"Nothing, serve the people -" Dick, who collapsed in his chair and held a terminal screen in his hand, said weakly.

Just then, a charming woman's voice came from Dick's terminal: "godfather, where are you from? Then I'll catch the elective course of" brief history of the universe "first. Thank Godfather for his company all night. You'd better ~ can you manage more money this month, MUA, remember!"

"Godfather?" ye fengdun was so angry that he didn't do anything else all night!?

Ye Feng's good mood of the day was instantly destroyed. Now Ye Feng just wants to kill the old beast who only knows to keep female students. When is it? With the clues of the case brought back by such a huge risk, the old immortal dares to put aside and waste time playing with women? You are so old and strong!?

"Video chat? Fun? Don't you get to the ground when you open the portal?" Ye Feng asked dick in a strange way.

"Under special circumstances, her man's ticket is on the phone and may rush home at any time. I'm not afraid of accidents... Killing someone and dividing the body is very damaging to the atmosphere..." Dick explained hesitantly, but the old guy's words just add oil to Ye Feng's anger

"Dick!!! I'm not praising you!!!"

"Well, that what, maple boy, don't get me wrong. I just gave this studious female student a half night tutorial on" Introduction to the fundamentals of atomic mechanics ". Don't you think that I Dick is the kind of old goat who can't walk when I see beautiful elves and female college students? I -"

"Yes, the answer is written on your old face of kidney deficiency. I don't care about your private affairs. Did you play with an elf schoolgirl or sleep with a dwarf young woman -"

"The dwarf's young woman is really good, that gentle and lingering -" Dick heard Ye Feng's words, and the obscene feeling on his face was disgusting.

"Dick!!!" Ye Feng angrily glared at King Kong.

"You say, you say."

Dick also knows that it's really not a thing to mess with the relationship between men and women at this time, and Ye Feng caught the current child of the late night video. Dick's face can't hang up. But the old guy knew he was really bad, so he kept his temper.

"I said that?"

"Dwarf young woman."

"Yes! Dwarf young woman, I don't care whose wife you fuck or whose daughter you sleep with. It's all your private business. I don't care or want to care. I just ask you to finish the business first, at least at this critical time! Brother, this ring of bombing happened in your tribal territory. You should be careful! I'm a foreign aid who wants to go home, my father dick!"

Ye Feng earnestly advised Dick. In fact, Ye Feng's requirements for Dick are very low. Solve the matter quickly so that he can return to the Earth naturally.

In Ye Feng's heart, the bottom line for Dick is as follows: this old man is always crazy. At the critical moment, I can barely accept your habit of falling off the chain, but I've got the key clues. Can you deal with the business for me before the wind is high?

"I know all you said, Ye Feng. I didn't do anything serious last night," Dick said with an old face. She hurried to Ye Feng.

"Hum, your" business "last night hurt your kidney." Ye Feng sneered.

"Don't blame me for getting angry if you push your nose and face again!" Dick still couldn't contain his bad temper.

"Shit! You think I'm afraid of you!? it's a big deal that I die in your hands. Twenty years later, it's a living Doraemon! He's trapped on this broken planet, and NIMA is going to kill me!"

Ye Feng has told the truth in his heart. He has endured Dick's extraordinary behavior for not a day or two. Taking this opportunity, Ye Feng is ready to have a good card fight with Dick. Let's make it clear now, so as to avoid estrangement, which is bad for both sides.

"Er... Ye Feng, why do you react so strongly..."

Dick, who is spoiled by Ye Feng's attitude of "no matter what happens for a while, take a step back, eliminate and stop", is somewhat surprised by Ye Feng's tough, and the old guy is a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"Let me be clear first. I won't step back on principled matters. Dick, solving this serial bombing is my principle. You'd better not challenge my principle!" Ye Fengyi said solemnly.

"Ye Feng, don't you think I'm too bad? I've done almost everything. I've figured out the explosive substances in the explosion attack and entered them into my database. I promise that given me two days, I can update the existing security inspection equipment in our tribe!" Dick patted his withered chest and gave a military order to maple leaf.

"Seriously?" Ye Feng's eyes lit up.

"It's hard to take it seriously," Dick said with a guaranteed ticket.

"Well, go and have a rest first. Look, your two big black circles have spread to the size of half your face. Now that there is a solution, you can serve snacks. On behalf of all the orcs of the razor tribe, thank you for your help, thank you!"

Ye Feng's principle is: one yard to one yard. Not talking about talent, but Ye Feng also hopes that in major events, his friends and subordinates can stick to the bottom line and do things well first.

"Don't do this with me. Besides, you don't have an audience. Just go away."

Dick looked at Ye Feng and knew that things had made substantial progress. His attitude was much better. The old guy immediately kicked his nose and face. He didn't give Ye Feng a good face at first. He didn't know who said "don't kick his nose and face" to Ye Feng just now

"You're busy with you, and I have to help milk bald. Ye Feng adjusted his clothes and went out to do his work.

One thing that Ye Feng can be sure of about Dick is that what Dick said to himself is totally inappropriate. What he said should be regarded as farting.

Dick, this bastard, promised Ye Feng to update the security inspection equipment in two days until six days passed! Dick just finished all the upgrades.

During this period, Ye Feng knocked on the door of Dick's laboratory countless times. Dick just refused to open the door. In fact, others were not in the laboratory at all

Ye Feng had already sent carts of machines and equipment to Dick's laboratory. The old man just didn't respond. He dragged on until the sixth day to open the door of the laboratory for Ye Feng.

Looking at a room full of machinery and equipment, Dick's figure is not in this laboratory at all. The bastard was afraid that Ye Feng would quarrel with him. As soon as the machine was finished, he opened the door of the laboratory, immediately jumped into the space-time door he opened and ran away!

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