To Ye Feng's surprise, the dinner with Audrey, Jane, Chu Qian and Gemma did not show a strong resistance to his travel in his mind. Audrey and others just listened to Ye Feng's travel plan calmly. None of these women with different styles but the same charm raised objections to Ye Feng's travel, In addition to the faint blessing and entrustment, Ye Feng didn't encounter the obstruction he thought he would encounter.

After two days of intensive preparation, early Thursday morning, Ye Feng, carrying a big backpack, set foot on another continent on the other side of the vast sea alone.

Looking at Ye Feng's plane, it gradually narrowed into a small point until it disappeared into the blue sky. Among the people who turned back and left the airport, jenma, a girl with high IQ, asked Audrey: "sister Audrey, what do you think? You don't know Ye Feng's character. He must go out to die, and you don't stop him."

Audrey said: "Gemma, Ye Feng won't stay in the same place for a long time. Chu Qian should have a deep understanding of this."

"Yes, Ye Feng, he is an unrestrained wind. No one in the world can force him not to fly anymore, not even himself..." Chu Qian said with crystal in her eyes.

"It's all right, Chu Qian. That's why you finally separated from Ye Feng." Jane stretched out her hand to hold Chu Qian's right arm and said softly.

"Well, I proposed divorce. In the joy of living with him, I gradually realized that when a cloud can't move with the wind, he will eventually drift away..."

"Hey, the feelings of adults are too complicated. I doubt that even after two years, I can't understand your sisters' feelings for that idiot. Forget it. Let's go to dinner and choose a restaurant without pancake fruit flavor." I don't want people to be shrouded by the atmosphere on their backs, Gemaso offered to have a good meal together.


"Since I met Ye Feng, I feel like vomiting when I see pancake fruit."

"Me too. I can't stand the smell."


After taking the plane for more than ten hours, Ye Feng took a two-day train and a five-hour minibus. Only then did he come to the transit station in his travel: newlipoli, a very simple European town.

When Ye Feng learned that the train from here to the destination of this trip, the small town of AHAM, would have to wait until next week, Ye Feng had the impulse to take his luggage and return to the new metropolis. He was so desperate that he was just in time for the railway workers' Union to go on strike. Even the possibility of resuming the line next week is extremely optimistic speculation.

Helpless, Ye Feng had to go to the ticket office of the local railway station for help. Where, after a few words of conversation with Ye Feng, a short, fat and smart conductor, Ye Feng can obviously infer from his accent that he is not a native like himself, because people in the small town of newlipoli have a strong and unique accent, and the conductor speaks normally.

He sympathized with Ye Feng's idea of getting to AHAM as soon as possible, and kindly put forward a suggestion. Ye Feng had inquired with others about the way to go to AHAM before, but no one mentioned the suggestions put forward by the conductor.

"Man, if you are really in a hurry, you can take the old bus." he hesitated a little, "But I have to tell you in advance that not many people around here would like to take this bus. It goes along newlypolis - entristine - AHAM. You shouldn't have heard of the town of entristine, but I tell you that because of this strange place, people don't want to take this bus."

Ye Feng said disapprovingly, "man, don't tell me that this town is haunted. It's too old-fashioned."

The conductor said firmly, "it's more terrible than that. It's the living dead."

Ye Feng asked with great interest, "the living dead? It's interesting. Go on."

"In fact, I haven't seen the living dead with my own eyes, but it is said that similar words have only become popular in nearby towns in recent years. I guess there may be more empty houses there than local residents. There is no business to do in that place except planting pepper. Most of the people there come to us for business or go to AHAM To make a living, there used to be several small factories there, but now there are almost none. By the way, there is an extremely old castle in that place, which is located on a hill. "

Ye Feng said, "castle, the environment there should be good."

"Of course, in fact, innistine used to be a small town dominated by tourism, with a large number of tourists, but since the events of the living dead and wounding people, fewer and fewer tourists came here, especially the local people of innistine, who also had a tendency of exclusion. In general, because of all kinds of strange things that happened in innistine, we, including newlipoli, were involved Several small towns around here are a little deserted. "

Ye Feng: "well, I've heard enough ghost stories. Can you tell me the information of the shuttle bus?"

"Are you really going?"

Ye Feng looked at the conductor and said, "of course, I'm not an ordinary tourist. I can take good care of myself."

"Well, if this bus doesn't change the timetable, it should have one at 11 a.m. and one at 7 p.m. twice a day. You can take it in the square. It's far from this street. You can easily find it."

Ye Feng thanked the conductor for his help. Then he carried a big backpack and was ready to stay in a small hotel for one night. Tomorrow morning, he took the 11 o'clock bus. Now Ye Feng has a desire to explore the Grank town with rumors of the living dead. It's easy to understand. After all, Ye Feng is a strange person who can't sleep without dying......

After finding the hotel, Ye Feng threw his luggage on the ground, took a comfortable bath and ordered a takeout. Although there are no pancakes and fruits he regards as his favorite nearby, it is a good way to let the lovers separate for a short time. Ye Feng briefly threw himself into the arms of pizza without any guilt about the betrayal of pancake fruit.

When he saw a photo of the living dead in the town of innistine searched on the Internet, Ye Feng was aroused by the human shaped monster with teeth and claws and dark green skin on the mobile phone screen. At this time, he decided to go to innistine to see the living dead. The living dead are even rarer than the giant panda. It is definitely the best thing to catch up with his sister and boast about B in the future!

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