Seeing the power of Kobi, all the orcs were far away from Kobi and looked at the alien with special appearance and extremely ugly appearance like their Dick boss with awe.

Yes, Dick and Corby's looks are extremely disgusting in the aesthetics of the orc race. That's why at the beginning, orcs came to find Corby's fault. In their eyes, the alien was so ugly that they were disgusted

In fact, when the orcs look at Ye Feng, they feel sick and want to vomit, but will and naibald are special. Because they contact Dick more times, they have resistance to human appearance

After dinner with Kou Bi, Ye Feng was just about to lie down. Dick's voice sounded from the small bedroom. The old guy returned to the experimental building with a transmission gun and was waiting for Ye Feng. After receiving the news, Ye Feng ran to Dick's experimental building, dozens of meters away on the left side of the office.

"You look too pale, do you have kidney deficiency?" after Ye Feng entered Dick's laboratory, Dick looked at Ye Feng's weak face with a bad smile and said to Ye Feng with ridicule.

"Fuck you. You're so old. Don't die at the party." Ye Feng stretched out two middle fingers to express his contempt.

"Come on, get down to business. I have to go later."

"Tell me the truth, are you involved?" Ye Feng still couldn't help asking Dick.

"Fart, I'm going to blow up a tavern by such a low means? The middle-aged crisis was over twenty-five years ago." Dick looked at Ye Feng with disdain. He was very unhappy that Ye Feng still doubted his participation

"Am I an old urchin addicted to setting off firecrackers? I'm kidding."

"It was a midlife crisis 25 years ago!? how old are you? Forget it, I don't want to know. If you didn't do it, could the orcs on the planet think of the means of human flesh bomb attack?" Ye Feng grabbed his hair and sat on the chair in the laboratory, confused and crazy.

"Don't underestimate the orc race. After all, you are a human and a foreigner. You don't have much contact with them and don't have much personal experience. After you understand the orc race, you will know how creative these" vegetables "are."

"I don't have time to understand these big muscle guys. Please let me go back quickly." Ye Feng said to dick with a slight warning.

"You owe me so much. I want you to help me this time. Why do you talk so much nonsense? If you don't ask me for work in the future, you can go now!" Dick continued in Ye Feng's silent eyes, "honestly manage these" vegetables "for me for a few days." "Let me tell you an example of an orc, so that you can intuitively understand the ORC. I once saw the data of a case in the database of the elf fleet."

"Hmm? Kirby, you're here too. I'm about to talk about the" reninggrad incident ". You must know more than me. When I say it later, you can add."

Dick saw Corby leisurely enter the laboratory and speak to the fairy beauty. The latter sat next to Ye Feng and nodded.

"Corby, why are you here? Leiningler? What?" Ye Feng looked at Dick and Corby in a daze.

"Shut up and listen." Dick waved to Ye Feng, "Er, I'll organize the language. What, how does it start? CORBI, you start."

"The reason is very simple. A warship of the Rick people was hit in the encounter with the cosmic Pirate Group. After leaving the battlefield, it made a forced landing on an unknown planet. Because the name of the warship is" reningler ", the captain of the warship simply named the code name of the unknown planet" reningler " The warship made a forced landing on the ground and waited for rescue after sending a distress signal. "

Kou Bi seemed to know the incident very well and explained it effortlessly to Ye Feng.

Dick told Ye Feng endlessly, "yes, yes, take it. For me, the orcs on this planet were shocked after the Rick warship landed on the ground. Yes, this is a planet transplanted by the orcs.

"Many orcs, carrying crude cold weapons made of wood sticks and animal bones, attacked Rick's warship. You can imagine the end. Facing these orcs who are still in the primitive society, Rick's warship almost killed the orcs who rushed in seven or eight times with dozens of soldiers who didn't even wear machine armor The orcs ran away. "

"Er, what happened later?" if the story ends here, Ye Feng must spit in Dick's face. What's all this!?

"Later, less than a month after the attack, the orc army made a comeback again. Guess what this time?" Dick was more interested than Ye Feng

"It's all destroyed again?"

"Er, the result is such a result, but this time the Rick warship has begun to suffer casualties. These dozens of Rick soldiers who have not yet worn mecha have died because..."

Ye Feng asked, "because of what?"

"Because the orcs who were still using wooden sticks a month ago had semi-automatic rifles in their hands," cobby interrupted, which made Dick very dissatisfied.

"How could it be? It has evolved from primitive society to industrial age in a month!" Ye Feng looked unbelievably shocked. This leap in science and technology is too exaggerated

"It's impossible. The knowledge about weapons is engraved in the orc's genes. When these orcs in the primitive society saw the powerful weapons in the hands of Rick soldiers, some orcs awakened their scientific and technological genes deeply buried in their blood," we have to have this thing too. "As soon as this idea came out, it was only a matter of time before guns were made."

Ye Feng can basically understand Dick's explanation. After all, every race in the universe can reproduce and survive. There must be their unique place. It's not strange what strange things appear in the boundless universe... But Ye Feng can't think of it.

"Since the knowledge of firearms is engraved in the genes, why are these orcs still in the primitive stage? According to you, the scale of these orcs should not be small, at least they have developed on this planet for a long time?"

"Well, the existing research on this issue has not reached a final conclusion." Kobi also has similar questions.

"Why do you think such a simple question is so complicated? Can't you figure it out? It's because you're not orcs, ha ha..." in Ye Feng's contempt, Dick laughed.

"In a word, it's actually the solidification of your thinking. In the world of orcs, the blood that can connect with each other with sticks and bones flows. Why do they have to build other weapons? Since they can fight flesh and blood with cold weapons, they don't want to build more powerful weapons. In the view of orcs, it's enough to fight well."

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