At about 10:30 the next day, Ye Feng, carrying his backpack, came to the ancient Newley Polly square. He stood at the station where the conductor told him to count money yesterday and waited for the bus to the town of innistine.

As the departure time approached, Ye Feng noticed that the people who had been wandering in the square seemed to start to stay away from the square. Almost in more than ten minutes, there were only a few scattered people including Ye Feng in the bustling square, which really made Ye Feng feel a little strange.

Obviously, the people around here are really disgusted and afraid of everything in the town of innistine because of the rumors of the living dead.

After waiting for a while, a shabby little bus came trembling along the road. At the first sight when Ye Feng saw the car again, it was indeed the car he was waiting for.

After all, even if there are no rumors of the living dead, this scrapped car that looks likely to fall apart at any time will not have much business

"I think we'd better wait until the strike is over..."

Ye Feng extremely doubted that nearly 100% of them might have been involved in a car accident after taking the old bus.

On the windshield of the bus was a license plate with the words "newlypoli entristine AHAM" vaguely written on it. Ye Feng looked up into the car. There were only four sporadic passengers. They all looked like ordinary villagers. It was no different, which made Ye Feng a little sorry that he was very curious about the living dead.

Ye Feng finally boarded the dilapidated minibus. The choices in front of him are really limited. If Rihanna waits too long, Ye Feng doesn't want to face an impatient old lover, which is extremely dangerous

When the worn-out chin vibrated suddenly, it was like an old woman, staggering in her breath, slowly passing through the brick buildings on both sides, leaving a gray tail gas, like the saliva of an old woman due to her cough

When the bus is walking on the deserted country road, Ye Feng is checking the information about the town of innistine sent to him by Xu wenweak. When he saw these information, Ye Feng was surprised by the dog blood bridge. He didn't expect that there was such a strange story hidden in the town of innistine.

On the screen of Ye Feng's mobile phone, a picture of a blonde is displayed. Ye Feng knows this woman, Samantha. She is Lange's wife. Lange and Ye Feng also know that he owns a large-scale private security company and controls a mercenary regiment composed of hundreds of people. He is a real rich man and a big man.

After Xu wenweak's investigation, the town of innistine is the last place where Lange's wife Samantha appeared. It is precisely this point that has strengthened Ye Feng's idea of going to the town of innistine. If possible, Ye Feng is ready to make a quick buck: determine the location of Langke's kidnapped wife, Samantha.

As for the subsequent rescue operation, Ye Feng believes that after Lange gets his paid help, Lange will send his men to complete it. Ye Feng only needs to determine the exact location of Samantha and count the money at ease.

As for who kidnapped Samantha, according to Xu wenweak's screening of outsiders in the town of innistine, he confirmed a general goal: Park Renyong, a cosmetic expert on the surface, but a perverse scientific freak behind his back.

There are also his photos in the materials sent to Ye Feng's mobile phone. Well, it's a typical stick man's appearance: small enough to be ignored, towering cheekbones, concave cheeks, neat black hair, eyes with a black frame. It looks gentle on the outside, but it's actually a lot of men, thieves and prostitutes.

According to the data investigated by Xu wenweak, the cosmetic doctor named Pu Renyong has transformed all his employees into his protectors. This guy's residence is like a heavily guarded castle. In short, it is very difficult to deal with. Risk index: five stars!

Moreover, after relevant investigation, the living dead transformed by park Renyong look almost like normal people and are very confusing. It seems that these living dead can slow down or even stop the aging of the body by eating people, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of immortality.

This is also one of the reasons why Park Renyong is so dangerous. The supporters behind him are not ordinary people


Ye Feng, dressed in a windbreaker and wearing a duck tongue hat, is walking in the small town of yinchuisting with a large travel bag full of equipment. Ye Feng's dress at this time did not play a role of cover at all. On the contrary, it made him more conspicuous in the crowd. In fact, he didn't have to cover himself so tightly.

After the minibus arrived at the town of innistine, Ye Feng got off the bus directly and made a simple cross dressing. Ye Feng is ready to start a low-key investigation directly in innistine. He doesn't want to attract too much attention.

Even though he made unnecessary camouflage, to tell the truth, Ye Feng still had some hair in his heart at this time. Facing the living dead who may be hidden among pedestrians, Ye Feng can't distinguish them at all. He can't kill everyone who passes by him. He's not a murderer.

"Hey, man, look at you. You're not local."

Ye Feng raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly accosted him. He said reluctantly, "if I were a local, can I dress like this? My neighbors can't complain about my metamorphosis. Don't you see that I'm in a hurry trying to hide myself?"

The middle-aged man was stunned by Ye Feng's choking: "you knew you were dressed like a pervert..."

"Shut up, I like windbreaker."

The middle-aged man said in a cold sweat, "there's no need to wear it in summer..."

"Shut up, I'd love to."


In the face of such an "honest" Ye Feng, the middle-aged man with an inch of head was forced, but now he can be sure that Ye Feng is a foreigner, which is enough. The inch man simply shouted: "shoot at the body!"

In Ye Feng's surprised eyes, a group of people suddenly came out behind him, a group of people holding anesthetic rifles. Before Ye Feng could shout out, he was shot by a burst of random shooting. Alas.


"Damn... Where the fuck is this?"

I don't know how long it took, Ye Feng finally regained consciousness, and the self-healing gene repaired the gunshot wound in his body during his coma.

"This is the cell of the Inspection Bureau. See? I said he was a living dead man. The anesthetic injected into his body was enough to make the elephant sleep for two days, and this guy woke up in half an hour!" two men in inspector uniforms outside the iron fence were playing with their mobile phones, and the one talking was the inch man.

"What? No! I'm not a living dead man! I'm -- uh?"

The roar from behind made Ye Feng shudder. He slowly turned around and saw other roommates in the cell, er, a group of ferocious and terrible living dead, which was far from Xu wenweak's previous remarks of "almost like normal people"

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