"You too. Much better than I thought."

Jane thinks highly of Xin hengzhizi's skill. This energetic beauty is really strong. At least it's no problem to abuse Ye Feng and dick with one hand. The enemy who doesn't know the details of Xinheng Zhizi is slightly relaxed when he comes up to fight with the vigorous beauty, that is, he is killed by K. O's end. Strong as Jane, a monster at the "not human" level, also suffered a big loss in the initial confrontation. Generally speaking, it is difficult for you to associate this vigorous beauty with a top fighting master.

Xinhengzhizi's evaluation of Jane was very calm on her face, but when xinhengzhizi quickly walked a few steps to Jane and turned her back to Jane, her smile slightly betrayed the real emotion in her heart. She was still a little proud to be praised by Jane.

However, after she thought of the business she wanted to talk to Jane, her raised corners of her mouth came down again. After all, it was too difficult to escape from prison, and she was too eager for freedom.

"Jane, did you and your friends enter the" cage Pavilion "with a purpose?" Shin Heng zhiko turned and looked into Jane's eyes face to face. After the conversation with Jane, Shin Heng zhiko can obviously feel that Jane's mentality is very different from her own.

"Yes, that's true. In fact, we are in a trap." Jane's clear eyes welcome the serious eyes of new hengzhizi.

"In other words, you won't escape from" cage Pavilion "until your goal is achieved?" Xin Hengzhi frowned slightly. This is not easy to do. If the time is delayed too late, the probability of accidents will increase sharply. Xinheng Zhizi has to consider this.

"Well, yes," Jane nodded. Jane knows that if she can't find Chu Qian, with Ye Feng's character, he will definitely not escape from the "cage Pavilion" first. One of the highlights of Ye Feng is that he will never abandon the people he cherishes, which is also what Jane admires most.

In the communication with Xu wenweak, Jane learned that Ye Feng rescued his old comrade's kidnapped daughter from a group of terrorists alone last year. Ye Feng is such a person. He is usually cynical and playful. Once an accident happens to someone important to him, he is more serious than anyone else.

"Well... In order to implement the prison break plan as soon as possible, what can I do for you, Jane, you can tell me."

New hengzhizi thought again and again that if she wanted to pull Jane and Ye Feng into the partnership and quickly solve the purpose of these two people, perhaps it was the top priority. As for the specific escape plan, she and Kane have outlined it for a long time. What is lacking now is someone who can implement it, and Jane can't be more suitable.

It seems that she really wants to escape from prison. She should have made a lot of preparations for the success of the plan.

Jane doesn't really understand Shin Heng's strong desire to escape from prison. After all, she is in a different position from Shin Heng's. Jane just came in and took the initiative to enter the "cage Pavilion" with her companions. Xinhengzhizi is totally different. She was kidnapped into the "cage Pavilion" unprepared. It has been half a year, and the mood gap between them is too big......

"I've been to different planets and met all kinds of people, but I've never met such a thing. You're very special." Shin Heng Zhizi stared at Jane. While talking, she tried to capture every subtle expression change on Jane's face.

The aggressive look in the eyes of new hengzhizi made Jane a little uncomfortable. She didn't come here to help the "best friend" escape. At least before Ye Feng found Chu Qian, she didn't want to be involved in Xinheng Zhizi's plan. It's too troublesome...

"No matter what, it doesn't matter. I and Ye Feng, we won't leave the prison until we achieve our goal. I hope you can understand this." Jane put her hands on her chest with an expressionless face. This subconscious self-protection action is telling Xin hengzhizi that you have offended me.

"So? You're like this? You don't think about how to escape for the time being? Have you ever thought that your goal may not be completed?" Shin Heng Zhizi was a little annoyed at Jane's lack of oil and salt. She can't understand that as a creature, as a human being, as an independent individual, she has a natural desire for freedom. Does the cold faced white beauty in front of her have nothing at all?

Maybe not, or even if there is, Jane is far from keeping up with shin Heng zhiko's desire for freedom...... After all, Jane knows that even if she goes into space without protection, she will be unharmed. This state of mind, which is not worried about its own comfort, can even be said to be plain without a sense of crisis, which is completely incomprehensible to shin Heng zhiko,

"Of course not."

Jane said calmly but firmly that she had never tangled about whether her efforts and those of Ye Feng would be in vain. Jane has complete trust in herself and Ye Feng. One sentence Jane likes is enough to express her state of mind: do your best and know your destiny.

Xinhengzhizi could hear the firmness in Jane's tone. The vigorous beauty was no longer tangled, and her eyes softened. Xinhengzhizi stepped forward, patted Jane on the shoulder and said to the latter, "well, you're powerful... By the way, you and Ye Feng are capable people and should play soon."

"Going on stage?", Jane looked at xinhengzhizi beside her suspiciously.

"It's fighting and providing gambling channels for the guests of" senro ". Of course, I don't think anyone in" senro "can beat you, except for the violent woman, who is really a difficult enemy." Shin Heng Zhizi stretched his waist and said to Jane at the same time.

"Violent woman?"

"Well, this woman's fighting skills are very rough, but with a pair of steel muscles and iron bones, no one can cope with her in" senro ". She is the number one star here." it seems that when recalling the past pictures, Xin hengzhizi shook his head and stopped thinking.

"Do you know her name?", somehow, Jane's intuition began to tremble strongly after hearing the "violent woman" in xinhengzhizi's mouth.

"I confronted her once in the octagonal cage. When you asked, I really couldn't answer. After all, she is the most powerful person. It's said that she is not imprisoned in the" cage Pavilion ". However, she is generally called" saint of steel ". You'll know it's very appropriate when you fight with her." Xin hengzhizi answered Jane's question.

"The saint of steel..."

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