"I wipe!!! Space capsule! You even have this!? why don't you give me some to play with? Ah?" if it wasn't for the dead stop of the eye socket, Ye Feng's eyes must have flown out. Those who are greedy don't want it.


Dick didn't pay attention to the two, Ye Feng and Kou Bi, who were stunned for different reasons at the moment... He focused on debugging the equipment. He wanted to find out the behind the serial explosion.

Damn bastard, dare to do damage on his territory! It's the opposite! If you explode, you'll explode. You have to get some strange explosives to make Dick lose face. Ya, you have to pull you out and rub it on the ground!

"Ah! Don't just stand there and bring me the orc bartender of the" black shop bombing ", which is useful to me." Dick commanded Ye Feng, who was stunned aside.

"Find the orc bartender? I don't know where the orc is. I have to ask naibald. Kobi, have you brought Nokia?"

Nokia is actually the name of Ye Fengqi. This little guy is a communication Cyclops that will kept when he was an orc boy. A big eye sprout with white fur can be used for long-distance communication between orcs.

Because will harassed other orcs nearby with communication Cyclops every day at that time, naibald, who was bored to death, let his Ji Gu carry a sudden gun, and found the cabin where will lived at that time. He just shot the wooden door. This is the past of these two orcs with completely different personalities

Later, after Ye Feng came to the razor tribe, will gave the cute big eyed monster to Ye Feng for emergency contact with the orcs, and Ye Feng handed over Nokia as a pet to the fairy beauty.

At ordinary times, Kobi's baby is amazing. She always carries it in her arms, but she envies Ye Feng. I want to become a communication one eyed monster, lying in the chest of a beautiful woman.

"Well, here you are."

Kubi still knows the whole thing. She directly handed the Nokia in her coat pocket to Ye Feng. The communication principle of this thing is based on the unique "wa force field" of orcs. Kubi can't use the communication function of Nokia, but with the lovely beauty that makes girls unable to walk when they see it, this little Nokia has a fairy like life here. It's delicious and delicious every day, You don't have to work yet

"Little guy, do you remember me?" looking at this cute thing, Ye Feng was preparing to have fun with it. Dick burst out: "can you work! I want to pick up girls and play with pets. I'll open a space-time door now. I know there's a good place for you to play at will!!!"

"OK, hurry up. Don't just say nothing. Cough, will, you can connect me with naibald." Ye Feng didn't dare to be presumptuous, and immediately began to let will, who was pulled into the car by him on the way, communicate with naibald.

"- OK, OK, OK, hurry up. We'll wait for you on the ruins of the" black shop "bar. Well, OK."

Here will put down the communication. Nokia was out of breath immediately. The little guy lived a comfortable life for too long. You let it suddenly imitate the expression and tone of milk bald's chin turning speech, but Nokia was tired.

On one side, Kobi was teased by the little guy's attitude in the communication process. Even Dick, who is like a lit powder keg today, secretly suppressed the smile on his face.

"I'll tell you, it's an entertainment program to call naibald with Nokia." Ye Feng hasn't seen the appearance of communication Cyclops at work several times. Now it looks really funny.

"Well, study business." Dick stopped the joke between the three people and began to say solemnly to Ye Feng and cobby.

"You should have a plan in mind. Now, during the period when milk bald escorts the orc wine, do you want to talk to us? What's your specific plan?"

Ye Feng asked Dick his doubts. Without saying a word, the old man led him and Kubi to the ruins. What are you going to do? The next explosion attack may occur at any time. Ye Feng must race against time to find out the facts.

"Well... OK, let me briefly talk about the plan of this operation: find a parallel world highly consistent with the crime scene through the orc bartender, go to the screened parallel world through the transmission gun in my hand, catch the terrorists and find clues from him."

Dick's plan sounds simple, but the amount of information contained in it is explosive. It is frightening to hear Ye Feng and Kou Bi.

"Dick? Are you crazy? Say such crazy words?" Ye Feng couldn't help but say. Although Kobi didn't make a sound, she also looked like "on the top floor". The old man's "parallel world" is too ridiculous

"I knew it. You don't understand. Waste my tongue! Ah! Here! Bald, you're very efficient." Dick saw naibald and the orc bartender escorted by two razor orcs behind him.

"What's the matter with calling it? It's a participant?" milk bald led the orc bartender, that is, the bartender who ran out ahead of time on the day of the explosion of the black shop bar.

"Big brother!!! You should be responsible!!! I'm a big good citizen!!! I don't know anything! Big dick, big Ye Feng, I really don't know anything?" the orc bartender was paralyzed and looked at Dick and Ye Feng trembling.

"You don't know anything? Well, OK, I won't frighten you." if Kubi hadn't pinched Ye Feng's waist, Ye Feng would have been ready to frighten Ji Gu. "Well, Dick needed your help. Weren't you there? You had a say."

"Come on, Baldy, take your men and get out of here. Don't scare the witness to death."

Dick waved to naibald. Naibald had long been used to Dick's attitude. Without saying anything, he led his men away. Will wanted to stay and open his eyes, but he still suppressed his curiosity. Since Dick didn't keep it out, he left with naibald very knowingly.

"Big dick? I really don't know anything. I --"

"What do you know?" Dick asked kigoo.

"I knew at the beginning. When the orcs from the inspection team came, I ran out. I didn't know anything else -"

"OK, that's enough. Let's start. I need you to look carefully. You must distinguish whether these pictures I play you are completely consistent with the reality you experienced at that time."

Dick had a dazzling operation on the machine released from the space capsule. After inputting the relevant data into the instrument, a picture began to appear on the screen. The orc bartender was surprised to find that the scene on the screen was the picture it experienced in the "black shop" bar more than half a month ago!!! This is a miracle!!!

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