"Is it serious?"

Ye Feng returns from the scene to the leader's office in the razor kindergarten. Will gives this office to Ye Feng as his residence and office.

Ye Feng just opened the door and was about to lie down on the bed of the small bedroom in the office for a while. A pleasant voice came in from the door of the office. It was Kou Bi. The fairy beauty was standing at the door of the office and watching Ye Feng.

"Well, it's not clear whether there is a follow-up attack. I hope it's not serious, but the damage caused by the explosion has been great. Half of the commercial streets including black shops and bars have been completely destroyed, and dozens of orcs have been lost. CORBI, you've been so glorious for a long time."

Ye Feng took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. He sat blankly in the chair opposite Kou Bi. Ye Feng couldn't predict the development of things. Suddenly he became the leader of an orc tribe. Even Ye Feng, who was happy with the situation, couldn't adapt for a while. Ye Feng is still confused about the handling of the attack.

"It's rare. When the scientific and technological level of this planet is relatively low, some orcs will come up with a human flesh bomb terrorist attack plan and put it into practice. Are you sure there is no Dick's participation?"

Without the embarrassment of meeting again, Kou Bi naturally sat face to face with Ye Feng in the office. The fairy beauty began to seriously analyze the doubts of the attack.

When Kobi served in the fleet in the past, although he had few opportunities to contact the orcs, even if he lived in this Orc tribe for a few months, Kobi hardly had any intersection with the orcs, but in the database of orcs in Kobi's mind, the records of orcs launching human flesh bomb attacks are almost rare, There are few cases of choosing human flesh bomb attacks instead of fighting head-on.

"Although it's an acquaintance, I'll sue you for slander too." Dick's voice suddenly sounded in the office, which startled Ye Feng and Kirby.

"You TM's monitoring me? Old and immortal, what about you, now in its original shape!" Ye Feng is like a cat with a trampled tail, and the cold hairs on his back stand up. The old guy can monitor my words and deeds as much as possible?

"Don't be so sensitive. I just selectively listen to you talking about my topic behind your back. I didn't hear anything else. Besides, I'm not here. I'm on the other side of the universe, in the bedroom of acquaintances. It's not happy." Dick's face can be imagined by Ye Feng, this damn bastard!

"You --! MD, forget it, there's nothing to hide anyway, Dick, what do you think? Leave such a mess to me"

"Er, well, I think ah, this attack should not be a case. Think carefully. If there is progress, call my name. I will give you a hint. You can do it at ease. When you need me, I'll open the door and come back directly. That's all." although Dick didn't answer Ye Feng's question positively. However, the old Orc twisted aside the topic and let Ye Feng know the answer to the question. He was wronged by dick

"Don't run, you send me back to earth!!!"

The irrational Ye Feng picked up the cup hanging on the tea table and smashed it on the wall, but it didn't help. Dick didn't respond any more.

"Don't waste your energy, Ye Feng."

Kobi reluctantly grabbed Ye Feng's two shoulders with two hands and directly carried Ye Feng in the air. After all, Kobi always wore "hellbat" armor. Although it seems that Kobi only wore a fitted razor uniform specially made for her by Dick, this is because Kobi enabled the secret mode of "hellbat" armor, That is to say, Corby's armor is invisible.

During this month in the orc tribe, Kobi just asked dick for a small piece of isotope 332 as the energy source of the "hellbat" armor, which is used as the power generation energy of Li tiehammer's settlement.

Then, with the unremitting efforts of hard and soft, Kobi successfully made Dick succumb to her insistence. Dick only kindly and reluctantly transformed Kobi's hell bat armor, and perfectly solved the only disadvantage of this powerful armor: the energy problem, which will consume the driver's vitality during driving.

Generally speaking, after a period of repair, Kou Bi has been qualitatively improved both in her heart and combat effectiveness.

"Why? Put me down, I'm out of breath!" Ye Feng fought in the air, but his strength was worthless in front of Kobi's "hellbat".

"Calm down, calm down -" Kou Bi began to grasp Ye Feng's two shoulders without expression, shaking up and down, shaking Ye Feng stunned. For ten minutes, Ye Feng, who was vomited, screamed loudly, "I've been calm for a long time! Put me down! Put me down!"

"That's good."

Kou Bi threw Ye Feng, who was almost on a loose shelf, on the floor like a dead dog, and said something more. In fact, just a minute after shaking Ye Feng, Kou Bi had heard Ye Feng's soft voice, but she pretended not to hear it. She was stunned and tortured Ye Feng for ten minutes

"You, you can't be gentle with me?" the dizzy Ye Feng nodded on his left foot and circled his right foot towards the door. Kou Bi looked at Ye Feng coming out of the office and asked Ye Feng aloud, "what else do you want to do? It seems that you're not calm enough, and -"

"Enough! Enough! Stay away from me!" Ye Feng howled and shouted to Kou Bi. He was crying

"What are you?"

"I'm looking for something to eat. I haven't seen you for some time. At least we have to have dinner together..." Ye Feng said weakly.


After chatting at dinner, Ye Feng knew what Kou Bi had experienced in recent months. At the beginning of the arrival of the fairy beauty Kobi, all the orcs and Jigu of the whole razor tribe were shocked. These uncivilized guys were very curious about Kobi, an alien whose appearance was very different from them.

When Corby came to the razor kindergarten on the first day, if Dick hadn't pulled out his gun and killed a few ungrateful owners who wanted to come and taste Corby, the commotion might have been even greater.

Fortunately, Dick's orcs are more obedient to him, and the "hellbat" armor on Kobi's body is not a decoration. Its strength is strong enough to exaggerate. After the elf beauty killed several impolite orcs by herself, no two were forced to come forward and die

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