This is an office transformed from a storage room. The space is not large. In particular, there are several shelves that have not been removed in the house. These shelves are now regarded as bookcases. There are all kinds of books, fruits, tools or documents on them. These unrelated things share the same shelf in disorder, but they do not give people the feeling of chaos.

There is a small iron desk on the inside of the room. Terminal screens and various stationery equipment lie disorderly on the narrow desktop. Behind the desk sat a white man in an orange prison uniform who looked about 40. He was sitting in an armchair, cutting fruit and checking the information on the screen. This is a man with dark blond hair and a thick beard. He is tall, strong and very thick. He has a symbolic face of Anglo Saxon race: with a high nose and deep eyes, he looks like a raptor ready to attack.

When he noticed that his guests came in from the pushed door, he put down the half peeled apple, leaned back in his chair, crossed his hands and looked at the "visitors" in front of him.

"You are Ye Feng, nicknamed" death "? Seeing is better than hearing. You really get into trouble. You have triggered a" black alarm "before you entered the" cage Pavilion "for more than 24 hours. What do you say I should do with you?" the white man leaned against the back and sat in his chair watching Ye Feng. From his expression, Ye Feng couldn't see the man's inner thoughts.

This is a man of great depth. This is Kane's first impression of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng experienced too much of this scene. He easily looked at the environment in the house, walked to the shelf and looked at the books on it without showing a trace of tension. Ye Feng buried himself in reading the book called lying: human instinct. Without raising his head, he asked Kane, "who are you?"

Watching Ye Feng walking around his office wantonly, Kane didn't show a dissatisfied look on his face. He once heard Ye Feng's deeds and knew that he was a man who couldn't deal with common sense. As soon as he saw it today, it was true.

Kane said to Ye Feng with great interest, "you can call me Kane." Kane stood up and walked to Ye Feng, "you know, your" big publicity "just now gives me a headache. When Leonard learned about the situation, he was very angry. He asked me to hand over the challenger and let him have a good memory."

In front of Kane, Ye Feng stuffed the book he was very interested in into his shirt and asked, "Leonard?"

In the face of Ye Feng's extraordinary behavior, even for a man like Kane, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. He had to pretend not to see it and said, "master Leonard is the owner of senro. As the" cage "used to detain people in senro, he will also intervene in the situation."

Ye Feng said, "it's the big boss here. Is he a white haired old man?"

"Yes, that's right."

Ye Feng suddenly realized and said, "Oh, it's the old man. His ability is very interesting."

"Er... A little off the subject..." Kane suddenly realized that the initiative of the dialogue had been unconsciously in the hands of Ye Feng, which Kane absolutely didn't want to see. He quickly withdrew the topic back to the commotion caused by Ye Feng and said to Ye Feng without expression: "You know, if I turn you in for such a big crime, you will be put in a single prison. The environment there is not very good. You can only lie flat in a" drawer "for 24 hours. Within a week, you will live in your feces. Of course, if you don't like talking to people, it's a good place."

Ye Feng is silent about Kane's threat. If Kane is telling the truth, Ye Feng can't waste time in this environment. He needs to use his time in prison to collect information about Chu Qian. After all, Ye Feng doesn't come here for vacation. He can't let go of his heart without seeing Chu Qian all day.

Ye Feng is now facing the situation that Chu Qian is still unheard of, and her companion Jane doesn't know where she was taken. Because of her reputation, she has become a "sweet pastry". Everyone in the prison wants to come around and have a bite

Of course, Ye Feng also understood that Kane would never hand him over, otherwise, there would be no such dialogue.

"If you really want to hand me over, I won't stand here." Ye Feng looked at Kane firmly, without the slightest meaning of timid compromise.

"Maybe, you're right."

Kane went to the coffee machine and picked up two cups of coffee. He picked up one and drank it, and put the other in front of Ye Feng.

"No, thanks." Maple Leaf shook his head and reached out to block the coffee handed over by Kane. He didn't reach out to pick it up. He wasn't sure whether the other party's delivery was 100% safe.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't mean to drink coffee, Gayne shrugged and poured down both cups of coffee. Ye Feng met the person who drank coffee as beer for the first time, but it's not sure that there was nothing in the coffee handed over by Kane. After all, he can drink the antidote in advance.

Ye Feng often used similar tricks when interrogating people in his past career. In the past, when I was a mercenary, all the pictures of interrogating prisoners would be saved as video data, and for humanitarian reasons, prisoners could only take vomit voluntarily, which is usually difficult to do.

Therefore, Ye Feng has seen some people who don't abide by the rules and often mix medicine into the water handed to the prisoners, which is almost an unwritten interrogation process for them. Of course, there will always be an incident in the east window, which makes Ye Feng very glad that he didn't participate in it, but it didn't take long. Because of another thing, Ye Feng still rolled up his bags and went away

"You and your friends are new here and don't understand the rules of the game here. Leonard is a man who doesn't like change. He advocates doing everything according to the rules. You can look at the quarterly reports he wrote himself, and they are perfect every time. My responsibility is to ensure that everything here is the same as before." Kane talked to Ye Feng in a leisurely tone.

"In exchange, you get certain benefits." Ye Feng knows too well about people like Kane in the prison. Such people maintain the apparent calm of the prison, take reducing the trouble of the "boss" as a chip, and exchange them to the prison for more benefits than normal prisoners can get.

Ye Feng doesn't have much contact with people like Kane, but he knows their situation very well. In short, Kane is a dog behind other people's ass.

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