"No, you think it's complicated, death. You may have seen my experiments. They like human flesh very much."

"Impressed..." Ye Feng said coldly.

"My clients are distinguished people, Mr. death, and they are good citizens who abide by the law -"

"Are you fucking making me laugh?" Ye Feng couldn't help interrupting Park Renyong's words.

"- in order to solve a small problem: the source of human flesh. I've been worried for a long time, especially the recent news is very tight, and some things are really difficult to do. But now it's not a problem. With you behind your door in the morning, you solved the biggest problem I'm facing, and I suddenly enlightened. God of death, you are my angel." Park Renyong explained tirelessly.

"Are you crazy, pervert? I can't understand what you're talking about -"

"I'll feed you to my customers forever.

As soon as park Renyong's words fell, several little nurses with milk burst suddenly poured into the bunker, but at this time, their appearance was very terrible, just like the living dead Ye Feng met in prison, which was a huge contrast with their sexy and attractive a few hours ago.

Among the four living dead, Ye Feng also saw the little nurse who cheated him to drink water, but at this time, she was like a walking corpse and could not make Ye Feng's blood boil

"I drop a good... If the living dead don't eat human flesh, it will become this virtue!?"

Damn it, I can't get paid again, and it seems that my future job should be to become pizza

Ye Feng's eyes widened. He finally figured out why he was involved. In the eyes of these living dead, he is a human flesh supply station that can never eat up

Er... Such a wonderful idea, Ye Feng also met for the first time

"Damn it! Park Renyong! You bastard, dare to kill me!"

Ye Feng howled bitterly and angrily. When he had experienced so many bad things and finally summoned up the courage to reemployment, it was such a result waiting for him!? it was fuck. The soft heart of a young man was ruthlessly ravaged

"What are you angry about? You have a rotten reputation in the world, so you can Yin others and others can't play with you? You're naive to expect someone to save you? Put away your innocence, death."

Park Renyong's mending knife made Ye Feng more angry, because ye Feng knew that park Renyong was telling the truth. He was really stupid and naive this time

"Hey, wait, wait, babies, we should have a good talk first. You know, take some time to get to know each other."

Watching several little nurses of the living dead walk in front of him, one by one salivating and staring at his naked body, Ye Feng's voice trembled. In his previous life, he had no experience as food, which made Ye Feng very afraid of what would happen next

"We don't have the habit of chatting with food. Save it."

"Handsome boy ~ I wish we didn't meet at the dinner table."

"Don't grab that biceps with me!"

"Damn it! Park Renyong, wait and see. I will tear you into pieces! I swear!" Ye Feng shouted at Park Renyong. He fought desperately and tried to break the shackles, but it was just useless

"You need to practice again. Your threat is not strong at all." Park Renyong looked at the little nurses eating on Ye Feng and said with a smile


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

In the fierce cry of Ye Feng, a gluttonous feast began in the dense. Several little nurses who were devoured by hunger, like hungry beasts, jumped on Ye Feng and began to eat.

Ye Feng, who always dreams of being knocked down by his sexy sister, has only deep despair at this time. He really wants to become food that can never be eaten. Damn, he didn't expect this scene even when Ye Feng had an intermittent mental attack

But Ye Feng's cry didn't last long. After chewing a few mouthfuls, the four living dead began to stop destroying Ye Feng, and then vomited out the meat in their mouths, coughing one by one.

"Well... I take a bath every day..."

In front of the living dead who kept vomiting, Ye Feng explained awkwardly.

"His meat is terrible. Vomit -"

"What do you mean?" Park Renyong didn't expect this to happen. He was forced to ask.

"This guy is not original, his body should have been transformed!" a little nurse said disgustingly.

"His taste is like a beggar chicken soaked in formalin for a long time. It's disgusting!" echoed another little nurse.

"I think it's more like a moldy and fermented rotten body. Damn it, I need to rinse my mouth!!!" the little nurse's reaction is the most exaggerated. She has begun to hit her head against the wall

"Er... You are exaggerating too much. It's not that bad! Er... Yes, yes?" Ye Feng protested very confidently.

"No matter what happened to this guy, we can't eat this man," the little nurses said to park Renyong in a consistent manner. For this result, Koryo Bangzi is not to mention how disappointed.

"... it seems that this idea can't be realized. God of death, no matter what happened to you, alas! You can't become a permanent food source for my distinguished customers. You're fired." Park Renyong said to Ye Feng disappointed, and then turned and walked out.

"So I'm unemployed again?"

Ye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of being food is too bad. Ye Feng silently swore in his heart: if he can escape, he will cherish every piece of food in his later life! At least every portion of pancake fruit!

"It's a waste of my precious time. Which of you cremated this thing for me." Park Renyong walked to the door and said wearily.

"No problem, my master."

The little nurses stared at Ye Feng one by one, an asshole who made them sick to vomit. They should have a good time with him.

"Hey! Wait! You should listen to my advice!" Ye Feng shouted loudly. He is not going to end his story in this dark dungeon. He must save himself!

"If I can give you what you want most... If you let me go first... Do you think you are interested in this deal?"

"Oh? What I want most?" Park Renyong stopped and turned to look at Ye Feng.

"Hundreds of mercenaries, fresh living people who ensure that they are pure natural, free of preservatives, pollution-free and genetically modified, and ensure that they are delivered to the door within 24 hours. Do you think this business can impress you?"

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