When Rihanna detonated the borussa holy stone with a shuttle bullet, Ye Feng didn't expect this scene to happen. Until the burning feeling of being baked by the hot flame came from her body, carrying the violent shock wave to lift Ye Feng up, he was still staring blankly at the sky above his head.

Where am I? Who am I? Why can I fly?

In Ye Feng's mind, there are only a few ultimate problems that perplex mankind. This is the first flight today. Ye Feng doesn't want to study it carefully. He just immerses himself in the warm flame and lets his body be held up by the huge flame palm. He enjoys... Fart!!!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!! I'm going to become a roast suckling pig!!!"

Ye Feng screamed loudly in the air. His back was burned in a mess by the hot flame. A scorched black Ye Feng kept struggling in the air, trying to adjust the direction of landing. From this height, he fell directly to the bottom of the valley. There is no doubt that even if ye Feng can survive in the fire in the sanctuary hall, he must become roasted meat paste

"Ye Feng! Grab this!"

There was Rihanna's cry in his ear. Although Ye Feng couldn't believe any word Rihanna said now, the situation was critical. He had to turn his head to see what Rihanna wanted him to catch.

A rope with a stone tied at the end. Rihanna threw a rope at Ye Feng's position. Seeing that the rope thrown in the air was about to fall, Ye Feng grabbed the stone tied to the rope with a tight hand. With the track of the rope, Ye Feng's whole body crossed an arc. Then Ye Feng slammed the whole body on the wall and made a "bang" sound, The collision almost let Ye Feng loose his hand holding the rope.

"Hold on!"

Rihanna and Gongjian asked the old man to pull Ye Feng up. The other end of the rope was tied to Gongjian's waist. Just now he almost fell down. Fortunately, Rihanna's arm strength was amazing. She still firmly grasped the rope and grabbed Ye Feng and Gongjian by herself.

When the bruised Ye Feng was pulled up the stone steps, Ye Feng almost lost consciousness. Rihanna saw the violent explosion and flame detonated by the brahsa holy stone, which was about to devour the holy place. She directly put Ye Feng on her shoulder, and Gong Jian asked the old man to run desperately to the exit above her head!

When Rihanna and Gongjian let the old man run to the top, the violent flame shock wave was like a fierce fire dragon, directly from the bottom of the sanctuary to the sky and straight into the sky. Rihanna and Gongjian let the old man be directly overturned into the air several meters high, and then fell heavily to the ground.

This fall woke Ye Feng, who had just fallen into a coma for a short time, vaguely looked at the skyrocketing flame in front of him. Ye Feng seemed to see several ferocious ghosts mixed in the flame, among which the ghost face of a big bald head was particularly obvious. Ye Feng blinked again. Just then those ghost faces that cried and howled disappeared, as if they had never existed.

"I'll go... Naked eye 3D? Rihanna, do you see? Faces in the fire."

Ye Feng sat on the ground and felt that all the parts of his body were protesting to him. The flood of pain made Ye Feng really feel the true meaning of living: living is TM's suffering

"Well, but the existence of these filth has been destroyed with the destruction of the holy stone of borussa." Rihanna wiped the sweat on her face and stirred a few strands of hair stuck to her cheek with her hand.

In the setting sun, Rihanna is shrouded in a layer of golden light, which is extremely holy and exudes a unique charm that intoxicates men. You can't even say where she is beautiful, but she has the magic to make the soul of the opposite sex.

Ye Feng had to admit that even if he was hurt by Rihanna countless times, he couldn't hate Rihanna's beautiful face at all.

"Honey, you are really loved and hated."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, but I love you far more than I hate you, Rihanna, just like the lyrics: you are my little dog, I am your bone ~ Honey, I am willing to do anything for you."


"Of course, anything, well, at least giving up pancake fruit is not included in anything. It's above everything."


Rihanna glanced at Ye Feng, then turned around and stopped paying attention to Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, when did you get the problem of pancake fruit? I remember you didn't do that before." Gong Jian asked the old man to lie on the ground and looked at Ye Feng curiously.

Gong Jian makes the old man close to the 60 mark after all. After a series of narrowly escaped deaths just now, he has reached the endurance limit of his body. Although he has not been hurt, his body is really unable to carry it.

In fact, Gong Jian let the old man and Rihanna not suffer any serious injuries along the way. They are different from Ye Feng who has been fighting in the front line. Rihanna usually throws Ye Feng out to solve the battle. In addition to the final deadly run, Gong Jian let the old man always shoot cold shots in a safe position

"In fact, you are the one who fascinates me with pancake fruit, uncle Gong."


"Do you remember when you left me to die? Uncle Gong."

"Er... I don't remember one thing. After all, I'm old and have a vague memory of the past."

"Tiger egg... In a word, I was hungry and thirsty. I walked alone for three days and nights. Fortunately, I met two hiking donkey friends. At that time, the food they gave me was pancake fruit. Since then, I deeply fell in love with the supreme delicacy of pancake fruit."

"Ye Feng, I'm sorry. I was obsessed and made the wrong choice that made me despise. I don't regret -"

"I know you regret it. I forgive you - wait, what did you just say? I don't regret it!"

"Ye Feng, in the process of changing from a boy to a man, you must experience pain. Your achievements today are directly related to the suffering I imposed on you. Young man, people should look forward and blindly immerse themselves in something in the past, which is an embodiment of immaturity."

"Are you talking to people!? you, you TM are forcibly feeding me chicken soup!" Ye Feng couldn't speak when one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

"Ye Feng, in essence, life is neither tragic nor noble. It is just full of absurdity and absurdity. Believe me, this is a man who has lived for 59 years -"

"Old bastard's nonsense! You say you're m! Go away, I don't want to see your stupid face in my life!" Ye Feng blew it up directly. If Gong Jian makes the old man 20 years younger, Ye Feng has definitely beaten him all over his face now.

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