"You, it's none of your business. Stay cool," Dick turned to the orc bartender who had been helping. It is Dick's consistent code of conduct to cross rivers and bridges and kill donkeys. Although the orc bartender is stunned, Ye Feng has long been used to it.

Ye Feng went over and said a few words to the orc bartender to the effect that he thanked him for his enthusiastic help. The tribe will remember your contribution and so on. It is regarded as sending the orc bartender away.

"All the people are gone. Can you tell us your next plan?" Ye Feng asked dick with his growling stomach. The food he ate on the road was not hungry at all. Ye Feng was already beating drums in his hungry stomach.

"It's easy to catch people in the past."

"Where are you going? Who are you going to catch?" Ye Feng still didn't understand what to do next

"Go through and catch people."

"What???? cross over and catch people? Are you kidding?" Ye Feng asked, pointing to Dick's nose.

This old guy is actually ready to cross into the screened ordinary world and catch people at the time point when the "black shop explosion" broke out, not only to cross into the parallel world, but also to a specific time point? Are you crazy!? Dick!?

"Ink what? Do you think I'm willing to do this? If I don't do it well, there will be big trouble. Do you know how much risk I've taken for this shit?" Dick glared at Ye Feng angrily. This bastard knows a fart. Do you know how much risk I have to take once this happens?

"What's the matter? I can't wear it back if I can't get it right? What else can I have?" said Ye Feng.

"Fart your mother! It has nothing to do with whether you can come back safely. If you can't even do this, you think I'm a dry eater? The point is not the risk of going back and forth, but whether going to the parallel world this time will disturb dick in that world!!! Do you know?"

Dick thought he was a big sb and really wanted to end things this way.

"Er... Be specific. You know I can't keep up with you from time to time."

Although Ye Feng didn't understand very well, Dick withdrew from his words about another Dick, which made Ye Feng instinctively feel very dangerous. It was dick

"There are infinite parallel universes, and there are infinite Dick. Dick in some worlds may have died long ago, but Dick in the parallel world we went to this time must exist, at least at the specific time point we are going to." Dick explained in detail this time. After all, this matter is extremely important

"Er... I can barely keep up with your ideas, that is, because this parallel world is highly consistent with our world, that is, there is a dick in the world at ordinary times? A dick as bad and crafty as you?"

Ye Feng is aware of the seriousness of this problem. If dick in his world knows that there may be other dick in the parallel world and there is the possibility of crossing over, these Dick must have relevant early warning and defense measures and means... I'll go. It's dangerous and suffering

"Fuck you! What's bad? You're crafty? I'm --"

"Dick, do you have any plans to guard against other parallel worlds?"

Cobb knows that dick, a top scientist with a lonely and arrogant personality and a strange disposition, has one thing in common: he despises and hates all people with lower IQ than himself; Refuse to admit that there are creatures better than themselves; They hate themselves or people who are very similar to themselves, which will make these strange people who regard themselves as unique and excellent question themselves. Dick is undoubtedly such a typical antisocial personality, so cobby must understand one thing before taking concrete action: is this a dead journey.

"Kubi, you still see things thoroughly, unlike the maple boy who only knows BB and has no in-depth insight." Dick took the opportunity to tease Ye Feng, who touched his nose and pretended not to hear.

"I have a defense mechanism, and I believe dick in the parallel world we went to will have it, but according to the defense system I use now, there is a detection time of three minutes, that is, when dick in other parallel universes appears within the coverage of the defense system I built, there is a detection time of 157 cosmic seconds, and then we can determine the external Dick And trigger the defense mechanism. "

"Why do you still have the 157 second detection time?" Ye Feng doesn't understand. It's not a huge gap.

"Well... I moved a little bit about my brain waves... Well, it's not easy to be detected." Dick seemed a little reluctant to mention it. He hesitated about it without going further.

"... you're Nb, your brain waves can move your hands and feet." Ye Feng looked at Dick silently. Now it's the old guy who says he's not human. Ye Feng believes

"Since there is this gap period, let's take action -" Ye Feng calmed down and said to Dick. Wait, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a very simple solution. How can he think of it now? "Dick, we don't have to risk ourselves. Just watch the pictures of other parallel worlds directly. There must be bombers in parallel worlds being" us "in other worlds." Yes! We can -- "

"Have your dream. Even if a KIGU in other ordinary world chooses not to shit, it can completely change the historical process of two seemingly identical parallel worlds. How can you be sure that the captured bomber in other parallel worlds is also the person we are looking for. Even if it is the same bomber, the person behind the scenes may not be the same person." Dick poured a basin of cold water to extinguish Ye Feng's cleverness.

"In the final analysis, it's not about action. Let's go and don't waste time." Ye Feng said to dick with some wilting. Since he can't hide, he can only enjoy it with pain and happiness.

"Let me be clear first, so that you won't complain about me in case of accidents in the future. There's no danger in this round trip and the process of catching the bomber. It can be said that it's only a small matter that can be solved in minutes. What I'm worried about is that dick in this parallel world, if he finds any trace that we have modified the timeline of his world -" Dick said to Ye Feng with a serious look.

"Modify timeline?"

"Of course, we cross to a specific time point in the past of that world. Any action we make will change the timeline of the parallel world, whether huge or small. In short, if dick in the parallel world knows that we have modified the timeline of his world, he will not give up." Dick said solemnly to Ye Feng.

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