Even Jane, the ice goddess with a calm heart due to amnesia, can hardly accept these changes for a while. During this time, the only thing that makes Jane feel alive is that she gets along with Ye Feng day and night, and she fights side by side with Dick.

In Jane's opinion, although Dick's mouth is cheap and has no bottom line, he behaves very perversely in the world; Make complaints about what Ye Feng is doing, but he is not a perfect person. They are not perfect but are full of smoke.

But Jane thinks it's good. Both men have stories, which makes her colorless life more "human". Although they often quarrel and quarrel with each other, at the critical time, Jane is still very relieved to give her back to her partners for cover.

"Do you need analog service?" seems to be aware that Jane's mood is not high, and the cold electronic sound of intelligent AI suddenly rings out in the confinement room.

It turns out that this place also has this thing... Jane understood what the intelligent AI was talking about as soon as she heard it.

In the past single cell, Jane has been exposed to this kind of thing. This "simulation service" is mainly to relieve the suffocating boredom of prisoners in single cell.

The important embodiment of world progress lies in humanistic care, which usually becomes more popular and more humanized with the development of science and technology. In today's human prisons, especially for high-level prisoners, they will provide "virtual reality services" for prisoners.

On the one hand, they are worried that important criminals and long-term single person detention will produce a variety of mental diseases. On the other hand, someone will try to analyze valuable information by observing the specific performance of the experimenter in the well-designed virtual scene. In short, it plays a lot of roles.

Jane was very interested in this kind of virtual scene at the beginning. At that time, she was under the double blow of amnesia and death penalty. Hiding in the virtual scene was her only means to escape from reality. But the fake is fake after all. After the novelty at the beginning, Jane was sentenced until she was sent to the spaceship and never entered the virtual scene again. She instinctively began boring, measured great physical exercise, physical fatigue, at least let Jane feel alive, but immersing herself in virtual daydreams all day will only make Jane more and more lost.

"No... forget it, let me in."

Jane didn't want to enter the virtual scene at first, but she has nothing to do now anyway. The exercise task that needs to be completed today has been completed in the past few hours.

Let's experience the virtual scenes in other prisons and see what's different from where we stayed before. Jane said to herself in her heart.

"OK, please enter the warehouse."

After receiving Jane's positive reply, the intelligent AI controls the virtual reality warehouse in the confinement room and makes it rise slowly from the floor.

It looks good.

After looking around the virtual warehouse similar to the dormant warehouse, Jane entered the virtual warehouse standing upright from the floor. After closing the hatch, the cabin was filled with a light column. As the electrolyte filled with oxygen filled the virtual chamber, Jane slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Jane felt red almost in the blink of an eye. As she opened her eyes again, her environment had changed from a narrow solitary confinement room to an open grassland.

Not far from the grassland, there is a lush forest surrounded by trees and pleasant scenery. Jane knows that everything in her eyes is false, but looking around the beautiful scenery, Jane's mood is washed by the fresh nature and becomes calm and pleasant.

"I've been wondering if you'll try. Most newcomers will try until they find out how bad it is here." Shin Heng Zhizi walked slowly from behind Jane, with a relaxed tone as if Jane was her best friend, completely without the sword drawn crossbow when they fought before.

"The place where I used to" live "also had this kind of thing, but every time I went in, I was the only one." Jane put on a cold and frosty expression, but because she is in a good mood now, she doesn't look so cold, but a little peaceful.

However, Jane has always been regardless of men and women. In the face of great beauties such as shin Heng Ji Ko, Jane also gives full play to her character of "no one dumps".

Standing side by side with Jane and enjoying the vast grassland in front of her, Shin Heng zhiko then said, "really? Life experience is very rich. It provides an opportunity for" contact "between prisoners who show a tendency to violence, and it's very safe. Here, even if we tear each other to pieces, it doesn't matter."

Facing the round face and little freshness - Xin hengzhizi's enthusiastic explanation, Jane didn't look too surprised except that she gave Xin hengzhizi a big white eye when she heard "torn to pieces". Jane is interested in the deep use of virtual reality technology in this prison called "Longge", but she doesn't have much additional feelings.

After all, even in reality, only she can tear others apart

"It's a little cold here." Jane pulls the lock of the prison coat to her head. In this virtual scene, Jane's body temperature is very low.

Xinhengzhizi naturally took Jane's arm and said intimately, "this is the idea of boss senro. Who knows what the old guy with white hair is thinking... Maybe you'll come in on the tropical coast next time."

New hengzhizi's warm attitude makes Jane very uncomfortable. We've only met once, but we'd better say hello with our fists... Jane looks at the energetic beauty who has been talking beside her. For people who are familiar with themselves, both men and women, Jane feels unable to cope.

"I'm sorry about beating your friend. I don't want to rob your friend's ration card. Well, maybe at first, but after that, I'm just testing him. You know." two beautiful women with different styles, but also amazing, fought each other a few hours ago, but now they are walking side by side on the grassland!? Life can only be said to be changeable and changeable.

"It's all right. Next time you can do what you want while I'm away. I don't know him well." Jane is telling the truth, but Shin Heng zhiko thinks it's a joke

"The whole prison is talking about you. You are all capable people. Although Ye Feng has a bad reputation in the circle, he does have two skills, which is recognized. I don't know you very well, but after playing with you, I can clearly feel that you are better than me, and more than a little better.", Xinhengzhizi's expression fully told Jane a message: I appreciate your team very much.

"So, Ye Feng's performance disappointed you?" this time Jane was really joking with Xin hengzhizi.

"I want to escape from this prison and from the cage Pavilion. I don't want to be a pet forever in that old guy's senro. How, are you interested?" Shin Heng zhiko put away the smile on his face and said solemnly to Jane.

"What? I just came in..."

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