"What the hell!!!"

After eliminating all the thugs, he ran up to the yellow beam on the roof and just watched the helicopter carrying Mariana and little Avril disappear into the sky, which means that his efforts of this day have been in vain, and he has not completed his goal!

This situation made Huang Liang burst out a rude word to me. As I said, Huang Liang was very rude. Now the situation is that, with my enthusiastic help, Huang Liang's previous sneak assassination has been a surprise. It's no doubt a fool's dream to get close to Hank at this time.

In the situation at that time, Huang Liang was convinced that the only way to make hank appear in panic was to use his baby daughter, little Avril, to lead the poisonous snake out of the hole.

I didn't know the secret at that time, but Huang Liang did.

From the intelligence information Huang Liang stole from Hank's office, Huang Liang is convinced that in this world, only the life and death of little Avril is what hank is most concerned about. His cunning and insidious snake will drill out of the cave for his baby daughter.

After working hard to save Mariana and his little Avril, I was sent directly to the plane and let go. In retrospect, Huang Liang did have reasons and qualifications to be angry, but because of the unequal information between Huang Liang and me, I really didn't think I made a mistake at that time.

"I'll help Mariana and little Avril escape from life! As long as they leave this place, they will be safe! Although I don't understand what hank has done to Mariana, this kind of thing is certainly not something I should care about as an outsider. The age gap between their husband and wife is a little big, and their husband and wife life is likely to be disharmonious. Well, this phenomenon is very normal."

Standing on the aircraft apron on the top floor, I was celebrating my victory with joy. I didn't notice the expression of Huang Liang who wanted to kill on his face.

I remember I was completely immersed in joy, and my heart was full of such thoughts: in this century's rescue, my performance was perfect, OK! Protecting women and children, I am the "God of death"! Messenger of justice, and this time it's completely free!

"Where are they going to fly?" Huang Liang suppressed his anger and tried his best to keep calm.

"They didn't say, and I didn't ask. Seriously, I think it's good for them. I mean, you know, man," silence is golden "is definitely a good word for me. You know what I mean, my nickname is" mouth gun mercenary. "I said contentedly to Huang Liang, who was holding his forehead and sighed. I didn't find anything, The best thing I should do at this time is to shut up.

"Wherever Mariana and little Avril go, I'm satisfied as long as it's safe. You know, I seldom do such a good thing for free -"

Looking up from the laptop monitor, Gemma said: Yes, Ye Feng, you are more like a villain most of the time.

Ye Feng:... Gemma, your words have deeply hurt my young man's heart.

Gemma: don't disgust me

"-- and you are the last person to help me do good. I thank you for what happened. But you know what? In this crazy accident, I didn't understand one thing. I mean, how did we form a team together? You know, like now, two men and two hero fight side by side to defeat the pervert without underwear -"


When I heard me say "pervert without underwear", I bet my life that Huang Liang, who has been silent, twitched his face

"-- by the way, man, why is your face so ugly? Well, if you have some unspeakable strange diseases afflicting you, I'm sorry, but I can't do anything. I've had enough of a man who often doesn't wear underwear. I --"


Even now, I still wonder how Huangliang and I became friends. On the top floor, Huang Liang once again directly used the "memory erasing stick" to erase my memory from a close distance, and neatly blocked my personal speech, which is far from over. This way to shut up is too rough

"OK. Let's try again..."

Huang Liang's cold face gazed into the distance. From the beginning, Huang Liang knew that with the figure of "God of death", nothing would succeed at one time

At least I have no objection to that.


"Oh, hey! WOW me, WOW me, WOW me! My God! I had a dream to blow up the sky!"

I don't know how long later, when I opened my eyes again, my eyes were blurred. My head was still spinning at this time, but it didn't affect my reputation as a mouth gun mercenary to start a mouth gun performance with distinctive personal marks

"King Robert baratheon wants to come to my fiefdom to play with me, because I am the king of the North! You know what? When beheading, I have to wave a big sword! Man, do you know how Ox I am? The king who owns the whole Westeros is my good friend in open crotch pants, not a superficial brother. As the Lord of Winterfell and the commander of the north, I received me I've traveled a long way to find my good friends, the fucking King's family.

"Although my most handsome little son accidentally bumped into the queen and her brother hiding in the woods while playing the climbing game, and fell half paralyzed, I still have to say that the king's daughter-in-law is real! But Robert's eldest son is not a thing. He looks good, but his brain is hard to use. My eldest daughter is so happy Cheer him, he's indifferent, damn little beast... Wait, wait, am I in a combat van now? "

It's been five minutes since I woke up to recover my consciousness. I ended my self talk about my dream and reflected where I was: in the carriage of the Huangliang combat van.

At this time, stray bullets continued to penetrate the rear door of the bread and flew past me, leaving bullet holes in the body.

"Someone is making a hole in your bread. I know a skilled mechanic. His price is very reasonable, and children and old people are not deceived -"

"That's right! This is battle bread! Four times, either shut up or fight back, or you'd better pass out and be a corpse!"

The reason why Huangliang is so excited and out of shape is very simple. Behind the "battle bread" car controlled by Huangliang, there is a luxury pursuit team composed of two off-road jeeps, one heavy truck and four heavy-duty locomotives. The mercenaries in the convoy are frantically venting their ammunition to the "battle bread" where Huangliang and Ye Feng are located. On the winding mountain road surrounded by mountains, the vehicles of both sides are running at the speed of life and death!

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