At this moment, the hour hand has pointed to 1 a.m. and the whole city of Buyo has returned to silence and fallen into a deep sleep. In an inconspicuous secluded alley along the road, even the dim yellow street lamps along the road can not be illuminated, which looks gloomy and abnormal. In the open space behind the six story old building, a man was panting and moving something, and the beautiful woman standing next to him who couldn't stop eating octopus balls didn't mean to help.

"Jane, stop eating and help me tie this bastard up. Damn it, he's so fat. He used to be a famous killer in the circle. Time is pig feed..."

Ye Feng struggled to tie up the fainting target, while Jane turned a deaf ear and continued to fight with the octopus balls in the carton in her hand.

"Hey, I said --"

Ye Feng looked up at Jane and was about to complain, but at the moment he lifted up, he suddenly stopped, then pulled out two swing sticks around his waist and tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart!

"It's strange. It's such a feeling. Looking at everything around, it's all static and frozen."

When he heard the words coming from behind him, Ye Feng subconsciously ran out for several meters, suddenly turned around and looked at the speaker. A white haired old man, different from Dick's tall, thin and straight, was not tall and slightly hunched. From the appearance, he was a very ordinary old man. He looked kind and had no characteristics,

"You did all this?"

Ye Feng stared at the white haired old man's every move. At this time, Ye Feng was not sure whether the mysterious old man's specific ability was spiritual hypnosis or whether he could really rest for a long time. But there is no doubt that the strength of this mysterious old man is strong, very strong, very strong.

Thinking of Chu Qian's sudden human evaporation in the monitoring screen, Ye Feng basically ruled out the possibility of mind control and magic. In other words, the old man is likely to have the ability to control time. Chu Qian encountered him at that time!

"Why isn't my time still?"

Ye Feng suppresses the impulse to ask Chu Qian's whereabouts. He knows that it will only be futile, but will prematurely expose his life. Therefore, Ye Feng retreats and asks for the second place. He needs to collect the information of the mysterious old man as much as possible, which may come in handy in the evacuation after rescuing Chu Qian.

The white haired old man looked at Ye Feng calmly: "I just touched you, so you can be like me."

Ye Feng thought a little, and then said to the white haired old man easily, "I see. Unless you choose to kill me, if you want you to touch my body, my restrictions will be lifted. It's interesting... Tell me your conditions, let me listen."

The white haired old man said calmly, "ha ha, you are free and easy. In fact, there are no conditions. You are now my slave."

"What if I choose to resist?"

"You have no chance to resist."

The voice of the old man with white hair suddenly sounded from behind him. Ye Feng suddenly noticed a trace of pain. He reached out and touched his neck. There was a deep scratch on it,

The white haired old man who had stood a few meters away in front of Ye Feng had already disappeared. Ye Feng silently turned around. Sure enough, the white haired old man was standing behind him. A pair of calm eyes stared at him calmly, and in his hands, there was an extra dagger stained with blood.

Ye Feng said to the white haired old man expressionless, "you are a big man. Do everything you say, but if you dare to touch even one hair of my friend and be a ghost, I will pull you to hell."

"You don't have to worry about this. Your friend's value is far above you."


Ye Feng helplessly lowered his head and remained silent.


"Hey! Hey! Get up."

Feeling that he had been kicked a few feet, Ye Feng reluctantly opened his eyes. As his consciousness has just recovered, Ye Feng is still a little confused. He struggles to stand up and finds himself and Jane in an elevator of only a few square meters. The lighting in the elevator emits purple and blue light, which makes the air in the whole narrow space more suffocating.

"What is this place?" Ye Feng looked at the surrounding environment with a confused face.

"I don't know," Jane whispered, observing the environment in the room with full vigilance.

"Did you talk to the old man with white hair?" Ye Feng continued. In his mind, he had no impression of what happened after the alley.

"Well, he's strong." Jane frowned slightly.

"Di --, take off your clothes." an alarm sounded suddenly in the elevator, and then the cold mechanical prompt sounded and ordered Ye Feng and Jane.

Ye Feng and Jane looked at each other for a moment. They were embarrassed. Neither of them moved.

"Hurry up! Take off your clothes at once!"

Under the continuous urging of the prompt sound, Ye Feng and Jane had to reluctantly take off their clothes. They only wore underwear and stood side by side in the narrow elevator. Ye Feng looked at Jane's sexy body full of wild beauty beside her, and it was inevitable that she was a little confused.

But at the thought that she was in an unknown situation, Ye Feng restrained her desire to continue to appreciate beauty, looked at her nose and heart, and took her eyes back from Jane's delicate body.

Of course, Ye Feng still couldn't control his sight and peeked at Jane nearby. If it weren't for the sudden white fog in the room, Ye Feng's eyes would grow on Jane

After a cold fog blew over their bodies, the light in the elevator suddenly changed, and the hot white light poured on Ye Feng and Jane. Ye Feng and Jane were blinded by the glare of the strong light. After all, their eyes had just adapted to the dark environment. They suddenly received the stimulation of the strong light. Their eyes were painful, and the place directly on their body was itchy.

"After disinfection, stand by."

With the last appearance of the prompt sound, Ye Feng and Jane finally passed the step of disinfection. In fact, everyone who comes to the prison called "cage Pavilion" used to hold prisoners in "senro" has to go through the step of disinfection. However, unlike ordinary people, people with abilities such as Ye Feng and Jane are much more strict than ordinary procedures in the disinfection process because they are not ordinary human beings, which also prevents any accidents.

This has happened before: a person with the ability to be caught in the "cage" has a habit. He will regularly inject his own infectious virus into his body. Of course, he will also prepare serum. He did this so that he could lead everyone to be buried with him in a desperate situation. Due to the incubation period of this virus for a period of time, due to the carelessness of the inspection and disinfection personnel, all the people in the "cage" at that time, including two capable people, died from the outbreak of the virus.

Since then, the "cage Pavilion" has attached great importance to the step of "disinfection detection".

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