In this recollection, Ye Feng didn't actually participate. It was Huang Liang who continued to talk at the request of Cao Yan and others. In order to avoid too much confusion, we will use the third person perspective to trace back what happened at that time:

Mariana entered the women's bathroom alone. Her daughter followed the nanny and waited in the waiting room. Somehow, even at present, her fake death plan is very successful, and she and her daughter are about to escape. But Mariana was inexplicably flustered and couldn't calm down. She always felt that things were going too smoothly, which was very untrue and made her uneasy.


"You did a good job, almost fooled everyone. They are still looking for the bodies of you and your daughter in the wreckage of the car, Mariana."

A man's voice suddenly sounded in the women's bathroom. Mariana suddenly turned around and saw that one of the few people she didn't want to see at this time was Huangliang! His body stood at the only exit of the women's bathroom and stared at himself coldly.

"Damn it! It's you again! Why can't you stay away from us -" Mariana was angry because of fear. She asked Huang Liang angrily.

"I can't do it unless I get the justice I want." Huang Liang stood up and said coldly to Mariana, "you... Installed a bomb in the car. Then you cheated everyone and left the car from the door on the other side. Then you controlled the driverless car remotely to explode in front of everyone. Am I right?"

Even in retrospect, I can still feel the greatness of Mariana... Even for a mother who has no way to go

"You are... How do you know this?"

Mariana looked at the sorghum with full vigilance. Her body trembled slightly with fear. She knew that she was not the opponent of the tough man in front of her, but as a mother, she would never step back when her daughter was in danger.

"Some time ago, I visited your husband's luxury manor. Unfortunately, Hank was not there at that time, so I installed a bug when I passed you at your house. Later, when I finally had the chance to hear the recording, I learned that you got the news and knew that I was coming, and then you decided to plan a" suicide when Huangliang attacked " Because you want to escape hank, you know his secret, an amazing secret... "

At this time, in the lounge only one wall away from the women's bathroom, nanny Mary and little Avril with pistols were listening carefully to the conversation from the women's bathroom.

After feeling unable to delay, nanny Mary made a "don't make a sound" gesture to little Avril. Then she clenched the pistol with trembling hands and prepared to give some color to the yellow beam threatening the hostess!

Suddenly rushed into the women's bathroom, and nanny Mary pulled the trigger against Huang Liang. But at this time, a more unexpected accident happened!

Almost at the same time that nanny Mary rushed into the women's bathroom, a group of strong men wearing all kinds of masks followed behind her, and their front and rear feet poured in. The first little man dressed like a matador with a skull mask pulled the trigger of the shotgun in her hand directly at nanny Mary, and the latter's chest was directly blasted and collapsed.

The loyal and brave nanny fell directly to the ground. At this time, she had more air in and less air out, and she was about to hang up.

"My God! Mary!" Mariana knew that her good sister was hopeless

"Hey, Huang Liang? Don't you have anything else to wear? I don't like the black."

The group who suddenly broke in was a somewhat famous mercenary gang - "black shop". Carl Grimes, the short man dressed as the head matador, was nicknamed Mr. skeleton because he always wore the iconic skeleton mask. As a professional criminal, he was a second-line villain in terms of strength. Man, in a world full of superpowers, the second-line villains are already the ruthless characters standing at the top of the criminal pyramid

"Thanks, I'm glad to hear that." Huang Liang calmly responded to Mr. skeleton's sarcasm.

"You know, Hank, he paid you a large reward. I must say, although I have been working under him for some time, I found him so generous for the first time. Just because you were related to the death of his wife and children, you know?"

"You don't say I don't know?" Huang Liang, who held his head in both hands and let Mr. skeleton search his body, said without salt.

"But do you know what's the most interesting?" Mr. skeleton crossed the sorghum and walked to Mariana, who was trembling, who was looking at the body of her nanny in panic. Although she is trying to take a deep breath and keep herself calm, it is obvious that Mariana is not doing well enough

"What is it?"

"His grieving dead family is still panting."


Mariana, little Avril, Huangliang. The three men were behind Mr. skeleton's men and pointed guns at the back of their heads. They had to hold their heads in both hands and follow Mr. skeleton in the open warehouse.

"I saw with my own eyes the people who should have died alive, so there must be something I don't know here, isn't it?" "Mr. skeleton held the colt m1860 pistol he regarded as a treasure in his right hand and followed Huang Liang and Mariana,

"Damn it! Did lynx give you the information? We made a deal. He's going to take me away from Atlanta and escape to Europe!" Mariana asked angrily.

"Yes, you made a deal, but you should be more careful before lynx came to me. I found out that you tried to deceive your husband, Mr. hank, by relying on the help of death."

"Death once took off my pants under my hand! Took off my pants! You know what? I didn't even wear underwear at that time! This is the biggest shame in my life, which is even more excessive than your silicone doll being stolen!"

Looking at Mr. skeleton biting his teeth and cursing death, Huang Liang felt that he should not ask about the specific details of "not wearing underwear" and "silicone doll stolen". He didn't want to know

"I didn't -- listen, Mr. skeleton, you must have misunderstood me. I'm not with death and Huang Liang! I'm trying my best to escape them!"

Mariana explained to Mr. skeleton very reluctantly. She really doesn't want to have any relationship with death and Huangliang. It's too late for her to hide from them. This is really Mariana's truth, but unfortunately, sometimes no one cares about the truth

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