Xinhengzhizi and Kane pushed out a long metal table together. They finally pushed it to the exit of the first district of the prison with great effort. In the face of the attack of the rioting prisoners around, Shin Heng Zhizi and Kane are also barely resisting.


The door of the first floor exit of "Longge area 1" was suddenly opened from the outside. It was Jane. She shouted to new hengzhizi to escape by chance. After hearing the sound, Shin Heng Zhizi and Kane ran out of the alloy gate that was gradually closing. After xinhengzhizi rushed out, Kane, who was hiding on the side, rolled forward and rushed while there was still a gap in the gate. With his vigorous skills, jinmaoer just drilled out one second before the gate was closed. The other riot prisoners behind him were not so lucky. The closed alloy gate was closed in the first district of the prison and could only beat the iron gate hard, Yelling

Jane led Kane and new hengzhizi, all the way, according to the prison structure diagram under Ye Feng's bed board, she let go of her hands and feet, which can be said to be crazy and rushed to the parking platform. All the way, a common saying can describe the running speed of Kane and new hengzhizi: rabbits are his grandchildren

“What the hell!”

Jane and her party ran to the parking counter. At the boarding gate of the spaceship, they saw a strong woman waiting for someone around the corner, holding a weapon in both hands. It was Mary Ye Feng met in the infirmary. Seeing the stranger with a gun blocked at the boarding gate, Kane was a little confused by the current situation and thought that their escape plan had been exposed. After all, Mary was wearing a "senro" uniform.

"Why are you so slow." Mary pointed her gun at Kane and shin Heng Ji Ko. She was not sure whether they were together.

"She's on our side," Ye Feng said to Kane and new hengzhizi. Mary also put down her guns, indicating that she meant no other harm, at least for some people.

Kane asked nervously, "what does that mean?"

Ye Feng said involuntarily, "I met on the way. I have said that she is on our side."

"Get on the spaceship quickly and take action." Jane cut open the iron gate of the boarding gate with the pass card she grabbed on the road and said to Ye Feng and others.

After seeing the iron gate of the boarding gate open, Kane and xinhengzhizi entered the boarding gate without hesitation. When Ye Feng and Chu Qian were ready to board, the accident happened again!

Kane and shin Heng Zhizi, who had previously entered the boarding gate, suddenly appeared behind Ye Feng and others, and were falling on the floor of the corridor groaning in pain!?

"Damn it, he's coming!"

Mary exclaimed, but her body had not had time to make any response. She also suddenly disappeared in the vision of Ye Feng and Jane. Then she strangely appeared next to Xin hengzhizi, lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

"You've caused me a lot of trouble."

Leonard's body kept flashing in front of Ye Feng, Jane and Chu Qian. Looking at Leonard's high-end custom suit splashed with blood, Ye Feng suddenly noticed the strangeness of Leonard.

It's only less than a month since they met last time. Why did Leonard change so obviously? It's not scientific

Leonard's unusual appearance made Ye Feng's mind start to run at a high speed. Combined with his previous conjectures about Leonard in several nights, Ye Feng can almost be sure! He already knew Leonard's secret.

"Old man, why are you in the mood to chat with us? Can't you have a random" dead time "? It doesn't matter. Speak out boldly. One third of men have all kinds of problems, but most of them are just psychological." when Ye Feng runs on Leonard, he only holds Chu Qian's hand and is quietly on Chu Qian's hand, He gestured at the message he wanted to convey to her.

"Ye Feng, don't provoke him..." Jane stared at Leonard who was still flashing. This was the first time that Jane felt powerless when facing the enemy.

"Your girlfriend is right. You should listen to her advice. Chu Qian, I thought we would become a tacit partner. Even if you have a number mark on your body, you are not the evil" 25 ". I didn't want to kill you. But don't worry, Chu Qian, I'll let you adapt to it before you fall into hell, Hei hei..."

Leonard laughed wildly. His eternal dream is a water purification Pavilion, which is impractical. The blood stains splashed on Leonard's clothes came from a group of top geneticists in the world. Their final answer did not satisfy Leonard

Ye Feng suddenly interrupted, "25? What are you looking for 25 for?"

"Ye Feng!" Chu Qian jerked Ye Feng's arm. She knew clearly that Ye Feng had a mark with the number "25" on her body!

Ye Feng ignored Chu Qian's resistance, but used his fingers to convey instructions to Chu Qian. Ye Feng knows that if he wants to kill Leonard, the conventional way doesn't work at all. He can only take risks! (if compared with ordinary people, Ye Feng is at least the existence of the "captain of the United States", er, the level of "eagle eye" who can't shoot arrows, more accurately... But Leonard won't give others a chance to attack him.)

"Oh? Do you know who has the number" 25 "on his body?" hearing Ye Feng's words, Leonard stared round and dodged. He came directly to Ye Feng.

"Of course, there is a" 25 "mark on my body. Bite me. Do it, Chu Qian!" Ye Feng shouted. Chu Qian beside him suddenly offered a "magic weapon" and directly turned into a sharp blade to chop!


The picture is fixed in Chu Qian's hand. With the sharp blade in her hand, Sheng Sheng cuts off the right arm raised by Ye Feng. Half of the cut Arm Floats in the air. The little blood beads sprayed at the incision hover in front of Ye Feng like crimson gemstones. Ye Feng still keeps a roaring expression. After watching for a long time, there will be a trace of funny.

"You guy really can't infer with common sense. Why did you let others cut off your arm? Are you showing that you have no fear? No, you should be afraid of me and of an avenger left behind by you."

Leonard walked slowly to Ye Feng. When he came to the little blood stain in front of Ye Feng, Leonard with white hair and abnormal aging stretched out his fingers, stained with a blood bead, and licked Ye Feng's blood contentedly.

"Strictly speaking, I'm not stopping time. Your world and my world flow in different dimensions. No matter how you resist, your actions are always thousands of miles away from me. You can't appreciate the beauty of blood floating in the air."

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