"Ye Feng? What's the matter with you?", "Ye Feng."

Just thrown into the "cage pavilion area 1", dizzy Ye Feng suddenly saw Chu Qian and Jane, two women coming to him one after another!? When Chu Qian came to him, he couldn't believe it. He came forward and pinched Chu Qian. After being slapped and swollen his left cheek by the latter, Ye Feng was 100% convinced that this was Chu Qian himself

"How did you come here?" in the face of this sudden surprise, Ye Feng, who was originally in a trance, suddenly woke up a lot. He subconsciously took Chu Qian's hand and was very surprised at how the latter came to his prison area.

"I talked to Leonard on the phone and asked him if he could let me change my environment. It was too boring to live alone. Then he agreed without asking." Chu Qian herself was also surprised by this. She thought it would take a lot of talking, but Leonard agreed.

What Ye Feng and others don't know is that Leonard now focuses all his attention on the "Orc" given to him by ELF Prince eldron. This magical creature has one of the most crazy characteristics for Leonard: orcs are not old and never die. In theory, orcs can live forever, unless there is an accident, otherwise, the life of orcs has no end

For Leonard, time is running out.

"It's a little strange... Forget it, it's the most important that you can come. What's crazy about that white haired old hair? It's not up to us. By the way, Jane, do you know where Shin Heng zhiko is now?".

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that he and Chu Qian were standing hand in hand. Not only he, but also Chu Qian naturally let Ye Feng hold her Qianqian thin hand and didn't find anything wrong. Ye Feng coughed to hide his embarrassment. Then he gently released Chu Qian's hand and asked Jane.

"What are you looking for her?" looking at Ye Feng and Chu Qian standing together like a landscape painting, Jane felt a trace of envy and a little desolate... She put aside the complex emotions in her heart. Jane looked directly into Ye Feng's eyes and asked him.

Ye Feng nodded: "I need something. She should have it."

"Well, come with me." Jan turned and walked to the cell where Shin Heng Ji Ko lived.

"You haven't answered my question? Where were you taken just now?" Chu Qian asked curiously as he walked side by side with Ye Feng.

"Don't worry, you'll know in a minute, wife."

"It's an ex-wife."


"-- well, as I thought, you can't get a pen that can write. Do they allow you to use cosmetics in prison?" Ye Feng looked a little weak and came to xinhengzhizi's single cell on the first floor to negotiate with the vigorous beauty practicing boxing.

"It's illegal here. But if you know the method, such as me, then... You know." for Ye Feng's sudden visit, Shin Heng zhiko looked at him with a smile of interest. She had a good impression of this handsome man with black hair. She felt that he was a very interesting man, although he didn't have much skill.

"Two days of ration for a lipstick."

"Do you want to date tonight?" Xin hengzhizi was surprised at the deal proposed by Ye Feng. He's an old man. What do you want lipstick for in prison?

"Just give me a lipstick, and the rest has nothing to do with you." when xinhengzhizi saw that the anxious look on Ye Feng's face was not a joke, she simply didn't investigate. She walked two steps to the bedside cabinet and took out a lipstick. Ye Feng quickly handed the ration card to xinhengzhizi in exchange for the lipstick in xinhengzhizi's hand.

After completing the transaction, Ye Feng did not stop. Accompanied by Chu Qian and Jane, he hobbled back to his cell on the second floor. Although Ye Feng has relieved a lot due to Chu Qian's surprise, the dizziness reaction of his head is still very strong. He is forced to complete all the next things: draw the plane structure diagram that has been flashing in his mind with lipstick under his mattress.

When the whole structure drawing was gradually completed by Ye Feng, Chu Qian and Jane who watched silently opened their eyes. The two beauties were deeply shocked by the graphics drawn by Ye Feng.

"It's the layout of the whole senro, including all the structures in the cage Pavilion." Ye Feng explained while drinking water, looking at Chu Qian and Jane who were shocked. Ye Feng feels much better now. The dizziness and headache just now really made him drink a pot.

"We have finally made progress." although we can't see anything from Jane's expression, Ye Feng and Ye Feng both heard a trace of excitement from her words.

Ye Feng echoed, "yes."

"Someone is coming." relying on Chu Qian at the entrance of the cell, she always pays attention to the sound around her and notices someone coming to Ye Feng's room. Chu Qian quickly gives a voice to remind her. Ye Feng quickly spread the raised mattress and lay directly on his back on the bed.

"Kane wants to see you."

The visitor is an acquaintance of Ye Feng: on the first day when Ye Feng entered "Longge area 1", he took Ye Feng to meet the white bald head in Kane's trio in the dining area. Hearing Kane's invitation, Ye Feng and Jane looked at each other and finally decided to see what Kane's purpose was and why he wanted to have a relationship with them again and again.

Led by the bald white man, Ye Feng and others came to Kane's office. This is Ye Feng's second visit. He has to admit that this small storage room gave him a bad first impression. As when Ye Feng came last time, Kane, sitting behind his desk, was still eating food: a plate of purple noodles and a small bowl of washed goli fruit.

"I hope you don't mind, but I think you should want to thank me because I didn't tell others your little secret." seeing Ye Feng and others enter the office, Kane put down the food on the table and looked up to Jane.

Jane said coldly to Kane, "then I really have to thank you."

In the face of Jane's undisguised hostility, Kane shrugged casually: "it's my pleasure."

"Is that goli fruit?" Ye Feng asked, looking at the Rainbow Fruit on the table. Ye Feng hasn't eaten it yet. I've only seen relevant information.

"If you want to eat, please help yourself." Kane pushed the bowl containing Geli fruit to the direction of Ye Feng. The latter impolitely picked up the bowl and began to put Geli fruit into her mouth one by one, with a happy smile on her face, which raised Jane's contempt for Ye Feng to a higher level again.

Chu Qian grabbed Ye Feng's clothes and said softly, "Ye Feng, be serious, we're negotiating..." I haven't seen Ye Feng for many years. Ye Feng is still the same as before. It's not reliable at all

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