In the narrow corridor, two tall guards, one left and one right, sandwiched leaf maple in the middle. The latter was surprised to walk along the corridor with the guard. After all, in Ye Feng's mind, he really couldn't think of anyone to visit him. It was very strange with the permission of "senro".

Along the way, Ye Feng has been trying to communicate with the guards escorting him, hoping to get some useful information, but the two heavily armed men are silent and have no intention of paying attention to Ye Feng. Although they are respectful in words, they almost dragged Ye Feng into a room.

After being pushed into the room rudely, Ye Feng cursed in a helpless low voice. Then he began to look at the small room: silver gray metal wall, a metal table, two fixed chairs. There was nothing else. Of course, a human male sat on a chair and stared at him expressionless.

"Hello, my friend."

"Who are you?" Ye Feng was pushed towards the door, so the moment he entered the door, he didn't find someone waiting for him in the house. When Ye Feng turned to see the human male, Ye Feng was startled, especially after seeing the dead fish eyes of the other party. After the initial instinctive fear, Ye Feng's fear turned into anger. He really wanted to beat up the silent bastard, but Ye Feng held back his impulse. At least Ye Feng would hold back until he knew the man's intention.

The man in front of him was of medium build and thin. The whole face was thin except his nose and chin. His cheeks were deep and close to the protruding cheekbones. He looked a little morbid and similar to the dead. In a word, the first impression this person gave Ye Feng was not good, and Ye Feng concluded that he had no intersection with this person before.

"You don't need to know who I am." this human has the characteristics of Caucasian race, that is, he has a whitish complexion, ruddy cheeks and chestnut hair. He has an expressionless face like a robot, and there are some unspeakable mysteries in this narrow room.

"I have to know what you're looking for me." Ye Feng's back is a little cold. The strange atmosphere in the room makes him a little out of breath. Narrow room, two strange men, this is some gay

The man looked straight into Ye Feng's eyes, stood up and said to the latter, "look at my eyes."

"What, what? Hey, I'm a firm heterosexual. You don't want to bend me!"

Ye Fengxin said it was going to be like that!? You let me see your eyes without saying anything? I'm not Huang Liang. I'm a 100% natural toughman

(Huang Liang: I'm not gay either!

Ye Feng: where's Cao Yan? You two are almost inseparable. It's as good as wearing a pair of trousers. It doesn't matter to admit it. It's a new age and sprinkle water.

Huang Liang: you, you fart!)


Facing Ye Feng who was on full alert, the strange man just bent down expressionless and looked directly into Ye Feng's eyes. To Ye Feng's surprise, a light blue light suddenly flashed in the strange man's right eye!?

At the same time, Ye Feng, who looked at him, flashed a light blue light in his left eye. After this moment, the man seemed to have completed his mission. He sat down directly in the chair, no longer looked at Ye Feng, and no longer spoke. This made Ye Feng who suddenly felt dizzy completely confused. He took great pains to get him over just to look at his eyes? With him? Mom is right. Sure enough, when you go out, you will have a greater chance of meeting perverts

After waiting for more than ten minutes, he saw that the man didn't pay attention to himself. Inexplicably, Ye Feng simply asked the two guards standing outside the door to take him back to "Longge area 1". Especially now the vertigo in his brain is getting stronger and stronger, and Ye Feng can hardly stand.

When he came, he was half carried. When he returned, he was almost dragged. Ye Feng was like a dead dog. He really needed to be dragged back to his cell by the guard.

After being thrown into the bed in the cell, Ye Feng covered his head. Now he was not only seriously dizzy, but his mind seemed to be stuffed with something. Ye Feng lay on his back on the bed, and the light blue light began to twinkle in his left eye.

Suddenly, in front of Ye Feng's eyes, there appeared structural diagrams he had never touched. This strange memory seemed to be deeply engraved in his mind and repeatedly appeared in front of him. After observing the figures again and again, Ye Feng suddenly found that this was the structural diagram of a huge building!? And it seems likely to be the architectural drawing of "senro"!

There is no doubt that the man just now, the purpose of his trip is to convey this message to him. But who is this strange man and the forces behind him? Why would he do that? These questions are echoing in Ye Feng's mind


"Sir, it's done.", the human male who has eyes to eyes with Ye Feng has returned to his apartment for daily reporting.

"Well, it's hard for you to start the self destruction program." eldron lay lazily on his luxurious big bed. He has just finished his in-depth communication with three beautiful women, and now he is still naked. His beautiful body is like a carefully carved body. It is no exaggeration to say that the naked beauty of eldron at the moment can bend a straight man of any race with wisdom and aesthetics in an instant. After all, the well-dressed eldron has broken many straight men

Hearing eldron's instructions, the eyes of human men burst into red light. Almost in an instant, his skin was melted, revealing his real body composed of various machinery and fiber materials. He was a and an adult!

Then, the bionic man's trunk melted slowly until it became a thick liquid, completely ending its mission.

For the humanization of synthetic human, the Earth Federation has issued a clear regulation: prohibit all research on the emotional bionics of bionic human.

Out of the concept of reasonable control over bionic people, the Earth Federation prohibits bionic people from being highly anthropomorphic. After all, bionic man is stronger than human in almost all aspects. It is not impossible for bionic man to destroy human society. With the richer emotion, it also means more irrational. The three principles of controlling robots are easier to be broken by bionic people.

However, the prohibited things are more and more valuable. The price of the highly anthropomorphic upgrade system of bionic human in the black market has always been high. Of course, money means nothing to eldron, so he will let a bionic man who can perform tasks independently destroy himself. If it was someone else, everyone would hurt

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