As a small border town of lansdenton, Buyo is a small city with a small area. Compared with the rapidly changing metropolis like Xindu or Los Angeles, Buyo is as quiet as a stagnant water. Although there may be unimaginable dangerous undercurrent under the calm water... At least in terms of name, in the eyes of most people, Buyo represents a slow-paced and comfortable life.

Only recently, the peace in Buyo has been broken.

No one can tell when it began. At the door of the police station in Buyo City, people of all colors bound up began to appear. With the appearance of these people, there is detailed evidence of their crimes. It seems that all of a sudden, several warm-hearted righteous policemen came to Buyo City, and the sudden scavenger began to clean up the dirt in the city on a large scale.

Different from the jubilant ordinary citizens, the emergence of this situation makes many people living in Buyo difficult to sleep and eat. Most of these people hold huge wealth and usually bear dirty sins.

As a border place close to the national border and a quiet city suitable for living, Buyo city is the first choice for many people who sneak into Atlanta, which has indeed developed Buyo city to a certain extent. It is precisely for this reason that there are as many rich people in this small place of Buyo City, so as to support the top gold selling Grottoes such as "senro".

The battle between capable people is much more exciting than any world boxing championship. Things are rare and expensive. Correspondingly, the cost of enjoying this top visual impression is much more expensive.

When more and more international fugitives, smugglers, wanted criminals and local criminals are sent to the door of the police station, this matter has greater and greater influence. In Buyo City, various versions have also begun to circulate. Although some are about to blow away, they generally have several things in common: one man and one woman, two righteous policemen, strong strength, mysterious action and extremely cruel attack


"Hoo... I'll take a bath later."

At this time, it was close to two in the middle of the night. When she opened the door of the hotel room, Jane was a little tired and put down her equipment. She said to Ye Feng, who began to struggle to take off her tights as soon as she entered the door.

Although tights look very cool, they are really hard to wear, especially when it is convenient.

Generally speaking, you rarely see hero in tights. When they go to the bathroom, believe me, it will be very embarrassing. Looking at the hero you're looking forward to, fighting with the tights in the toilet compartment will definitely break all your beautiful imagination of hero's career

In particular, Ye Feng's clothes are still cheap. In addition to being able to do simple camouflage, there is no other use. According to Ye Feng's own dress, it is far from enough. Ye Feng didn't have time to bring his "death suit" because he came to Buyo in a hurry.

The sweat stains on Ye Feng's face: "OK. Damn it, I'm suffocating."

In the last week, Ye Feng and Jane were running at high speed. In order to complete Ye Feng's plan of "throwing himself into the net", he took Jane to fight crime in manbuyo, focusing on the pursuit of internationally wanted criminals.

Ye Feng's idea is this: if it can pose a threat to the customer source of "Senluo", Senluo is bound to come by himself in the morning.

Moreover, Xu wenweak found a very interesting situation. Most of the people who disappeared in Buyo city in recent three years have accepted similar entrustment. Generally, the entrustment content is the task target of fleeing to Buyo city with a high reward. As long as the price is high, there will always be people who want to try this kind of work.

After checking here, Xu wenweak found a very interesting situation. These task destinations are entrusted by Buyo city. Not only the entrusted documents are very similar, but also the entrusted prices are not far from each other, and the final result is that there is no follow-up, which is very interesting, It seems that someone is specially luring people with ability to go to Buyo

At that time, as soon as Xu wenweak said, Ye Feng straightened out the cause and effect of the whole thing. Obviously, this is a sophisticated and complex trap for capable people, and a very mature industrial chain has been formed.

First of all, Buyo city is selected as the basis of "senro". This small city with special geographical location contains many criminals holding huge amounts of stolen money. These people have money and are happy to spend it. This group of people is to establish the customer base of "senro".

Secondly, determine high-end projects, such as underground Pankou based on the duel of capable people. When participating in gambling, adrenaline is extremely stimulating, which is irresistible. This desire has been deeply buried in the root of human evil, especially these exiles, who have more desire for stimulation than ordinary people.

Then consider how to attract capable people to participate. In this world, capable people are usually eccentric, which is a group of people who are difficult to be bound. With their unique ability, most of them advocate freedom, hate being controlled and live their own life. Mediocre people can only be content with the status quo, while the strong will not be in a corner.

Even if you give a lot of money, you don't want these people to be obedient. You know, those who are regarded as important strategic resources, even powerful organizations can't fully control them. Most of the time, they are very painful to these people.

There are many people with similar ideas who want to make a lot of money, but they are looking for people with easy control, which curbs the ideas of the vast majority of people.

However, Ye Feng and others do not know what means senro has taken to realize this idea. This is also the most worrying point for Xu wenweak. There is no doubt that the organization that can control digital talents is powerful.

However, the risk is never considered by Ye Feng. Even if he knows that "Senluo" is unfathomable, Ye Feng is ready to go and find out for himself.

As a gambler, Ye Feng can't mix with "senro". He really can't come up with 5 billion. But fortunately, Ye Feng is also a capable person. Relying on this, Ye Feng played "justice from heaven" and asked "Senluo" to come to the door in person.

After determining the general plan, Ye Feng and Jane begin to act.

Ye Feng shows that Xu wenweak is asked to make up false news for Jane and himself on the Internet, which roughly means that Ye Feng and another capable person should work together to crack down on crimes in Buyo city and let out the wind. After that, Xu wenweak monitored the cameras in Buyo city through face recognition technology to find the international wanted criminals in exile. After receiving Xu wenweak's specific information, it was Ye Feng's turn and Jane's turn.

It's not easy to deal with a group of wanted criminals who live in dignity. In this process, how to leave traces for "senro" without trace is the most difficult point.

If the performance is too fake, so that "Senluo" notices the abnormality, Ye Feng is worried that he will scare the snake and lose the only clue he has.

Fortunately, with Morgan, the strong black man used the resources in his hands to provide great convenience to Ye Feng and Jane. According to the rumors circulating in Buyo, the source of circulation is Morgan.

Now Ye Feng has everything ready, only owes Dongfeng!

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