Resisting the pain of his body, Ye Feng increased his speed to death. He flew up the eaves and walls in the holy place with strange stones. From time to time, he had to jump into the air and grab the thick branches of those ancient trees to perform some acrobatic movements, so as to pull himself apart from the ghost general DRICK who was chasing after him.

Ye Feng was helpless about general Derek's pursuit. At the same time, he was glad that general Derek killed almost all the other ghosts in the sanctuary in the process of pursuing him. Even the three mercenaries turned into ghosts, which were torn and crushed to pieces by general Derek.

This kind of Guandi boss who personally helps clear the little monster is the first time Ye Feng has been wandering the Jianghu for decades. If general Derek stops here and both sides sit down and have a cup of tea and chat, it can really be called the most pleasant trip. Unfortunately, Ye Feng has this idea. Only two-thirds of general Derek's brain seeds are left, Full of desire to tear up all living creatures, especially the strongest desire to kill Ye Feng.

Damn it, I have to find a way quickly, or uncle Gong and Rihanna will be in danger!?

"Uncle Gong! Rihanna! What are you doing?"

Ye Feng was still worried about the safety of Rihanna and Gongjian, but he didn't find them in the hall of the sanctuary. Ye Feng suddenly looked up and saw that Rihanna and Gongjian had climbed the winding stone ladder and were running to the exit above his head.

What makes Ye Feng speechless is that none of the two people made a sound to remind him. If Ye Feng hadn't seen them with his own eyes, it seems that Rihanna and Gong Jian made the old man ready to continue running away

"I, I am afraid that I and the girl are too much of a problem, Ye Feng, you let go of your hands and feet to enlarge your strokes. I have run to the safe place with my girl, and do not worry about us anymore."

"Put your mother's fart! Where am I going to make a big move now? Do you want to do it now?" Ye Feng was furious and asked Gongjian to spray on the old man. The words in her mouth made Rihanna refresh the bottomless bottom line of Ye Feng in her heart again

"Ye Feng, don't worry, uncle Gong and I are up there to cover you." Rihanna took up her assault rifle and aimed at general Derek's exposed brain, "bang" fired a shot. But this shot did not hit general Derek. General Derek, who became a ghost, became extremely sharp in his senses. At the moment he heard the gunshot, he had completed the Dodge action.

"Damn it... Wait! Uncle Gong, do you find that the resin from these ancient trees is very similar to the composition of the brahsa holy stone."

Rihanna watched as a series of bullets she shot were nimbly avoided by general Derek. While she was angry, she suddenly noticed from the sight that a bullet she had just fired happened to hit these ancient trees growing in the sanctuary. After the bullet pierced the bark of the ancient trees, a light cyan resin flowed out.

Because the light cyan resin came into contact with the air and the sparks jumped out when the bullet hit, the strange resin began to burn violently, emitting a wisp of smoke, which was very conspicuous in Rihanna's sight.

"Well, it's true that you say that, um... The holy stone of borosa is probably composed of resin secreted by this ancient tree. In fact, if there is such a large crystal clear gem, it's God's pen. But we all know that God doesn't exist." Gong Jian asked the old man to pass Rihanna's reminder, I feel more and more that the holy stone of borosa has a great connection with the endocrine resin of this ancient tree.

At this time, Gongjian made the old man and Rihanna run to the holy stone of borussa. They looked closely at this holy stone that can turn people into ghosts. They both had a creepy feeling. It seems that this holy stone has the ability to absorb and frighten souls. When you touch this holy stone, your soul will be sucked into it, and your body will be occupied by evil spirits.

While Rihanna and Gong Jian let the old man be shocked by the strange light emitted by the brahsa holy stone, Ye Feng was still playing hide and seek with general Derek at the bottom of the sanctuary. With the passage of time, Ye Feng was frightened to find that general Derek's body was more flexible and much more agile than before.

Whether it is Ye Feng's psychological role or the reality is true, general Derek seems to have begun to have some consciousness. In his eyes with light cyan light, other elements that Ye Feng can't explain clearly begin to flicker. In a word, the distance between Ye Feng and general Derek has become smaller and smaller, Ye Feng can already feel the suffocating oppression brought to him by general Derek!

"You'd better find a way! Man, you're about to be done whatever you want by the bald big guy!!!" look up at Rihanna and Gongjian, and find that they are carefully studying the brahsa holy stone in front of them. Ye Feng almost wants to cry without tears, "it's not fair to meet people, it's not fair to meet people!"

Rihanna suddenly turned to Ye Feng at the bottom and shouted, "Ye Feng! You lead general Derek to us!"

"Honey, have you figured out a way?"

"I have an idea. I think I can try it. By the way, Ye Feng, you should be ready. Do you see the big stone?" Rihanna pointed to a huge stone and said to Ye Feng, "you lead general Derek here. Then you jump on this stone and jump as high as possible, and then you should be able to fly very high with a little external force."


"Don't worry, uncle Gong will hold you. You remember to adjust the direction of your body. That's it." Rihanna said decisively.

"Rihanna, you haven't explained why I fly? Damn it, don't chase me, we can't!" because the distance between Ye Feng and Derek has reached the limit, Ye Feng doesn't have time to think about what Rihanna means. Since she says she can have a try, let's do it.

Determined, Ye Feng suddenly changed his direction and ran out in the direction where Rihanna and Gong Jian let the old man. When Ye Feng made a sprint and stepped on the boulder pointed by Rihanna, Ye Feng stepped on it and jumped up. When Ye Feng was jumping in the air, he noticed that there was a huge shadow on his head. It was a borussa holy stone that was as tall as a person. Ye Feng watched Rihanna and Gong Jian ask the old man to push the borussa holy stone down from the stone steps in the air. Ye Feng brushed past the borussa holy stone in the air. Before Ye Feng could react, what happened, Rihanna's voice came from his head: "Ye Feng, bear it, it may be a little hot."

A little hot? what do you mean?

Ye Feng raised his head blankly and looked at Rihanna with an assault rifle over his head.

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