"Well, so what? We're going to hold you and your daughter for ransom. Although I'm sorry for Mr. hank who has been working together for years, you know, everything is just business."

Mr. skeleton, who was ready to rip hank off, casually told Mariana his plan.

For hank with tens of billions of dollars, Mr. skeleton thinks hank should be happy to spend some money in exchange for the "Resurrection" of his wife and children. Of course, even if he doesn't like it, Hank calls his overseas account, doesn't he?

"But I'll pay back the money with the" murderer "who killed you first. Do you have any last words, Huang Liang? The name is really ugly..." Mr. skeleton pointed the muzzle of colt m1860 pistol at Huang Liang.

"Yes, you look stupid."

Just as Mr. skeleton was about to pull the trigger, hero appeared at the right time

Yes, it's time for the protagonist who is romantic, loved by everyone, blooming when flowers see flowers, and flat tire when cars see cars to appear!!!

The scene of villains dying from talking too much is staged all the time, and it is no surprise in this warehouse. A burst of broken glass "crash" attracted everyone's attention. Everyone turned their eyes to the direction of the sound, and what greeted their eyes was: a military jeep smashed the window on the second floor of the warehouse and fell from the sky!

No one else was driving this steel beast, but I, maple leaf, the God of death, in yellow and black tights!

"The old driver drives smoothly!!!"

Driving the military jeep in the air, I suddenly turned the steering wheel and pointed the front of the car at several of Mr. skeleton's men. Then I flashed a back somersault in the air and separated from the military jeep.

In the terrified complaints of the mercenaries belonging to the "black shop" mercenary regiment, "ah, shit! It's him again!", "don't come! Asshole!", these mercenaries were severely hit by the military jeep, and their bones disappeared in the subsequent Jeep explosion

"What's the matter, death?"

Before I could stabilize his just landed body, Mr. skeleton rushed towards me with a sharp sword with elbow dedicated to matador. It was obvious that his goal was directed at my handsome head.

"I want to avenge you without mercy! Not just because you took off my pants!"

Facing Mr. skeleton's stab, I just calmly pulled out two Ontario classic "Ontario mountain knife" on my back, which blocked Mr. skeleton's sword.

"It's not just because you killed many of my men in many mercenary operations and destroyed my missions several times. You know what? I'm used to spending all the deposit before the mission is executed! I'm TM paying off the mortgage to the assassin alliance now!!!"

(a mysterious organization that distributes and settles reward missions or hire missions. The world's top mercenaries or mercenaries receive and hand over missions on the "Assassin alliance" forum in the dark network. The "Assassin alliance" provides relevant services, supervision and trial as a third party.)

A sword cut open the two military mountain knives in my hand, and Mr. skeleton continued to fight beside me, as if he had an unswerving hatred for me.

The little bone insisted that the beam between him and me must end with a man's fall.

Of course, I don't deny this, and this person is definitely not me.

"But because your stupid adjectives trample on my only dignity! You like to call me" eggplant without growth ", don't you? You ignorant bastard!"

"No pickled radish!"

"Eggplant two eggs!"

"Hob meat!!!"

Looking at Mr. skeleton's crazy attack on death, he kept shouting abusive words in various dialects. Huang Liang was stunned by this strange scene, and he was stunned.

"What's wrong with the world?" Huang Liang said to himself

Ye Feng: you know, some people care about something strange.

Cao Yan: brother Feng, are you in this "some people"?

Ye Feng: Well, let's see how much I love pancake fruit. Damn it, it's definitely my unswerving love

"Our boss is going to abolish the God of death!"

"That means you're in our charge, black bastard!"

Mr. skeleton and I are inseparable, and Huang Liang is not idle here. Three mercenaries of the "black shop" mercenary regiment rushed towards the position of Huangliang in an armed jeep. One used a vehicle machine gun, one used a Uzi submachine gun, and the other was concentrating on driving and rolling straight towards Huangliang!

"You belong to me."

In the face of the steel beast, our paralyzed man Huang Liang, of course, did not retreat but entered, ran towards the front of the jeep, sprayed the flames with two hkusp automatic pistols in his hand, and suppressed the three mercenaries on the jeep alone. The main role of sorghum is to set off my appearance. Although it is not good, it has no strength to say.

It's just that Huangliang is not important. I can't describe it more. After all, his appearance is still several grades worse than mine.


"How do you feel about this devastating insult to your personality, huh?" Mr. skeleton stabbed me with a sword.

To be honest, you can see how painful it is from the fact that I was shaking with pain.

"Uh... Old JB light..."

Looking at the big hole in my body, I said to myself at that time. I pulled my body out of the blade and stood in place.

"Ha! Of course, you madman can't understand people at all! Shameless clown!"

Just when Mr. skeleton prepared a sword and killed me, the law of "heroes never die" worked again. Little bone's pants were suddenly pulled down from behind. As always, Mr. skeleton didn't wear underwear

Huang Liang looked at Mr. skeleton kneeling on the ground with his crotch covered. He stepped directly on Mr. skeleton's head and stamped his foot. The latter fainted directly.

"You'd better kill this pervert yourself." Huang Liang looked at Mr. skeleton with bare lower body and said to me with some disgust.

"I'd better kill the mercenaries who rushed here first. The boy is a psycho. I can drown him with one spit." I just covered the wound on my stomach, staggered to the bunker and began to shoot at the mercenaries of the "black shop" mercenary regiment.

Cao Yan: brother Feng, don't show off. Kill Mr. skeleton now.

Ye Feng: Xiao Cao, he's also a second-line villain. If he doesn't accept the reward task, he'll kill him. There's no money to make, and I don't want to be haunted by the fools of "black shops" all day

Cao Yan: cut, if you don't dare, just say no.

Ye Feng: it's not that I dare not, it's annoying

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