"Well, that's it. Everything seems too pale. Yes, God of death, I really don't intend to pay you. To be honest, I don't want to pay anyone. But I do bring a large group of mercenaries or armed to the teeth. So, do it yourself, God of death. Give me my wife now."

Lange's voice fell. Hundreds of mercenaries behind him picked up their guns and pointed the muzzle at Ye Feng, waiting for Lange's order to kill death, a very famous guy in the mercenary world.

Many of them are full of eager faces. After all, killing death by hand can definitely become the capital for these people to boast for the rest of their lives.

"HMM... give you the only hostage in my hand? It sounds tempting, but, Lange, do you think I'm retarded? No way! Asshole, your daughter-in-law must be my meat shield now!" Ye Feng tightly imprisoned Samantha's body and put her in front of him.

"To be exact, it's the living dead shield. In fact, you can't threaten me. Samantha, my dear, don't worry. I'll save you right away. They'll never hit you in the head, I promise."

Langes didn't eat Ye Feng at all. He was not prepared to solve the problem through negotiation from the beginning. His wife was transformed into a living dead man. The only advantage is that she is not so easy to die. So Lange didn't pay any attention to the threat of maple leaf.

"Lay down your arms! You are surrounded!"

Just when Lange thought he had taken control of the situation, a huge warning came from the castle. He raised his head in surprise and looked at the direction of the sound. Lange and his hundreds of hands were immediately stunned. In the castle shrouded in darkness, I don't know when, it has been filled with a dense army of the living dead. The number is amazing and the deterrent is very strong. These are walking heads with green eyes, which are extremely terrible!

"Er... Boss, are we going to explain here today?"

A mercenary beside Lange said with dull eyes. These mercenaries killed people one by one without blinking their eyelids, but when facing these living dead people, the most instinctive fear of human beings filled their hearts. This unreasonable supernatural existence made Lange and his men begin to shake.

The panic stricken living people are the food most desired by the living dead

"What!? Park Renyong!? what the fuck is going on?"

Looking at Park Renyong standing on the castle surrounded by the army of the living dead, Lange was shocked.

It can be said that the development of the situation completely exceeded Lange's expectations. Before he came, he didn't think that death and park Renyong might set a trap for him, so he took almost all his mercenaries.

But Lange did not expect that the living dead army of Park Renyong had reached such a terrible number. Hundreds of undead monsters? Shit, it's completely planted

Damn, he changed so many living dead in such a short time!?

No one will answer Langer's question. Release Samantha, who is cooperating with her acting, and ye fengchong shows a cruel smile to the stunned Lange. He says to Lange in a cheerful tone:

"Welcome to the night of the living dead, man..."

In Ye Feng's cold gaze, the army of the living dead rushed out of the castle one after another. They roared and ran wildly. They opened their mouths to an incredible extent and jumped at the panicked mercenaries with open teeth and claws.

These experienced professional soldiers can almost be described as being defeated in front of the living dead who are not afraid of death. The guns in their hands have no effect on these monsters who are free from death. Their resistance, like a group of children facing adult attacks, was weak and weak.

Especially when they noticed that their companions began to be divided by living and dead people. This terrible scene directly made most of Lange's men collapse. In the final analysis, these mercenaries are just a group of humans. In the face of monsters separated from the human category, they are like a lamb to be slaughtered. Waiting for these people, the only tragic end is to be swallowed by the living dead

"What else can I say, Lange? You really did it yourself."

Ye Feng went to Lange's side and spat on Lange, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog. Ye Feng had no sympathy for Lange, an old miscellaneous hair without contract spirit. He asked for it!

The battle between mercenaries and the living dead did not last long. This is somewhat beyond Ye Feng's expectation. These living dead people who don't eat human flesh are detestable. Their combat effectiveness exceeds Ye Feng's expectation, which also deepens Ye Feng's firm determination to implement the last step in the plan. He must deal with these living dead people in the name of hero!

With the exception of Lang, all mercenaries were swallowed up by the Legion of the living dead. Ye Feng's appetite for these monsters was so great that he was stunned. After all, it was hundreds of strong men with tendons all over. They were really eaten in minutes

Ye Feng is thankful that compared with Lange, park Renyong finally abides by the agreement with Ye Feng. When carrying Lange back to the castle, park Renyong did not embarrass Ye Feng, but let him leave.

This is not to say that park Renyong's human nature is better than Lange. Fundamentally, Ye Feng has no use for him, and park Renyong thinks he is not afraid of Ye Feng's revenge.

Therefore, when things were over, Ye Feng came out of Park Renyong's Castle unharmed. To tell the truth, Ye Feng didn't even expect it.

Wow, that's true!

Walking leisurely in the cool night, Ye Feng simply admired his intelligence. The only thing he regretted was that no one else appreciated the grand fireworks.

It's another great travel episode. Unfortunately, after working hard for a long time, I still didn't make a penny. This time, I'll come back empty handed.

While complaining in his heart, Ye Feng took out the detonator in his pocket and arbitrarily pressed the detonating button.


A small mushroom cloud sprang up in the castle behind Ye Feng. The abandoned castle, located in the deep mountains, was blown apart in an instant. The sky burst into flames and sky shaking explosions lit up the whole night sky!

With the loud noise breaking out, the castle kept rushing out of a hot wave. In the earth shaking explosion, the thick smoke soared into the air like an overwhelming sandstorm. Lots of buildings are collapsing one after another, and huge broken stones are falling like a meteor shower!

"Wow, I'll say it. I still have to use high-grade goods. It's a pity that I spent a lot of money to get plastic explosives..." Ye Feng turned around and looked at the gorgeous night sky behind him. He was in a comfortable mood.

In the big backpack carried by Ye Feng, in addition to some necessities for travel, the remaining space is filled with plastic explosives that Ye Feng has worked hard to get.

As for why Ye Feng fills his backpack with explosives when he goes to meet his old lover, are you wrong? It's Ye Feng. It's meaningless to speculate his idea

"It's really cool!!!!!! finish the work!"

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