Leonard threw half of maple leaf's arm hanging in the air on the ground like garbage, walked up to maple leaf and shouted wildly:

"You may have forgotten, but Ye Feng, the witness, I can't forget in my life. It was you who brutally killed my parents and you who destroyed my adventure to travel to Africa with my parents and my life. This" senro " It exists for you. Although I don't know how long it will take to find you, the burning flame of revenge in my heart has never been extinguished! Ye Feng, this is called stepping on iron shoes and nowhere to find. You are the digital killer who killed my parents in those years! "

"Sorry, although I have a bad memory, I really didn't go to Africa to kill people in my memory at that time, man, it's too hot for me." in Leonard's shocked gaze, Ye Feng, who should have been like others, suddenly spoke!?

After smiling at the stunned Leonard, Ye Feng suddenly raised his legs, poured all his strength into Leonard's abdomen, and kicked the latter out directly.

"I know. You're going to say," it's impossible!? "it's okay. I said it for you."

Looking at Leonard who fell to the ground and looked at himself with frightened eyes, Ye Feng smiled cruelly and walked step by step towards Leonard who was crawling on the ground. The latter was in panic and couldn't understand the situation at present.

How is that possible? How could he be unrestricted? damn! It's the broken arm! That's one with him!? Leonard suddenly realized that he was the one who untied Ye Feng. He suddenly looked at half of Ye Feng's right arm that he threw on the ground. The scene that made Leonard chew his teeth is happening: the broken arm of the fallen leaf maple is holding up his middle finger to Leonard and beating happily......

"Old man, you shouldn't owe me. Didn't your parents teach you? Oh, sorry, it's my fault. You don't have parents at all. Next time, stay careful. Don't touch the arms of people with ability, even if they have been cut in two. I'm not ordinary. Even if you cut me into pieces, I can still recover well, and every piece of my body can heal itself Li, are still alive. Damn it, how do I look? On the contrary, I'm more like a chattering villain... "Ye Feng shook his head angrily and continued to want to walk to Leonard who collapsed on the ground.

Although Leonard tried his best to crawl and try to distance himself from maple leaf, with the passage of time, Leonard increasingly felt that his body was changing, and his skin began to swell and fester, which made Leonard even more panic.

Staring in horror at the ulcers on his skin, Leonard screamed, "Damn it! What did you do to me?"

"Don't be like a little girl, Leonard. I have to admit that you successfully bluffed me at the first time we met. I really thought you could control time. But I always doubt it, man. The power of time is too vast. I don't think humans can control time in my heart. This goodbye, your aging face confirmed me Leonard, your ability is not to control time at all. You are a big liar and deceived everyone. You are a speedster! Because your time flow rate is different from ours, you will grow old in less than a month. If I guess correctly, your real age is much younger than your appearance, otherwise how can I May have killed your parents? "


"I mixed poison in my blood. Your ability can travel through the world tens of thousands of times faster than ordinary people. Then the poison adhered to you should also erode your body tens of thousands of times faster than us. Man, the super metabolism that supports your misdeeds has now become my weapon."

"Damn! Ah!" Leonard, who was festering all over, couldn't help crying. He couldn't get back to the normal world.

"Ye Feng! What's wrong with your arm?" the freeze frame world returned to normal. Jane suddenly noticed that Ye Feng's right arm was missing, and she hurried to Ye Feng.

"It's all right, Chu Qian. Go quickly. Xinhengzhizi woke them up, and we quickly boarded the ship and left here." Ye Feng walked towards the transport ship with the help of Jane.

"What's the matter with him?" when passing Leonard who fell to the ground, Jane noticed that this guy with ulceration was the white haired old man who had caught her and Ye Feng into "senro" before.

"Don't worry about him. Leonard, I didn't kill your parents. I'm not a good man, but I'm not a beast who will kill his parents in front of his children. Leave him here to live and die. Let's go."

In Leonard's painful wail, Ye Feng and others helped each other, boarded the transport ship, left "senro", and left this evil place......


Lying alone on the floor, Leonard could clearly feel the passage of vitality in his body. Just when he was about to despair, footsteps came from the corridor.

Leonard tried his best to raise his head slightly and looked forward. To his surprise, the visitor was his only friend - 22, a young man dressed as a college student. A little girl dressed in a Gothic long skirt and holding a pure black umbrella stood beside 22.

"Twenty two, help me, help me." Leonard rushed to the position where twenty-two was, stretched out his arm hard, and tried to get the latter to help him.

"You look miserable now, Leonard. You should know that losers are of no value to me." 22 stood in a position that Leonard couldn't touch. He squatted down and looked at Leonard with disgust.

"I thought we were friends -"

"Leonard, you disgust me, friend? You're just a dog I keep. If you didn't find out that you have unique ability, you would have gone to heaven with your parents at that time, but you still disappointed me. Leonard, I'll take you to reunite with your father." 22 stretched out his hands and put them on Leonard's head.

"Yes, you killed my parents!? you modified my memory!?" Leonard's world collapsed. He couldn't believe everything in his mouth. If what he said was true, Leonard had nothing in his life except absurd pallor.

"Congratulations, you know the truth." twenty two evil spirits smiled and erased all the memories in Leonard's mind.

"He's yours. Hey, don't worry. You can enjoy him after I leave. I don't want to see what you're going to do next. I have to catch a meal. Damn it, I should kill him after reading his memory. Forget it, it doesn't matter..."

After the figure of 22 left, the little girl held up the black umbrella in her hand, walked to Leonard with dull eyes, covered herself and Leonard with a pure black umbrella, and began to eat......

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