Dick's instrument is actually similar in principle to the machine he transformed to play movies for the orcs. The former is used to receive all TV programs in the infinite parallel world, while Dick's instrument now is used to receive the real world signals of the ordinary world.

However, due to too many restrictions on the machine, Dick didn't use it much after he built it. He used it twice in total. This is the third time.

We'll talk about what happened in the first two times when we have a chance. Anyway, it's not a good thing. Dick usually uses the machine only when necessary.

The first limitation of this machine is that if you want to view the picture of a parallel world in a specific place, the instrument must be placed in a specific place.

Moreover, since there are infinitely many parallel worlds in theory, if you want to view other world pictures that have taken place at a specific time and place in your own world, you need eyewitnesses to screen.

As for why you don't directly view the pictures of the past in this world, it's because it's impossible. When this idea is put into practice, another parallel world will be born. What you see is the new parallel world after your action. Therefore, it is impossible to view the past of your world.


In the black shop bar, seeing the arrival of guard members, the orc bartender quietly ran out of the back door of the bar, leaving the bald orcs to confront the razor guard directly.

"Turn around slowly, raise your hands and put them where I can see!"

After receiving the distress signal from the "black shop" tavern, the members of the guard came to the "black shop" with the six member team led by the captain of the second unit. The team leader aimed his rifle at the back of the bald Orc's head and shouted at the suspicious bald Orc sitting on the bar seat drinking absinthe

"Relax, everybody," said the bald beast

"You're from that tribe. What's your attempt to sneak into the razor tribe?" the team leader asked fiercely.

"Me? I am a martyr and a forerunner. I will shine for the new world depicted by God." the bald Orc said solemnly.

"Pneg", a bullet directly pierced the bald Orc's forehead. The bullet rotated and smashed the whole back of the bald Orc's head. Blood mixed with brain splashed on the table of the bar.

"Finish work and go home. Keep drinking. Let's go first."

The captain of the razor guard greeted the orc drinking in the bar and asked his soldiers to carry the body of the bald Orc and directly walk out of the door of the bar, leaving only a blood stain on the bar and no one to deal with it

"Damn it, I should ask the orcs not to ask so much nonsense. When I see the suspicious guy shooting directly, there won't be so many broken things." Dick pointed to the picture in the instrument screen and said to Ye Feng, who was stunned and his chin was almost touching the ground.

The as like as two peas, the same as the beastly bartender, kept the same look as Ye Feng. Especially the orc bartender, looking at the "himself" on the screen, looking at a slightly different "replay" from what he experienced half a month ago. For a moment, he was not sure whether it was in sleep or in reality.

"Er... Dick, this, this is what really happened in another normal world?" Ye Feng stammered to Dick.

"Yes, but the process of the" black shop explosion "in this parallel world is too different from that in our world, so we have to look for it."

Dick searched the instrument for the parallel world closest to what happened in this world through the detailed data provided by the orc bartender. Dick's strictness lies in that even a little difference will produce completely different results. Every small change marks the birth of countless parallel universes, So Dick must find a parallel world that is completely consistent with the development process described by the orc bartender, at least with the process experienced by the orc bartender.

The multiverse is a theoretical collection of infinite or finite possible universes, including all existing and possible things: all space, time, matter, energy and the physical laws and physical constants that describe them.

In short, every choice in the world will produce several parallel universes, and infinite possibilities represent endless parallel worlds.

For example, in world a, when a person eats pancake fruit or bean curd in the morning, there will be world B who chooses pancake fruit and world C who chooses bean curd, while the person in world a doesn't eat breakfast.

Um... It seems that you should talk to Nai bald. When you meet suspicious people on patrol in the future, let the soldiers kill them directly. There is no need to say any superfluous nonsense!

Ye Feng made up his mind in silence and saw the threat handling method in the parallel world just now. Ye Feng had a feeling that he should cut the mess quickly. Dick used to be so fussy that he caused so much trouble.

"Come on, don't be stunned, keep looking." Dick showed another picture of a parallel world.

"What about this?", "this is not bald. Are you blind? Change!"

"What about this? It's the same bald head.", "it, it doesn't drink absinthe, brother Ye Feng.", "is this very important?", "what I said is consistent. Do you understand human language? Change!";

"This is OK! This is bald and absinthe!", "are the two holes in your nose angry? The captain of the guard army is another person!", "big dick observed carefully, brother Ye Feng, are your eyes bad?", "fuck off! I'm healthy! Change!"

"...", "why don't you shout? Ah? Ye Feng?", "...", "well, the orc bartender didn't run, change!"

In a twinkling of an eye, three hours passed. Even if there are clues provided by the orc bartender, the number of parallel worlds to be screened is still an amazing number. This way of looking for a needle in the sea discourages Ye Feng. Even if the clothes on the bald body change color, Dick will pass away. In front of this perfectionist, Ye Feng doesn't know when he can find the parallel world that meets Dick's requirements.

"This! That's it! It's exactly the same as your experience, isn't it?"

Dick shouted excitedly and shocked Ye Feng, who sat in front of the broken vehicle and closed his eyes. Because more than three hours of "fault finding" game consumed too much energy, Ye Feng was sitting and dozing off. After being awakened by Dick's voice, Ye Feng quickly rubbed the corners of his sleepy eyes and walked to Dick.

"Ah, I'll go. Did I find it?"

"I found it. Can you concentrate on your work and doze off alone? Kobi is working tirelessly to help!" Dick criticized Ye Feng.

"Yes, just be lazy." Kou Bi gave Ye Feng a big white eye.

"You two adults don't remember me. I found it. What's the next step?" Ye Feng asked Dick excitedly. It's an important step to get close to the truth. Finally, he went out!

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