"I think you're almost warmed up, and I'll take your head." general Derek walked slowly to Ye Feng. Because he took off his coat and threw it aside, his strong and tight muscles with strong visual impact leaked out.

"I'm an invincible man in the world! Hahaha, come on." Ye Feng put his hands in his pockets and faced the bald and strong general Derek walking towards him, fearless.

"Hey, hey, you're a hopeless madman. Come on!"

Ye Feng ignored general Derek's provocation. He quickly kicked out his left leg and attacked general Derek's head. The latter set up his strong right arm and steadily blocked the raid.

Without a hit, Ye Feng continued to attack. Through the combined attack of interruption, low kick and fist, he tried his best to suppress general Derek and keep the bald head in passive defense. Ye Feng made up his mind at the beginning and was ready to do his best to kill general Derek. Although he didn't care about Gongjian letting the old man, Rihanna was still besieged by ghosts. He had to make a quick decision.

But general Derek was not embarrassed to be suppressed, but was looking for a gap for Ye Feng's attack.

That's it! General Derek raised his left leg and fiercely kicked forward to Ye Feng's abdomen. Because ye Feng was hard and straight, he simply ate the foot raw. At the same time, he raised his hand and gave general Derek a blow with his left straight fist, which severely hit the bald face.

The two men fell back a few steps and fell to the ground at the same time. Relying on his muscular physique, general Derek stood up in front of Ye Feng. He rushed to Ye Feng who had just got up and tried to grab Ye Feng's collar.

Ye Feng lowered his center of gravity and skillfully avoided the first arrest of big bald head. However, due to his unstable foothold, Ye Feng's body instantly lost its balance and fell to the ground again.

General Derek didn't let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He simply grabbed Ye Feng's hair and pulled Ye Feng up from the ground. When Ye Feng saw the big bald head and legs straddling, he subconsciously raised his left foot and kicked it hard on general Derek's gear.

"You are really shameless," general Derek asked, pulling Ye Feng's hair.

"Ha ha, habit, habit."

Shit! Derek, this bastard wears a guard all the time!? Doesn't he feel flustered? There's no crotch weakness, shit! This bastard! Ye Feng secretly complains in his heart that his next three-way stunt has no chance to show

General Derek grabbed Ye Feng's hair with his left hand, saved strength with his right fist and hit Ye Feng on the head. One punch, two punches, the third time, general Derek hit with a powerful and heavy right hand on Ye Feng's face. The latter was directly hit and flew five or six meters away. He fell to the ground with his head covered in his hands and groaned in pain.

Shit, it's a ring. The ring on general Derek's hand has become a weapon. His head feels like it's splitting. Shit!

Ye Feng covered his forehead. His face was covered with blood. General Derek's strength was unexpected. He was not only physically abnormal, but also his fighting skills were so rich?!

"You bastard are bad enough!!!" Ye Feng didn't wipe the blood flowing on his face. He stood up and rushed to general Derek.

"Blood on your face, just lie on the ground, asshole boy!!!" general Derek put up his arms and blocked ye Fengfei's left leg. The two men fought hand to hand again, exchanging fists and feet in the most primitive and cruel way.

The three mercenaries carrying the brahsha holy stone put the huge holy stone on the ground and looked at the hand to hand fight between Ye Feng and general Derek. They didn't mean to help at all. They shouted for general Derek in high spirits!?

For this bloody scene of boxing to meat, the men were completely immersed in it, immersed in the atmosphere of fighting and excited. Leaving aside the three mercenaries, we know general Derek's character. If they intervene in the battle, they are likely to be torn apart by general Derek.

And most importantly, none of the three mercenaries had any doubt about the outcome of the fight. General Derek's strength was obvious to all. Their idea was simple: General Derek was too strong to worry about.

"Drink!!!" Ye Feng's right straight fist hit general Derek's left face. The latter ate the heavy fist and spit blood on the ground. General Derek himself didn't do much. Instead, the mercenaries watching the war shouted violently.


"What the hell! General Derek, boss!"

"Kill him!"

"You move things honestly for me!!! Who made you lazy!!!"

After roaring twice, general Derek stopped paying attention to the three hurried mercenaries, because he had to concentrate on every attack of Ye Feng. Although he has the absolute advantage in power, the speed of the man in front of him is unimaginable. General Derek must always remain focused to judge. If he shoots later, he is likely to be hit!

Ye Feng used his speed advantage to fight with general Derek madly. Every time he kicked on the left, he was defended by general Derek's iron wall. Of course, general Derek is not blindly defensive. He can always catch Ye Feng's small flaws and fight back.

Both sides have their own advantages. In the end, it will become a fight in which you give me a punch and I kick you. General Derek grabbed the gap exposed by Ye Feng's left straight fist and kicked Ye Feng's abdomen with a fierce left kick. Although Ye Feng reacted immediately and put up his right arm to block his abdomen, the strength on general Derek's leg still knocked Ye Feng to the ground.

General Derek didn't take too much advantage in this round. Ye Feng's straight fist also hit general Derek heavily in the face, which made the latter spray a big mouthful of blood, but general Derek held the attack and stood still with his inhuman physical quality.

And Ye Feng has been knocked down to the ground at this time. He is in a desperate situation at the moment! General Derek rushed to Ye Feng who had not yet got up from the ground. He wanted to get rid of him!

"Go! Go, general Derek, boss!"


"Kill him!!!"

Shit... What's the power of this goods! Hard work is not his opponent at all

Ye Feng looked at general Derek who rushed at him, swept his legs on the ground and tried to knock general Derek down unexpectedly. But to Ye Feng's surprise, general Derek jumped up directly in the face of Ye Feng's attack, turned over in the air, crossed Ye Feng and landed steadily behind Ye Feng.

Now the form has become that general Derek is standing behind Ye Feng sitting on the ground, and Ye Feng is wide open behind him!

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