"I'll go..."

This time, Ye Feng came out of the space-time gate and was in a free fall state. However, this time, Kebi landed first. Looking at Ye Feng who was about to press on himself, Kebi's flexible side rolled, which made Ye Feng and mother earth have a close contact.

Before Ye Feng, who was facing down, could turn over, Dick fell out of the time-space door and saw Ye Feng lying on the ruins directly below him. Dick quickly controlled his body, let his limbs close together face down and put them on Ye Feng's back.

"Aha! It's my turn to have fun this time!"


Ye Feng felt that his spine was broken

"All right, I'll throw you here. If you need anything, go to shilake. I'll go first."

Kubi carries rice like a dead dog and throws Ye Feng in the leader's office of the razor office building. Ye Feng pouts his ass on the bench in the office and looks at Kubi helplessly.

"It doesn't matter to me?" Ye Feng asked Qu Baba, looking at Kou Bi and selling Meng in this very indecent posture.

Because Dick, an old bastard, was unscrupulous, his hands were so cruel that even Ye Feng's good body was crushed into hemiplegia.

But it's not a big deal. Even if it's left alone, Ye Feng can rely on his self-healing ability to recover to the level of going to the house to uncover tiles and fishing in the sea tomorrow. This is also the main reason why Dick dares to fight this hard: if he doesn't fight for nothing, he will fight for nothing anyway

"Get out."

Kubi knows Ye Feng's strong self-healing ability and doesn't even care about missing arms and legs. The weakness of the major wounded in Ye Feng's fashion can't soften miss Kubi's heart at all.

"Dear Kobi, this is just a moment ago. Our two bodies with deep love for each other blend together. I hold you from the sky as if holding sister Lin. you know -" before Ye Feng finished his lyrical words, Kobi slapped her big mouth and blindfolded Ye Feng.

"Who is sister Lin? Say, where did you know the woman again!" Kou Bi asked Ye Feng with a smile on her face and fierce eyes.

"..." Ye Feng looked at Kou Bi and touched his fan swollen right face. Thousands of words poured into his heart

Finally, Ye Feng spent nine cattle and two tigers to explain the "sister Lin incident" and Kou Bi clearly. Although the victim of this incident was Ye Feng, who suffered a powerful and heavy mouth from Kou Bi, he finally coaxed Kou Bi.

After the fairy beauty went back to replenish Yan Jue with satisfaction, the thirsty Ye Feng had said it for more than three hours. There was no way. The great beauty was fascinated by the story of Ye Feng's story of the story of the stone. If Ye Feng wasn't ill now, Kou Bi planned to let Ye Feng finish it in one breath.

Anyway, Ye Feng promised that Kou Bi would finish the story in the future. Kou Bi just let Ye Feng go

I went to... Become a storyteller, but no storyteller said the story of the stone... Dick begged a few days later to see if I could find the TV play of a dream of Red Mansions for Kobi. I can't remember the story so completely

Ye Feng made up his mind to help his suspected girlfriend find a TV play through Dick's "infinite TV program signal receiving antenna"

Two flowers, one for each. When Ye Feng and Kou Bi were bored, Dick in the experimental building was in the laboratory on the top floor. The old guy caught the "elf ball" with bald explosives. In fact, this is just the name of Ye Feng. The red and white spherical device is the official full name of Dick here "Dick's exclusive invention. Super invincible NB home. It has a principle that others can't understand. Great achievement: miniature space storage ball". It sounds very consistent with Dick's forced and shameless character

The old guy put the star device into a scanning instrument similar to a microwave oven. The time and space in the "miniature space storage instrument" are completely static. The principle of this thing is that dick collects the tiny plane fragments during the cosmic explosion as the basis of the storage function.

The interior of the star device is equivalent to an incomplete universe the size of a football field. There is no passage of time in the space, which is very useful for maintaining the specific state of a certain thing or creature at a certain time. At this time, the bald orcs in the spherical device still keep the whole body glowing one second before the explosion.

"No wonder they all say that bald and bald heads can shine. The light intensity emitted by this big bald head is very high..." Dick said to himself and began to scan and analyze. Holding the terminal screen in his hand, Dick carefully looked at the data results sent by the scanner.

No surprise to Dick, there was an unknown high-energy substance in the bald Orc's body. From the point of view that it was in the bald man's stomach, combined with the crazy religious speech of the bald man detonating the explosives in his body, Dick knew the behind the scenes planning of the serial bombings, and his technique was quite clever.

In order to avoid the extremely low feasibility of carrying bombs outside the body, the planners of the action really thought of a perfect solution: let fanatical believers swallow unknown high-energy substances, mix them into the security measures of the razor tribe, and carry out fixed-point explosive attacks.

"Yes... I haven't found it before. It seems that not all orcs on this planet are sb..." Dick looked at various analysis data on the terminal screen and whispered to himself.

"... the composition of this substance has been roughly analyzed. It is really because there is no information about this substance in my database that the orcs with this high-energy substance in their body muddle through. However, it was all in the past. Now they still want to use the same method to destroy Lao Tzu's land, no way!"

Dick slapped the terminal on the desktop. When he got the data he needed, he was almost an asshole to die!

Ye Feng ate a full meal. Under the care of his keegu housekeeper shilake, Ye Feng slept in his office early. When he woke up the next morning, Ye Feng had found that his injury was very good, and there was no obstacle when he walked.

After Ye Feng finished washing and cleaning, he called up shilake and asked Ji Gu to prepare a big table of food for him. Ye Feng ate it, put on a set of tall and straight clothes, and put on his white cloak printed with the word "razor" with the help of shilake. Ye Feng swaggered out of the office and headed for Dick's laboratory.

"Dang, Dang."

Ye Feng knocked on the door of the laboratory.

"The door is unlocked..." Dick's weak voice came from the laboratory.

"Yo, you really threw your head and shed blood for the razor tribe. Look at the two black circles on your face. Haven't you slept all night?"

Ye Feng was funny and moved at the same time. What is this old guy doing so hard for? Not for this razor tribe!

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