After escaping from senro by transport ship, Ye Feng and his party directly returned to Buyo city from this unknown island. After contacting Xu wenweak, Ye Feng entrusted Xu wenweak to inform the "Atlanta Bureau of investigation" of Buyo about the situation of "senro".

As for what happened after that, Ye Feng didn't ask, because ye Feng knew that those who remained in "senro" would end up in another official prison from a private prison in "senro".

After the spacecraft landed on an unmanned beach in Buyo City, xinhengzhizi and Kane simply separated from Ye Feng and others. It was Bloody Mary who expressed her wish to be with Ye Feng and others, but she was politely rejected by Ye Feng. They exchanged contact information with each other. Ye Feng was relieved until Dr. Mary left

After that, Ye Feng, Jane and Chu Qian handled the traces they left, and they came to the "Hall bar" in Lincoln Park in Buyo city. When Chu Qian ran to Morgan, a strong black man, crying, Ye Feng stood beside Jane happily, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Even though Morgan's eyes are still hidden under the pair of black sunglasses, the tears sliding from the black man's cheeks still make Ye Feng feel the strong fetters between Chu Qian and Morgan.

Originally, Ye Feng planned to leave Chu Qian with Morgan. He came quietly with Jane and left quietly. But when Ye Feng is ready to say goodbye to Morgan and Chu Qian, Chu Qian is determined to go with Ye Feng. When Ye Feng reluctantly asked Chu Qian what to do with the hunting corps, Chu Qian's words made Ye Feng very ashamed: "Ye Feng ~ don't tell them about me, okay? Otherwise, you'll be called back to the war and be bored to death. Please, ex husband ~"

Unable to stand Chu Qian's hard work, Ye Feng and Jane finally agreed to Chu Qian's request. They spent a pleasant week in Buyo and Morgan, every day in food, beauty and laughter.

When she finally left Buyo, like a little girl, Chu Qian cried and asked Morgan to promise that she would call her every three days. After receiving the poisonous oath issued by the strong black man, Chu Qian broke into tears and made a reservation for the next meeting. Chu Qian, Ye Feng and Jane reluctantly left the coastal town, After boarding the plane to the next stop - xinduhui, Ye Feng decided to meet his old friend.


"It's a little hot. The last time I came, it was still bleak in autumn."

Leading Jane and Chu Qian out of the new metropolis airport, Ye Feng took off his prepared jacket and put it back in the suitcase he pulled.

"You can't guess that I dared to drop a badguy in the men's toilet of the airport. I tell you, I --"

"Hey, you can still say that. I thought your mouth was torn now."

A familiar voice interrupted Ye Feng's beaming talk show. Ye Feng raised his head and looked at the direction of the voice. Sure enough, next to the warehouse caravan in the driveway, there was an old man with a poker face, Huang Liang. Of course, there is also Huang Liang's little attendant, Cao Yan. The young man is sitting in the cockpit, waving hello from Ye Feng and others.

"You're not dead yet, Xiao Huang -"

"Don't call me that!" Huang Liang took the suitcase Ye Feng was dragging and protested against Ye Feng's "nickname" to him.

"Xiao Cao, you're still a virgin? You really lose our hero's face..." Ye Feng and Jane have Chu Qian sitting in the back of the car. After Huang Liang closes the trunk and sits in the co pilot's seat, Cao Yan drives the people in the car.

"Brother Feng! Don't talk about me. If sister Audrey sees the two beautiful ladies you brought, you'll be beaten." Cao yanwilted and threw the topic to Ye Feng.

"Brother Feng, I'm a free man! Why should Audrey beat me? Let me introduce you and Huang Liang. This beautiful sister with short hair is Jane, my friend and partner. This beautiful woman with long hair and shawl, named Chu Qian, is my ex-wife, Cao Yan. You'd better call her sister-in-law - Hey, Chu Qian, why are you pinching me? Ah? Well, Cao Yan, call her ex-sister-in-law."

"Sister Jane, how's the former sister-in-law." Cao Yan called the former sister-in-law respectfully through the rearview mirror, which made Chu Qian promise or not, so he had to nod with a red face. Jane just said "Hmm" with a light wind. She is concentrating on searching the Internet with her mobile phone. What delicious snacks are there in the new metropolis

"Hello, I'm Huang Liang." Huang Liang introduced himself coolly with a poker face.

"Chu Qian, Jane, don't worry about it. This guy has this character. He looks serious on the surface. In fact, he is full of men, thieves and prostitutes - er, he is rich in learning, cold outside and hot inside. Huangliang is my good brother! Can you put the gun back on the butt?"

Under Ye Feng's gaze, Huang Liang snorted coldly, and then inserted the M1911 pistol back into the butt pinned at his waist.

"Where are we going? First solve the problem of eating. You know, the plane meal is really not my taste." Ye Feng asked Huangliang about the next arrangement curiously.

"Dinner is indispensable, but it's still early. Of course, if you're not in a hurry to meet your female friends -"

"Worry, why not worry! Xiao Cao, drive faster!"

Huang Liang, who was interrupted by Ye Feng, had an expression of "I knew so", and Cao Yan couldn't help laughing. Chu Qian, who knows Ye Feng very well, just frowned with a headache and didn't say anything to hurt Ye Feng's enthusiasm. As for Jane, at this time, she has been completely immersed in all kinds of food recommendations about the special food of the new metropolis on the Internet


"Here, isn't this the" pain "counseling room?"

When Cao Yan drove to the lane that Ye Feng was very familiar with, he looked at the plaque of the "pain" psychological counseling room on the small shop, and Ye Feng shouted in surprise. The first stop to return to the new metropolis is to return to this place, which is absolutely suitable for Ye Feng.

"Audrey, Gemma, Kate, Haley, are they in there?" Ye Feng turned out of the van and asked Huang Liang excitedly.

"You won't go in and see?" Huang Liang glanced at Ye Feng.


Chu Qian looked at Ye Feng, who was eager to try. Finally, she didn't hold the lady image she tried to maintain all the way. She called out her "magic weapon". Then Chu Qian held the "magic weapon" that turned into a baseball bat. A stick was pulled on Ye Feng's back and directly hit Ye Feng out!

"Ye Feng! How many female friends have you made?"

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