When he was in such an ancient building, if Rihanna and Gongjian didn't exist, Ye Feng would probably turn around and run out of the temple instead of walking forward.

In the passage of a huge arched shed roof, the surrounding corridor walls are built by the accumulation of boulders, and there are tall wooden doors on both sides of the passage. From several open wooden doors, Ye Feng could see that there were round tables or huge wooden bookshelves in the house, neatly placed next to the wall, on which there were books like things, with strange hieroglyphs of the ancient Borussia empire marked on the spine.

Some stone crafts that Ye Feng can see are also engraved with strange runes, usually some strange patterns that are difficult to understand, or standing monsters with teeth and claws. To some extent, they are somewhat similar to monsters like ghost people.

In this dark stone building, a huge and brilliant architectural style is followed, but it exudes a strange style like Ye Feng's feeling towards the borussa empire. Ye Feng can see a series of protruding stone sculptures, which are neatly arranged in the channel walls on both sides, like a monster that will live at any time, with a big mouth, rushing towards the three people moving forward in the channel.

This dark passage did not last too long. Because most of the turnouts along the way have been sealed by scattered boulders, there are not many options for Ye Feng to move forward. In particular, there were mercenaries or light blue ghost bodies everywhere along the way as a guide. Ye Feng trotted all the way and finally ran into a magical area.

This spacious area is located in the depths of the brahsha temple. There are no stone furniture or sacrificial altar. In this large open-air hall, there are messy boulders and several very lush ancient trees around. On the stone channel that spirals up along the circular wall to the sky above, A very strong bald middle-aged man is commanding several mercenaries to carry a huge blue treasure color with a height of more than one person up!

"That's the holy stone of borussa!" Rihanna shouted in shock.

"Is there any mistake? Uncle Gong, the volume of the brahsha holy stone is too large!" Ye Feng was shocked by the huge volume of the brahsha holy stone while raising his gun.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? I haven't seen this thing with my own eyes. Stop talking nonsense and stop Derek's bastard!" Gong Jian asked the old man to raise his gun and shoot, especially the mercenaries carrying the brahsha holy stone.

"Don't fight back. Someone greeted these uninvited guests." general Derek didn't panic in the face of Ye Feng's attack. When the camp was attacked, he had received information that others were chasing behind him.

General Derek led three or four mercenaries quickly along the upward passage. How to safely send the borosa holy stone to the helicopter hovering in the sky is general Derek's top priority.

And he had just prepared a surprise for these little mice, and now they came at the right time.

"Derek, you son of a bitch, don't you dare? Why don't you dare to say anything now?" Gong Jian asked the old man to run ahead. General Derek on his head was a dirty word with extremely cheap words and began to curse the street directly. It can be regarded as an opportunity for him to catch the shame before the snow. Gongjian let the old man change his obscenity and bravery in the past.

"Old man, who are you? During strenuous exercise, remember to close your mouth so that you don't lose your breath and carry your breath." you can take the borussa holy stone as your own right immediately. The bald general Derek is in a very good mood. He has leisure and humility. It's enough to let the old man talk

"What are you pretending to be? Evil or disgusting? How many years younger than me? It's good to call me an old man!?" Gong Jian asked to raise his hand, but unfortunately, he seemed to have a hunch that general Derek had no reason to lean slightly, and the bullet hit the bulletproof jacket he was wearing, and general Derek didn't even hum.

"Shit... Wu Ke's bald head is a cruel character. He was shot across the bulletproof vest at this distance, but he continued to walk fast without changing his complexion. This guy grew up drinking cow blood? His physical quality is OK." when Ye Feng was still lamenting that general Derek was a tough man, he suddenly found that his ankle was caught by something. It was inferred from the touch, It seems that one hand grabbed Ye Feng's ankle.

When Ye Feng lowered his head to check, he found that in the hall full of boulders and giant trees where he, Rihanna and Gong Jian let the old man live, the pale blue bodies lying on the ground began to change. The ghost people who were killed by Derek's army began to get up from the ground one after another. Although the movements of these ghost people were unusually stiff, they staggered to raise their arms and came to Ye Feng, which still gave Ye Feng a great sense of oppression.

Ye Feng kicked the head of the ghost man who grabbed his ankle, pulled out the two machetes after birth and began to wave. At the same time, he shouted: "shit! We take it for granted! Uncle Gong, Rihanna, be careful!"

When they entered this area, Ye Feng paid all their attention to general Derek's huge light blue gem. They subconsciously ignored the bodies lying on the ground emitting light cyan strange light. In Ye Feng's logic, a corpse in the ground, general Derek who left with the holy stone, it is obvious that after a fierce battle, all the living ghosts fell to the ground together with the unlucky mercenaries.

But Ye Feng and others ignored that there were only light cyan corpses on the ground, not any normal mercenary corpses! If ye Feng could observe them more carefully, they could find strange places from these light blue corpses with bare upper body: all ghost people were dressed in uniform camouflage pants!

Gong Jian let the old man know later and said, "shit, Derek is a tough bastard. Except for a few people who helped him set the holy stone, he turned all his other subordinates into ghost monsters! Damn it, all this is really related to the strange brahsha holy stone!"

"I said, old man, do you still have time for live broadcasting? Clean up a way to escape!"

Ye Feng waved the two mountain knives in his hand and cut the ghost people around him hard. However, as the ghost people's body became unusually hard, every time Ye Feng waved a knife, the tiger's mouth in his hand would be shocked and bleed.

"Shit, when it's over, I have to eat a few pots of ribs!"

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