"What's going on!"

Although this closed top laboratory was not affected by Jane's acoustic defense system, Leonard, sitting in the laboratory looking forward to the research results, heard a faint alarm outside the laboratory. Only then did he find that his men in the communication channel had no reply at this time.

Leonard immediately realized that something had happened in "senro". The excitement he was full of expectation was immediately replaced by angry fire. He immediately took out the mobile phone in his coat pocket and retrieved the monitoring pictures of all areas in "senro" through the prosecution app.

When he saw what was displayed on the screen, whether prisoners or staff, all fell to the ground in pain and unconscious, Leonard immediately realized that this was not a simple situation. Something big had happened! He sent out a loud alarm through the communicator: "this is leonard. Cut off all power except the standby power supply immediately. Those who hear the instructions will act immediately!"

With Leonard's order, a dozen lucky staff who avoided the acoustic attack immediately ran to the main power supply room. Four minutes after Leonard's order, the power of the whole "senro" was cut off. In addition to the necessary power operation, other areas became dark and abnormal.

A few seconds later, the activation of the standby power supply reappeared the dim light in most areas of senro, which was the flashing light of the red alarm.

As the power was cut off, the acoustic defense system stopped. The prisoners and guards who fell to the ground in senro began to get up slowly, and then it became a scuffle. But these people who can stand up again are only a few in the comatose crowd. More people have been shocked to bleed their ears in the highest power acoustic attack triggered by Jane, and they can't recover their consciousness in a short time.

In short, those who can stand up are cruel characters.

The place where Ye Feng fainted was close to Kane. The two stood back-to-back, facing the attacks of more than a dozen prisoners around, and took them with them to beat the staggering guards. The whole "Longge area 1" became a sea of violence again.

Looking at the picture of prisoner riots in "senro" in the laboratory, Leonard stood up and walked around angrily, shouting instructions to the prison staff: "All the idle people, the rest, the technical support staff, and the kitchen staff, stop the riot, everyone! And call those sleeping guys up."

After ordering all the personnel to stop the riot of "senro", Leonard took another look at the monitoring picture of chaotic group fighting in the mobile phone screen. His voice was much lower than before, and issued a third order: "send a team of armed guards to the laboratory and stick to the door."

After giving the emergency instructions that he could think of, Leonard ignored the chaos in senro. He looked at the more than a dozen scientists busy in the laboratory. At this time, the most important thing for Leonard was not senro The collapse of his criminal empire is not the collapse of his criminal empire, nor even the blood feud of his parents killed. The most important thing is whether this group of scientists can give him a satisfactory answer: can he break away from the shackles of his body and flourish to the paradise of eternal life


Chu Qian was lucky to meet Ye Feng, who was separated from Kane, in the process of running away. The two of them held hands and ran desperately to the evacuation place mentioned by Xinheng Zhizi: parking platform.

Since everyone involved in the prison escape plan carefully checked the structure diagram of "senro" obtained by Ye Feng, everyone will move towards the parking platform in the prison according to the original plan after the formal implementation of the plan, which is also the reason why Chu Qian and Saka Ye Feng can meet in the corridor of "senro".

When Ye Feng was running alone before, he happened to pass by a room and saw an extremely cool energy rifle. Based on the principle of not missing, Ye Feng happily picked up the big gun and kissed it. With it as a guarantee, Ye Feng thought that he could run freely in the "Senluo" with this big gun, which could reduce a lot of trouble.

However, the attitude of the goddess of luck towards Ye Feng is always ambiguous. Because she met several groups of armed guards on the road, the rifle, which originally had little energy, has become a decoration with almost exhausted energy after several battles.

Ye Feng, who loves guns as much as life, insists on carrying this big guy. Even if the big gun can only be fired again at best, he can't catch up with the Magic Knight gun in Chu Qian's hand.

As for how Chu Qian got away, it was also very simple. At that time, several guards dragging her were stunned again by Jane's acoustic weapons. Chu Qian woke up earlier than others by leaning on her extraordinary body, so she simply got away and left until she met Ye Feng.

Jane's luck is not as good as Ye Feng and Chu Qian. There are a group of brainwashed top mercenaries in the son "senro". Usually they fall into a dormant state, and the dormant warehouse is hidden in "senro" At the bottom of the, as a precaution to deal with an emergency. At this time, Jane happened to meet three mercenaries who had just recovered their consciousness from dormancy. One woman and two men, led by a short haired woman, were blocking Jane's corridor.

"You, stop running away and get back to your cell."

Facing the contempt in the eyes of the short haired woman, Jane stared at her coldly and then stepped forward. Jane has not been involved in the carnival, which makes Jane feel a little regretful. This is good. The depression squeezed in her prison life for more than 20 days can finally be released through killing. This is not an octagonal cage. Jane doesn't need to be merciful

Watching Jane coming towards them, two guards under the short haired woman pulled out the sharp blade around her waist and galloped towards Jane. In the face of the attack of two enemies, Jane dodged the scabbard of the enemy and blocked the chop of an enemy. After crossing the enemy, Jane hit him on the back of the head with her elbow, and the latter fell to the ground.

At the same time, in the face of the second enemy's slash, Jane bent down and picked up the samurai sword falling on the ground. Then she directly set up the samurai sword in her hand to block the enemy's chop. Then Jane crossed the knife with one hand and crossed the enemy's chest.

After solving the enemy in front of her, Jane kept moving. She turned around and inserted the sharp blade in her hand into the enemy attacking behind her. Between the lightning and flint, Jane had killed the two enemies neatly.

Jane's domineering woman with short hair hooked her fingers. Then she set up her knife and stared at the latter with placid eyes. The short haired woman pulled out the samurai sword and looked at the confidence in Jane's eyes. Without hesitation, she raised the knife and rushed towards Jane.

Just as Jane was about to blow out the last sandbag, a beam of energy surged out from behind her and directly hit the short haired woman running. Her great power directly killed her on the wall of the corridor. Her life and death were unknown.


Jane turns speechless and stares at Ye Feng holding an energy weapon.

"Sorry, but we're a little in a hurry." Ye Feng didn't look sorry on his face.

"Where's the new hengzhizi?"

Jane turned and ran back

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