"Relax, don't be so formal. I'm covering you three now," Kane said to Jane and others in a tone of gang boss.

"That's really convenient, because during this time, you are the main object we need to guard against." a sneer appeared on Jane's beautiful face, which was really powerful in the eyes of onlookers.

"How did you get these goligos? I'm serious. Forget it... I don't want to know." Ye Feng cut in untimely.

For the first time, Ye Feng felt that he had the feeling of first love again. The delicacy of this thing exceeded his imagination in the past. Soon, a small bowl full of Goliath fruit had been eaten to the bottom of the bowl. But when I think of how to get goligo in, Ye Feng, who once saw the smuggling process in prison, suddenly has a bad appetite

"I've changed my mind. I'm ready to provide you with convenience." Kane ignored Ye Feng and looked directly at Jane. Kane knew that this beautiful woman was the backbone of these people.

"Are you going to help us escape?" Jane now almost knows what Kane's idea is. Not surprisingly, Kane made his offer in the next sentence.

"I want to help" us "escape from prison. You provide a plan, I provide convenience. A fair deal." Kane gestured with his hands and drew himself in a circle with Jane and others.

Ye Feng put the last few gories in the bowl into his mouth, turned to Kane and asked, "what can we get?"

Kane looked at Ye Feng and said to him, "my blessing... And some indispensable external help."

Jane said straight to Kane, "you have more to offer."

Kane looked at Jane. "What else do you need?"

Jane went to her desk and looked directly at Kane: "there was a riot. When the time came, I needed your men to incite the riot in order to start the riot response plan."

"Why? When the sonic weapon is turned on, all of us will be knocked down. Shouldn't we avoid riots?" Kane was very surprised at Jane's request. Did the woman commit suicide?

Ye Feng, who stood aside, interrupted, "maybe not everyone." after listening to Ye Feng's words, Kane turned his questioning eyes to him, and Jane also turned her dissatisfied eyes to Ye Feng. When everyone fell silent, an uninvited guest came to visit.

"Sorry, you can't come in." the white bald man standing at the door stopped xinhengzhizi trying to enter the room. Kane waved and motioned the white bald man to put xinhengzhizi in.

"New hengzhizi, what do you want to do?" Kane asked aloud, looking at the vigorous beauty walking around the room.

"Kane, you're so righteous. Bypass me and Jane. Do you want to exclude me? I know what you're talking about."

Xinhengzhizi didn't go to see Kane, but looked at the items on the container with great interest. But from her trembling clenched fists, Ye Feng knew that xinhengzhizi was in extreme anger at this time.

Jane said to Kane, "new hengzhizi must join. She can help us escape."

In the face of Jane's insistence, Kane didn't make a sound and acquiesced in xinhengzhizi's joining. Although Kane has been engaged in various transactions with new hengzhizi before, he was not ready to inform new hengzhizi before new hengzhizi broke in. In Kane's opinion, the less people know about prison break, the greater the probability of success of the plan.

The new hengzhizi said expressionless, "it's just that there's a problem to face now. Before further notice, the regular supply of transport ships will arrive in advance, the day after tomorrow."

The information provided by Xinheng Zhizi surprised the people in the house. Ye Feng threw his bowl on the ground. After all, this information means that if they don't act immediately, all they are doing is in vain. Wait for more than a month? Are you kidding, Ye Feng? They can't afford to wait

The reason for the early arrival of the transport ship is actually very simple. Leonard dispatched a group of scientists to "senro" to help him develop the unique genes of orcs. Now he has forgotten the business of "senro" and his hatred for the "25" digital man, and invested all his energy and financial resources in research.

"There's no time... In that case, the day after tomorrow, the action will be carried out." Jane said in an indisputable tone. She looked around the house, and no one objected.


In the tense and urgent atmosphere, time passed quietly. The day when the transport ship landed, it finally came in the uneasy expectation of Ye Feng and others., Even Jane, there is a little tension on her beautiful face, which is a big bet for everyone

Even today when the plan is implemented, Jane still has doubts about whether she can be immune to the acoustic system. Unlike Ye Feng, who has personally experienced the acoustic system, Jane can only infer from the fact that she survived intact from space without defense. As for the actual situation, she can only see it at that time.

"Hey, sister, the head is in place."

Kane, who had been standing at the door, said to the others in the room that Ye Feng, Shin Heng Zhizi and Chu Qian all leaned out of Ye Feng's single cell and looked down. It's Jane. She's standing next to a guard on the first floor of "Longge District 1". Jane looked up at Ye Feng and others on the second floor, her eyes full of sharp determination.

Ye Feng whispered, "the good play is about to begin." Ye Feng deliberately lowered his voice with some excited tremors. He has been waiting for the day of freedom for too long. He hasn't tasted the taste of pancake fruit for more than 20 days. Ye Feng is going crazy

Kane heard the speech and didn't pick a quarrel. Instead, he looked at two of his men on the opposite side of the second floor. Kane nodded at them. Seeing Kane's signal, his two men understood it and began to act according to the scheduled plan.

The two strong men walked slowly to a nearby guard and suddenly got into trouble. They couldn't help beating the unlucky man several punches. After beating the guard a little confused, the two Kane's men directly lifted the guard and threw him down from the second floor. The latter fell on the floor a few meters in front of Jane.

Jane saw that Kane's men had begun to create chaos in the prison, made a quick decision and stormed against the guard next to her. This guard happened to be the middle-aged greasy man who stunned Jane when she entered the "cage Pavilion" on the first day. Under the new hatred and old hatred, Jane started very hard.

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