Ye Feng stared into Park Renyong's eyes. He had to make sure that the abnormal cosmetic surgeon would be interested in the business he proposed. Ye Feng is not ready to be cremated. After all, after being burned into ashes, does the self-healing gene have any effect? Ye Feng has no experience in this field

"I'm a little interested..." If Ye Feng is not talking nonsense, park Renyong still has the desire to cooperate. After all, the idea of unlimited meat tickets that he just ignited has proved to be utopian, and he has to have a headache for his customers' three meals a day.

"Don't worry, and if Lange is among these living people, you shouldn't refuse..." Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and said ruthlessly


"I'll go... It's a little more comfortable. Did you customize this damn detention, park Renyong?"

Ye Feng, who reached a cooperative relationship with PU Renyong, was finally liberated from the shackles. He moved his rigid body and enjoyed the hard-earned freedom. To be honest, Ye Feng has the impulse to kneel down in front of the mirror and kowtow to himself. He is so clever!

Damn it, it seems that I have been fighting for freedom and I have never make complaints about it.

"Of course, I customized all these things," Park said.

"Well, the chat time is over. It's time to make some preparations. You know, set a sink so that the plan can be implemented successfully. By the way, where's the big backpack I brought? Don't say you lost it." Ye Feng asked casually.

"Is that what you said?" a little nurse brought Ye Feng's big backpack.

"Yes, that's it, my little baby. You can't live without you in this operation."

Ye Feng took over the big backpack with care. Now the idea in his mind can proceed smoothly.

Damn it, Ye Feng, who is full of breath, will surprise everyone in the next plan!


"This is a good location... It must cover the whole castle..."

Ye Feng stands on the spire of the castle and chooses his favorite position. Ye Feng is preparing for his little plan. Being able to bathe in the sun again filled Ye Feng's heart with the joy of the rest of his life. He thought he was going to rot in the cellar of the castle.

After determining the required location, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone. He wanted to call the bastard.

"Lange, don't hang up, I'm not a salesman! Yes, it's me, death, your old man. I know, we haven't met, but once we get back to life and twice, that's a good start. Talk about business? Well, business is what I saw you put on the forum. Guess what? Man, help you solve the problem! You heard right, of course I finished the task, Your wife is safe and sound... Hmm? Are you questioning my professional ability? Why don't you believe that I have completed the entrustment? Lange, you won't be behind my back, are you?... no? Please don't be so surprised, I will doubt it. All right, there is a huge and exaggerated abandoned building 6 kilometers northeast of the town of innistine The castle, yes, that's it. Where will you meet me in eight hours? "

By phone with Lange, all the preparation steps in the plan have been completed. Ye Feng stretched himself and said to himself, "I guess Lange must be surprised now..."

He will come and take all his hands down

At the same time, Lange, who put down the phone, did not surprise Ye Feng. Lange took all his men on a transport plane and went to "yintristine town" together.

Although his heart is still full of doubts, Lange is confident to face any situation and have the protection of his subordinates. If the situation is really as Ye Feng said, Lange can take back his wife and kill the God of death after killing the damn Park Renyong. After all, the more than a dozen rewards on Ye Feng's head can still solve Lange's urgent need.

If anything else happens, he and the small arms he brought can be solved... But what Lange didn't expect is that he is not the only one raising private arms


After 7 hours

In front of the abandoned castle

"You, you really did it... Death, it's a miracle..."

Lange, who arrived at the joint, stared at death and Samantha around him in shock. The neuropathy in the rumor actually saved Samantha? Or did you do it alone? Damn it, how is this possible

"Yes, thanks to your pious prayers, I can easily get your beautiful wife out, Lange. Thank you very much." in the dark night, Ye Feng's face was covered with shadows, which made him look a little scary and ferocious.

"OK, OK, you're welcome. Haven't you met anything? I mean, are you okay?"

Lange can accept that the God of death can save Samantha. Anyway, his ultimate goal is to recapture his wife. As for the way, Lange doesn't care. What Lange wants to see most is to let the God of death and the damn Park Renyong dog bite the dog.

"Me? I don't have anything to do. Of course, it's when you can pay my reward. But as far as I know, you don't seem to have this ability." Ye Feng stared at Lange with a fierce face. The strong murderous intention in his heart was almost formed.

"Who is spreading these boring rumors? Of course I have the money to pay you!"

After half a life on the road, Lange could clearly feel the killing intention sent out by Ye Feng. Although he didn't know what the God of death had encountered, the pressing murderous spirit was enough to explain some problems, and Lange's heart was gradually filled with anxiety.

"Oh? Really?" Ye Feng asked sarcastically, "let me see this large group of heavily armed mercenaries behind you. They are specially to accompany you to escort my reward?"

Behind Lange, hundreds of mercenaries stood together. It was obvious that Lange was numerous and had no intention to pay Ye Feng. Why else would he bring so many people? How convenient it is to pay quickly now.

Ye Feng doesn't think that these fierce mercenaries, with all kinds of weapons in their hands and all kinds of posts that they think are handsome but actually very bad, come here with Lange to cheer and celebrate. There is no doubt that these people followed Lange and came here to kill him.

As the saying goes: peers are enemies

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