a fuel-saving lamp, that is to say, Chu Qian is likely to face a desperate situation.


Ye Feng answered softly, and then they fell into silence again. Jane doesn't know how to comfort ye Feng, but she will stand beside Ye Feng in her way.


"How's it going? Do you have any eyebrows?"

After arriving at Xu wenweak's warehouse, Ye Feng pushed open the door and shouted to Xu wenweak sitting in front of the computer as he walked. The fat man is clacking on the keyboard.

More than a dozen screens in front of Xu wenweak are full of information he has collected that may be related to Chu Qian: surveillance videos, news, and even microblogs published on social software.

Xu wenweak frowned and said to Ye Feng, "well... Ye Feng, it seems that someone cheated Chu Qian into" Buyao city "for some reason."

"I just checked Chu Qian's call records. Although her last calls were different, they were all dialed from Buyo city. Moreover, I found this in the surveillance video of Buyo city."

Following the direction of Xu wenweak's fingers, Ye Feng saw that in this screen, a surveillance video with only five seconds was playing circularly, and Chu Qian was among them!

Ye Feng stared at the screen. After watching the short five second video, he couldn't help taking a breath: "damn... How is this possible!?"

"I can feel your feelings. It's really incredible. Chu Qian suddenly evaporated from the street without any omen. I believe even if you arrive at the scene, you can't find any trace. It's too strange..."

Xu wenweak reached out and patted Ye Feng on the shoulder. Chu Qian's weight in Ye Feng's heart is too clear for Xu wenweak. After witnessing the strange life of his beloved, Ye Feng must be heartbroken.

"And --"

Ye Feng quickly looked up at Xu wenweak: "and what?"

Xu wenweak frowned and said his analysis: "if someone deliberately kidnapped Chu Qian, this person either deliberately leaked flaws or was a layman with little experience. According to normal reason, it's not impossible to erase at least these two traces in communication records and surveillance video. Maple, I feel very bad and strange about this."

Jane nodded: "I also have this feeling. It seems that the other party is deliberately leaving clues."

"It's been a month, damn it!"

Ye Feng smashed the table heavily. He didn't care whether the whole thing was strange. He just wanted to know that it has been so long. Is Chu Qian okay?

"Jane, can you --"

"Of course, we are a team."

Jane didn't let Ye Feng finish. Her attitude has always been very clear: we are friends and I will support you to the end.

Ye Feng said gratefully to Jane, "Jane... Thank you."

Even though the future is uncertain, Jane still does not hesitate to face it with herself. The fetter between him and Jane is precious.

"Wen weak, help me and Jane book a ticket to Buyo early tomorrow morning. Chu Qian, hold on a little longer, and I'll come to you right away!"

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