With the passage of time, the nano robot acting on the body is constantly repairing the damaged parts. Soon, Jane's consciousness began to recover a little.

Recently, Jane has lost consciousness a little frequently. Jane is a little boring about the experience that her soul is suddenly torn out of her body, and then the two are separated and slowly combined into one. After more experience, I don't feel much.

Is this narrow and dark space again?

Jane got up from the ground and looked at where she was: a metal space similar to the capsule structure. Except for a vent and an entrance, there was nothing in the rectangular space less than five or six square meters. Oh, and Jane.

"You can beat xinhengzhizi unstoppable. Your strength is very strong."

It was the middle-aged guard who stunned Jane. He leaned against the door frame at the exit of the room and looked at Jane who had just woke up expressionless.

In fact, the middle-aged guard has been suffering from anxiety before Jane regained consciousness. He knows the importance of ability. If the boss loses a strong ability due to his own problems, he can't imagine what he will face.

In the final analysis, for those capable of being held in the "cage Pavilion", the existence of these guards is not a monitor, but a server

That new hengzhizi is quite famous... She is really strong. She is at least better than Ye Feng in unarmed combat. Jane ignored the Escort's conversation. She sorted out her light blue uniform and moved her stiff body slightly.

"Do you often come to the confinement room? You feel like you're going home."

The guard still wants to attract Jane's attention. After all, such attractive women are rare even in places like "cage Pavilion". But this time he chose the wrong goal of communication. Except for the people she cares about, Jane has always been a cold face and frost that refuses people thousands of miles away, and her temper is not very good

Ice cream beauty faced the Escort's chat up without any response or expression change. She just released her murderous spirit slightly, which scared the latter out of control. The middle-aged escort quickly closed the exit of Jane's confinement room, and then ran away.

Hum, that bastard may have said something. I really feel like I'm home

Jane looked at her cell and sat down quietly against the wall. For most of the year after she lost her memory, she was alone in an extremely narrow and empty cell. Jane was really used to this familiar loneliness.

Looking at a screen embedded in the wall, there is a hint: say what you need. Jane stood up curiously and began to study the narrow confinement room she was in.

"Think what you think"... Make it brighter. "After thinking for a while, Jane decided to have a try. She opened her mouth and said casually. To Jane's surprise, the next second later, the lights in the confinement room really changed, bright and soft.

"According to your physical condition, you need to eat immediately." the voice of vicissitudes of life sounded in the confinement room. Jane knew as soon as she heard it that the sound came from artificial intelligence. This feeling is very wonderful. You can't tell why you conclude that this is not a real person talking to you. Maybe it doesn't feel human.

"There is no need to imitate the human tone." Jane sits down casually. This confinement room is even more high-end than the single cell she was held in before. At least there is no intelligent voice that can communicate with you.

"I thought you would be more stable when you heard the human voice. Madam, are you sure you don't need to eat?" replaced by a mechanical and cold electronic sound, echoing in the room and asking Jane's needs.

"First answer me a question: how long have I fainted, what time is it, and how long will I stay in the confinement room?" Jane wants to know the exact time she fainted.

"You slept for 4 hours, 07 minutes and 26 seconds. Now it's 03:45:36 at night. According to the punishment system, you still need to spend 19 hours, 53 minutes and 34 seconds in the confinement room."

A series of precise numbers are reported by electronic synthetic sound.

"Nearly 20 hours? It's quite a long time. Get me something to eat." Jane leaned leisurely against the wall. Since she can only spend this time in the confinement room, don't lose yourself.

After receiving Jane's request, the intelligent optical brain immediately performs coding processing. Under Jane's surprised gaze, the liquid metal in the room was transformed into a small table and a chair, and the ergonomic design was completely based on Jane.

Then, a rubber lunch box full of food squeezed in from the liquid metal wall and fell to the ground. Jane stooped to pick up the lunch box and sat down slowly on the chair.

It's really close to sitting. Jane smiled helplessly and opened the lunch box on the table.

"How is liquid food?" Jane was very dissatisfied with her last meal. She didn't like this kind of food that had neither taste nor taste?

"Other foods may provide the conditions you need to commit suicide. In order to prevent your possible tendency of self destruction, you can only eat liquid food, madam." the cold electronic synthesizer discouraged Jane from changing a plate of food.

Staring at the food on the table for a while, after all, Jane picked up the tableware and began to eat the liquid food on the table.

The food in the lunch box looks like a ball of red mud. After eating it, the taste is surprisingly consistent with Jane's taste. Jane put aside her distractions and ate it.

After Jane finishes eating, the intelligent optical brain automatically cleans and restores all objects in the room. Just a few seconds later, everything in the room no longer exists, and garbage such as lunch boxes are also rolled into where by liquid metal.

"It's really convenient." Jane lies on the recliner transformed from liquid metal and leisurely enjoys life in the confinement room


Different from Jane's relaxed and comfortable side, Ye Feng, who is lying on the hospital bed in the infirmary, is in "hell".

After being taken to the infirmary by the guard, Ye Feng's imaginary nurse sister and beautiful doctor didn't. The high standard and good medical conditions of the "cage Pavilion" infirmary completely exceeded Ye Feng's imagination. This small infirmary not only has complete equipment and facilities, but also gives people a sense of comfort at home.

Ye Feng was only dissatisfied with one thing. Except that one doctor in the infirmary was a woman, all the other staff in the infirmary were men. The female doctor is a strong woman with short hair, big and thick, and a strong back! If she wasn't wearing a skirt, Ye Feng really couldn't see that it was a woman

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