"You're good"

New hengzhizi wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth without slander, and praised Jane's skill from the bottom of his heart

"You too." when facing people other than Ye Feng and Dick, Jane usually doesn't change her expression, just a poker face. It's not too cold to describe Jane at this time. With sharp eyes, Jane stopped talking. She set up a fighting style and was ready to meet the next round of fighting with new hengzhizi.

The simple dialogue between Shin Heng Ji Ko and Jane is not to boast about each other, but the heartfelt appreciation of each other by the two soldiers in the collision with each other.

To put it simply, Jane and shin Heng Ji Ko are playing high.

As for the other person in the room, Ye Feng, during the duel between Jane and new hengzhizi, he was a little nervous at the beginning of the battle. With the development of the war, Ye Feng knew that Jane didn't do her best. Watching Jane deal with new hengzhizi with ease, Ye Feng just lay half in bed, Heartless and heartless, I began to appreciate the two beauties with completely different styles, but they can be called pleasant beauties. You come and I go together.

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