I said excitedly, "send me on, I want to play basketball, coach! What's the battle form? Btw, the battle form is the abbreviation of" battlefield situation - "

Huang Liang glared at Ye Feng from the rearview mirror: "I know it's short for short!"

"- I mean, I'm very professional."

"I used to be the ace of special operations!"

Huang Liang: somehow, as long as I'm with Ye Feng, an asshole, I can't control my emotions

Audrey: I know that very well.

Ye Feng: everybody, I'm sitting here. Can you discuss me when I go to the bathroom

"What a good man to see to the end." I teased Ye Feng

"You'd better hurry to get down to business," said Huang Liang in disgust. "We're chasing Mariana and her daughter little Avril."

"My God! Are they in trouble?"

"Yes, only they can help me find out Hank's various illegal acts, and someone is chasing us -" Huang Liang introduced to me the situation they faced at this time.

Cao Yan: brother Feng, listen to you. How do I think brother Liang deliberately pulled you into the game

Ye Feng: you need to say that

"- so hank offered us a reward. Then they caught up with us here, in the elbes. We haven't stopped for a long time because Hank's hired killers caught up with us..."

When Huang Liang said this, I suddenly pulled the bolt of the MP5 submachine gun, and then pulled out a mountain knife carried behind me. I'm not boasting. I'm very domineering with a knife in my right hand and a gun in my left hand.

Huang Liang: of course, if ye Feng could shut his mouth, it would be more deterrent

"Come on. There's enough nonsense. Just say" kill all the breathing creatures except my friend Hank's wife and daughter ". I swear I can make your paralyzed face smile and cold faced tough man before I take care of it."

"I doubt it." Huang Liang replied noncommittally to Ye Feng's careless words.

"No! I'm serious! I'll bet you a box of bullets!"

"Whatever. Hurry to work."

"Hey! Come and finish this crazy harvest!!!"

With the mountain knife in my hand, I opened a big hole in the roof of the bread. I climbed from the car to the roof mountain with my hands and feet. Controlling my body on the galloping roof, I jumped directly at the heavy truck that followed the "battle bread" two heads away, shouting the slogans I often use to inspire myself.

"Pancake fruit!!!"

"What a madman..."

Huang Liang couldn't help sighing



Maple Leaf

The reason why Ye Feng can make the name of the God of death famous is, on the one hand, his big mouth that always talks crazy, but more importantly, he is really a good hand in killing, and may be one of the most professional people in the world.

Generally speaking, those heroes who firmly believe that "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" will not kill those bad guys. The consequences of doing so are fully reflected in the "little spider": their ex girlfriend was killed and their Aunt Mei almost died under the bullet of a sniper hired by the villain. He even has a black history of being attacked by the villain NTR, although it has not been mentioned

It doesn't matter. Unlike those heroes who boast of "justice", Ye Feng, the God of death who knows his own position, can be described as crazy in killing the enemy, especially the villains. Ye Feng won't grind and give bad people a chance to revenge him.

Ye Feng jumped into the pursuit team composed of mercenaries and killers behind him. "In a few minutes, he killed everyone in the whole team cleanly.

With his mountain knife, his MP5 submachine gun and his desperate crazy play (why do you have to tie your hands and feet with self-healing genes?), he solved all the pursuers who followed the battle van. However, more pursuers are still on their way


"The team... Attack the van."

In the elbes mountains, Norman Lincoln, the "winter warrior", stood on the top of the mountain and was using his walkie talkie to give instructions to his team members who were chasing Huangliang and death.

Now he has changed into his iconic battle suit: the main body is black, and the limbs are pure white. This suit is made of special materials and can adapt to high-intensity combat.

Unlike Ye Feng, Norman's equipment is replaced by a pair of silver intelligent tactical glasses, which are used to provide battlefield data and assist operations.

Norman gave instructions through the walkie talkie: "I need you to confront Ye Feng head-on. Otherwise, I can't get effective combat data."

"Copy that," winter warrior. "

"That's it."


"Hey, try it, Toughguy. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you try it once, you may have a chance to fall in love with it!"


"Tell me, tell me!"

"Save your energy." Huang Liang, who was concentrating on driving, said expressionless to Ye Feng lying on the roof of the van.

After I cleanly solved the mercenaries and killers I chased, I had nothing to do, so I began to tease Huang Liang, a paralyzed man. To tell the truth, I've enjoyed it so far

"Oh, please! Don't always have a bitter face. How can your mood be sunny?"

For a while, I even suspected Huang Liang's reticence because he was afraid that too rich expression would lead to more wrinkles on his face, but Huang Liang clearly told me that this was not the reason why he was cold all day.

"I won't say."

"Say what?"

"Pancake fruit... Damn it..." this time, Huang Liang has warned himself 135 times: never be dazzled by anger

"I finally let you say it! Wait! Did I see a smile on your mouth?" the trick succeeded. I teased Huang Liang with a bad smile on my face.

Cao Yan: brother Feng, you should be mistaken. It's definitely an involuntary convulsion in the corners of your mouth caused by extreme anger.

Ye Feng: you are everywhere. Shut up

"Damn it! Jump!"

In front of Huangliang, there were two cars blocking the middle of the road. A group of fully armed soldiers were waiting for Huangliang. They threw themselves into the net. In the face of this situation, Huang Liang decisively opened the door. After reminding me lying on the roof, Huang Liang directly pulled up the handbrake, slammed the steering wheel, and then the whole person jumped out of the cab!

"What, don't! You can't abandon the battle bread! You haven't lost yet? Damn it!" seeing that the whole car had come sideways and smashed at the group of people blocking the road, I had to control my body, suddenly flip back, roll down from the roof of the van and fall right next to the Yellow Liang who had landed on the ground.

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