Fortunately, although the corpses of these mercenaries who have just been transformed into ghost monsters have become extremely hard, their actions are still stiff and inflexible, and they do not show the intelligence of ghost people. They are more like zombies in the traditional sense, rushing towards the living people around according to the instinct remaining in the corpses.

Compared with Ye Feng and Rihanna, Gongjian makes the old man look more embarrassed. He can only rely on his more flexible skills, run around, pick up the scattered shotgun on the ground from time to time, and send it to the ghost's head, which is also very efficient.

"Ye Feng!"

Seeing that general Derek had led several of her men to a high position, Rihanna made a quick decision and shouted at Ye Feng. Her people also ran out towards Ye Feng's position. The ghosts in front of her were slapped and fanned out several times.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Rihanna, I know what you're up to. We can't -- shit! This is the third time today!!!"

Coincidentally with Ye Feng's thoughts, Rihanna, who ran towards him, grabbed Ye Feng's arm directly, stood with her feet, and suddenly turned 360 degrees in place. Ye Feng was directly wheeled up and rotated in the air. As Rihanna released Ye Feng's arm that might break at any time, Ye Feng suddenly shot into the air like a loaded shell, Point straight at general Derek!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The experience of being treated as a human flesh bomb is very terrible. From Ye Feng's terrible screams, we can hear how resistant he is in his heart. In fact, it can also be understood that in just a few hours, Ye Feng has been thrown out as garbage for the third time. This repeated action deeply hurt the young man's heart in Ye Feng's chest, and also gave him pain all over his body. Even before he recovered from the scar left for the second time, he was thrown into the air for the third time, And it's more rough than the last two

General Derek heard the scream behind him and looked back. He just saw Ye Feng flying in the air. At this moment, he directly grasped the thick branches of a huge tree in mid air with his hands, hung his whole body on the branches, and completed a three-week rotation in the gymnastics horizontal bar. After rotating to the angle directly facing general Derek, Ye Feng suddenly released his hands, Hit general Derek's position!

"Surprisemotherfucker!!! Shit!!!"

The excited expression on Ye Feng's face suddenly stopped for a simple reason: General Derek, who was close at hand, took out a huge left wheel and aimed at Ye Feng with one hand while giving a sneer at Ye Feng.

"Bang", "when"

At the moment of gunfire, a crisp metal breaking sound sounded almost at the same time. At the critical moment, Ye Feng pulled out his mountain knife in the air and stubbornly blocked a revolver bullet aimed at his eyebrows. At the cost of a mountain knife, Ye Feng barely escaped the consequences of being shot, but due to being hit by bullets at such a close distance, Ye Feng was deformed in the air. The direct consequence was that Ye Feng did not fall on the Stone Ancient Road spiraling upward close to the stone wall of the hall where general Derek was located. Ye Feng slipped rapidly close to the stone wall.

"Damn it!!!"

He tried his best to insert the remaining mountain knife into the stone wall. Ye Feng stubbornly stopped the falling body. Although his hands were dripping with blood, he succeeded in throwing himself directly on the hard stone and was hit into a pool of meat cakes by a great impact.

Release the mountain knife in his hand, Ye Feng lightly jumped and fell on the stone ancient road. He began to run quickly, followed the winding up ancient road, and stared at general Derek not far from his head. The latter was also watching him.

"Derek, from my point of view, there are two bright suns in the air. Your big bald head is really dazzling, like the headlights in front of the car!" Ye Feng usually doesn't let his mouth idle. He will never let go of speaking whenever he has a chance.

"Boy, are you interested in job hopping? Following Gong Jian makes the old guy have no development." Derek looked down at Ye Feng with interest. He was not tired.

In fact, due to the huge volume of the borosha holy stone, the three mercenaries can only carry it at an extremely slow speed. General Derek can't do it even if he wants to speed up.

"Baldheaded captain, although the scar on your face is cool, I still hate your shape very much, but your sentence is really reasonable. With Gong Jian, I only have to eat melons and fall children to mix behind the old man's ass, but I'm sorry, I didn't calculate more with you. In fact, I want to take the initiative and be my own boss."

"It's a pity that I can only kill you, but don't worry, I will inject the power of the brahsha holy stone into your body before you die, so that you can become my eternal loyal guardian of the dead." general Derek said with a grim smile.

Looking at Ye Feng, who had caught up with Derek, general Derek moved his joints, and the sound of "click" was made in Derek's strong and abnormal body.

Even Ye Feng has to admit that general Derek's big muscles may be matched only by the eldest sister who claimed to be Bloody Mary in the infirmary when rescuing Chu Qian.

I don't know where Mary has gone. Forget it, forget it. Although she is very nice, I still don't want to have too much relationship with her. She will find her happiness and bless the lucky big brother... Ye Feng couldn't help stirring up all over when thinking of Mary's respectable face.

"Really don't think about following me?" general Derek stood in place and stood in front of Ye Feng.

"What do you mean? If you don't agree with me, you'll be naked? Explain in advance that my sexual orientation is very normal. Let's fight back. Don't think of crooked moves!" looking at general Derek standing in front of him, he suddenly took off his coat and leaked large muscles full of scars. Ye Feng was scared and retreated several times and looked at general Derek contemptuously.

"... is there something wrong with your mind? I just think clothes are in the way, boy. I can see madness in your eyes. Come on, let me see how crazy you can be!"

General Derek is an extremely tough man. He will never use other ways to solve things with his fists, and the same is true when facing Ye Feng.

Looking at general Derek in front of him, Ye Feng twisted his neck a few times. His eyes were no longer cynical, but sharp. The intuition of fighting in his body was conveying a message to Ye Feng: the enemy in front of him was very strong!

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