"Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo! Hey! The dream just now is definitely the craziest dream I've ever had."

Dizzy, I gradually opened my eyes. As an immortal whose memory was erased more than ten hours ago, it is normal for me to feel a little dizzy after my consciousness recovers

"Welcome back to the real world, death. You've passed out for a while."

Huang Liang, who was driving a van, watched the co pilot's God of death wake up and knew that the immortal had climbed back from hell.

Self healing genes are so convenient

"Let me have a dream: I was shot in the course of performing my official duties before. When I woke up from the hospital, I found that the whole hospital was empty. I realized that it was bad. I ran home to look for my wife and children, but they and my neighbors disappeared. Then I was attacked by zombie. It was the neighbor's father and son who saved me I, then -- wait! That's not a dream, that's the beginning of the first season of the walking dead. It's like a dream... "

"This is the last thing in your memory?" asked Huang Liang, who had been concentrating on driving.

"No, the last thing I remember is having lunch at my friend Hank's luxury manor... It was definitely a party! I didn't expect you to go anywhere, Huang Liang..."

There was nothing to say all the way. I kept talking about my crazy dream. I had to make up for what I missed in the past time. During this period, Huang Liang drove a van to his destination. It was already midnight.

"Hey, I said, put down the light shield. Is this your combat van? I've never seen an armed van!" I shouted to Huang Liang as he stopped his bread, opened the door and got off.

"This is my armed bread."

"If you don't mind, there's another problem, man. I just notice that I'm imprisoned now. What's this to guard against?" I motioned to Huang Liang with my eyes, the circles of tightly bound iron wire on my body.

"When we came here, we had to go through some difficult roads. I don't want you to fall off your seat and get hurt when you doze off." Huang Liang said faintly while observing the blockade area of the military base at the foot of the slope with a telescope.

"That makes sense. Anyway, where did you take me?"

"People in the dark world call it the" terminal " , we are now in Atlanta and Mexico. It is full of contraband and professional criminals, and it is also a transit station for fugitives. Whoever killed your friend Hank's wife and children, I tracked him here. This is also where hank, whom I tracked, used to contact frequently. One of my informants, according to me The information provided to him that I stole from Hank's computer told me about the intelligence here. "

"You know a lot of powerful characters. First of all, I have a mysterious informant. Man, do you want to join the anti hero family?"


In the face of my wise words, stupid Huangliang can only respond with helpless silence

Huang Liang: you'd better avoid subjective imagination when you narrate.

Ye Feng: OK, your request is not too much. Can you move the muzzle of the gun on my forehead

"They... They're in trouble?"

Sitting in the van, I looked at the sorghum that was preparing. I just reacted and wanted to know exactly what the sorghum came here for: hunting.

"You can say so. I'll investigate the terrain first. Just stay honest. If I need you, I'll send you a signal." Huang Liang, who was busy tidying up his equipment, said to me without raising his head. To tell you the truth, Huang Liang's attitude made me want to bite him.

"Good idea... Because you know what I'll do to the people who hurt Mariana and little Avril, right? I'll kill them without hesitation..."

"Man, you don't have to gnash your teeth. You're a little too emotional."

"Really? Let me pay attention. After all, I'm a deep man."

"Deep? This is the funniest joke I've ever heard... You can prepare your equipment first." Huang Liang took out an M4A1 carbine from the trunk.

"Are you leaving now?"

"Time is precious."

With a gun and a bag on his back, Huang Liang walked directly to the base established in the no man's land of Huangsha plain at the foot of the slope, without any intention of taking me with him.

"Wait... Won't you take me with you?" I asked with wide eyes.

"No," said Huang Liang without looking back


"I'm afraid you'll steal my limelight."

"Shit! Your logic is perfect!"


Afterwards, I pieced together all the fragments of the whole event. When Huangliang and I arrived at the "terminal", someone came one step ahead of us.

In an empty warehouse, the arrival of cars broke the tranquility here. From this business SUV, a woman got out of the car. She was Mariana who should have been killed!!!

"Can I wait for you here?" the driver was Avril's nanny. Obviously, the brave nanny was also involved in the operation.

"OK... Mary Avril, will you stay here with Aunt Mary?" Mariana said to her daughter next to her.

"OK, mom. Let's play games, Aunt Mary!" little Avril has no idea of the dangerous situation of her and her mother at this time. After all, she is a child under the age of ten.

Mariana, who left her daughter in the car and wore brown sunglasses, walked into the office more than ten meters away with her handbag alone.

"I brought money."

Mariana took off her sunglasses and said to the man sitting behind the desk in the office, the middleman nicknamed "lynx". This man can help Mariana and her daughter leave Atlanta and stay away from her husband hank forever.

"Here's your passport. One is from the Republic of Korea and the other is from Latvia. Pick one you like and hide the other in your... Sexy body, OK?"

"Lynx" has a sharp voice. To be honest, listening to him is a kind of torture

"It's just that if you can't leave Atlanta, all the farts you give me are not," Mariana said coldly.

"There will be bread, there will be everything. I'm worried, sweetheart. I'm just a few minutes late. After a while, the helicopter will stop quietly on the roof."

Taking people's money and eliminating disasters for others, integrity is the basis for lynx to mix in this industry. Although he didn't abide by the bottom line this time, at least he didn't do it himself, not

"I hope you keep your word," Mariana said wearily, rubbing her eyes.

"Of course, I'm a trustworthy person. Don't worry, I'll be here soon. I think you'd better take a break and keep your spirits up." lynx "leaked a meaningful smile, but it was more like a ferocious smile in Mariana's eyes

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