It seems that he was shocked by Jane's answer. Xinhengzhizi opened his eyes and stared at Jane. Originally, she was a big eyed beauty. She opened her eyes wide again and looked very cute: "you just came in? Er, what's your name?"


"Hello, Jane, my name is Shin Heng Ji Ko." until then, the two beauties were officially acquainted. Xinhengzhizi then said to Jane, "Jane, don't tell me your excitement hasn't passed yet. You have a good impression of this different prison. You want to know more about it."

Jane nodded slightly and said blandly in the adorable gaze of Xinheng Zhizi: "well, although I don't say that, I really want to know more about here. It's interesting to call a prison" cage Pavilion "

Jane didn't disclose the real purpose of her and Ye Feng entering here to xinhengzhizi. Of course, it can't be said that Jane is lying to xinhengzhizi. She is really interested in the "cage Pavilion", which is very different from several prisons she has stayed in before.

"..." xinhengzhizi stared at Jane and remained silent for half a minute before she said to Jane who was looking into the distance: "maybe you and your companions came with a mission, but when all the dust has settled, you will always escape from here."

After listening to xinhengzhizi's words, Jane thought about it. In fact, Jane has been thinking about what xinhengzhizi said. In the previous time, she had been busy with Ye Feng. First, she wanted to inquire about Chu Qian's location. After finding out the existence of "Senluo", she was thinking about how to sneak into "Senluo" to save Chu Qian whose life and death were unknown. When she came up with the plan of "throwing herself into the net", the display process was quite smooth. She and Ye Feng were caught in the "cage" used to hold prisoners in "Senluo".

But after that, Jane found that all the preparations she and Ye Feng had made for how to escape after finding Chu Qian were in vain. This prison called "Longge" was too strange, and everything had to start over. Especially how to implement prison break, Jane really has no clue.

Jane nodded to xinhengzhizi and said, "well, what you said is reasonable."

Xinhengzhizi looked at Jane beside him with helpless eyes: "of course, it makes sense. We were kidnapped to the" cage Pavilion "and have been imprisoned since then. It's natural to escape from this reason and regain freedom..."

Because Jane is about 10 cm taller than new hengzhizi, it's almost half a head. This leads new hengzhizi to look up slightly when talking to Jane. Especially when new hengzhizi looks at Jane with helpless eyes, this scene can sprout blood on her face, just like a clever and sensible daughter complaining about her careless mother. Of course, this description is exaggerated. Anyway, The picture of Jane and shin Heng Ji Ko standing side by side is not only pleasing to the eye, but also a healing power.

On the quiet and broad grassland, the clouds blocking the sky and the sun on the top of the mountain are within reach. These clouds make the whole sky show a bleak and gray atmosphere. In the quiet environment that seems to be cloud pressing overhead, two beautiful figures walk side by side.

Feeling the cool breeze passing by, Shin Heng Zhizi told Jane beside her what she thought. It may be that the two people are very congenial. In getting along with each other, Jane and shin Heng Zhizi both have a comfortable and comfortable feeling, as if they have known each other for a long time. Shin Heng Zhizi rarely confides his thoughts to people he just met. Jane is the first. In fact, they are very good together. Shin Heng zhiko is talking constantly, while Jane is listening carefully.

"... ever since I was caught in the cage by the white haired old man, I haven't given up running away from here, but I don't have much hope for Kane. He is a man. You know, men are the same."

Jane said with deep feeling, "you mean they are used to belittling you."

In a similar situation, Jane has seen it too many times when traveling with Dick and Ye Feng. Men are foolish and ignorant, ignorant and fearless, fearless and arrogant, and eventually end up in a different place.

Xinheng Zhizi said sincerely, "it's not his fault. Men are born stupid. However, you are different. Although almost no one knows you, I deeply understand that you are the top soldier."

Before new hengzhizi met Jane, almost no one (excluding the big bull who can fart and destroy a planet. Of course, this kind of person hardly exists on earth), including men and women, can suppress her with bare hands in a single challenge. Usually new hengzhizi abused others, and no one can take advantage of her.

There are many reasons why Xinheng Zhizi is so good. Aside from her high talent and hard training, the most fundamental point is her unique ability: prediction.

In fact, Shin Heng zhiko is not an earthman in the sense of being. She was born on a colonial planet and grew up on this colonial planet. After that, she returned to the earth due to changes.

In the colonial planet where Shin Heng Zhizi was born, because people don't live on the earth all year round, there has been a certain degree of genetic change. The new generation of humans growing up on this colonial planet will have the ability to predict more or less from birth.

This ability is called "prediction". In fact, it is not appropriate. It is a congenital ability to absorb information, instinctively infer the possibility of development after things, and draw results. The most powerful person can even predict what will happen in the universe. It seems simple, even everyone can try, but Shin Heng Zhizi's "prediction" has become her instinctive behavior like breathing, which is extremely fast and efficient.

It is almost impossible to cultivate this talent through the day after tomorrow. The brain capacity of ordinary people can not overcome the intake of a large amount of information. Once an ordinary person's brain receives the impact of a huge amount of information, it will become mentally retarded and lose life. The most frightening thing about this ability is its accuracy. If it's just prediction, anyone can predict, but it's even more difficult to achieve almost 100% successful prediction than going to heaven.

However, xinhengzhizi doesn't have this problem. In the process of fighting with her opponent, she can "predict" the next move of the enemy in advance by observing the subtle body movements of the enemy. Therefore, she can be invincible and invincible. In the law of the jungle like prison, as a woman, in a male dominated prison, Lay down a force with bare hands.

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