"I'll hold them! You save Mariana and the children!" yelled Huang Liang, who kept shooting at me. Facing the attack of more than a dozen mercenaries, Huangliang himself can resist for a while.

"Oh, hey, I never walk away without saving my life -"

Jane: Ye Feng, stop talking. I didn't eat much just now. I really can't spit it out

Ye Feng:

"Come on! That's why I brought you here! They trust you. I need Hank's wife and children to live, so you're still of some use to me now!" Huang Liang shouted at me rudely, but I still accept Huang Liang's evaluation of me with an open heart.

"It's still a little useful"!? this is the first time I've been praised this week! "

Directly ignited by the "fierce" words of Huang Liang, I waved two military mountain knives and rushed to the two mercenaries next to Mariana's little Avril.

After a few minutes of breathing, the wound pierced by Mr. skeleton on my body has begun to scab and heal. The magical ability of self-healing gene has restored my combat effectiveness at this time. In the face of two unsophisticated mercenaries, I cut one by one and easily opened their stomachs. The intestines and internal organs of the two unlucky bastards flow all over the ground

"Don't worry, guys. I'll take you to safety, no matter how much it costs!"

"Uncle Ye Feng! Uncle Ye Feng!" little Avril ran over and hugged my thigh. The little guy was really scared today.

"Ye Feng, stay away from us."

"Hmm? What nonsense are you talking about, Mariana?" I was surprised at Mariana's reaction.

"Listen to me, Ye Feng, Hank is not your friend. He is not anyone's friend. I want Avril to stay away from him."

Looking at Mariana's firmness and seriousness in her eyes, I didn't know the whole truth at that time. Some monks in law couldn't figure it out. Has this strange dream between the couple reached this point?

"He... What did he do to you, Mariana?"

"It has nothing to do with what he did to me. I mean, it's a secret, a Hank's secret, a secret involving little Avril, a secret I accidentally learned..."

"A... Secret?"

Cao Yan: could hank be infertile?

Huang Liang and Ye Feng shouted in unison: shut up


Danay, a small country in Eastern Europe, has a quiet life, ancient buildings and beautiful music. The rhythm here is much slower than other places in the world. It is definitely a good place to relax. Here, a pleasant and comfortable trip will precipitate people's mind. The town is protected by the spring hills. You can look at the green in the distance from the window. On the distant mountains, the snow accumulated for thousands of years shows the uncanny workmanship of nature.

Many people come here to find inner peace. Their choice is right



Still in his sleep, Norman Lincoln was awakened by the fat cell phone ring on his pillow. When he opened his eyes, he noticed that it was dawn outside the window. He simply got up and poured himself a martini while connecting the phone. He walked to the balcony with his wine glass and enjoyed the rising of the morning sun.

"How do you know it's me?"

"Only one person knows the number except you. You're not her." Norman took a sip of the wine and enjoyed the cool breeze in the morning.

"Did you... Hear about my trouble?"

"I think my money is safe for the time being."

Hank is also Norman's "money launderer". Almost half of Norman's money is taken care of by Hank.

"Of course the fuck is safe! Everyone's money is safe! Norman, you want you to help me tide over the difficulties. My account and password have been stolen, and I want you to help me find them back. For the rest of my life, I will exempt you from all expenses. You are the only person I can trust now, Norman, I can only count on you now."

"Man, it seems that something really happened to you. Well, fuck, I'll be involved anyway... Just to kill the God of death..." Norman paced to the wardrobe in his bedroom and reached out to open the door of the wardrobe. He looked at the whole set of equipment in the wardrobe and said to Hank faintly


It was after a long time that I found out the context of the "winter warrior" in the whole thing with the help of Xu wenweak. The name "winter warrior" is a little famous in my circle. After all, some superstars in hero who "have greater ability and greater responsibility" are basically not included in my circle. People at the level of "winter warrior" can be regarded as rare species standing at the tip of the pyramid.

Investigating a role like "winter warrior" is a very challenging job even for Xu wenweak. It's not that I don't believe in jenma, my second seat "man in the chair" (backup) - her ability. If she was asked to investigate "winter warrior", the little girl wouldn't get more results than Xu wenweak.

When zhenma heard what Ye Feng said here, she snorted in disbelief, but she knew the technical gap between her and Xu wenweak, so the little girl didn't say anything

No more, no more, Gemma, I'm a rising new day in my heart. Come on! Work hard! Brother, look after you --, ah! Dead kids don't throw shoes! My handsome face!

In a word, after some twists and turns, Xu wenweak spent nine cattle and two tigers to pick up the "winter warrior". His past, his life and the disputes between him and me were naked in front of me. To tell the truth, I really didn't know that I was so destined for this "winter warrior". If I could know this in advance, I might find a time to talk to him and make a choice between talking and killing

Norman Lincoln, only a few people in the world know that he is a famous "Winter Soldier", but now no one except himself knows his original name - Joseph visarionovi zakarev. The only person in the world who knew this secret was killed a month ago. The old bastard belonging to the "sionovaya Gang", ostensibly the owner of the "wintry restaurant" - garnin vissarinovich zakarev, is Norman's biological father. This heinous old bastard was killed by me in an accidental Commission for the sake of Anning in the street

I have to defend myself. I really didn't mean it, but, um, the sudden sense of justice drove me to kill this old bastard who burned, killed and looted

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