The sky is cold and green, and the north wind is called withered mulberry. Thick ice without crack, cold light in a short day.

The winter on the planet is coming, and the seasonal transformation is extremely abrupt, so that Ye Feng can't adapt for a while. As we enter the cold winter, it seems that everything in the razor tribe has returned to the calm of the past. The orcs in the tribe, the orcs in the tribe, after two serial bombings of "black shop bombings" and "still want to come bombings", have resumed their quiet life in the past.

It is said that time is the best medicine, but Ye Feng doesn't think so. Time will heal the pain, but it won't let the victims forget the devastation they suffered in the past. At least Ye Feng won't forget. After all, he is still trapped on this planet and can't return to his friends on earth.

For the orcs and kigoon in the tribe, who can avoid the potential threat of explosion attack, Ye Feng can still reduce the pressure in his heart. After all, Ye Feng, the eldest brother of Ye Feng's tribe, is nominally Ye Feng. He has the responsibility to do his duty for the security of the territory and the development of the tribe.

The main suspects of this serial bombing have not been made clear. The pressure on Ye Feng's back is really not small. Although most of this huge pressure is the shackles that Ye Feng put on himself, he is really homesick

In fact, in the face of terrorist attacks in the tribe, the reaction of these little guys is still expected. Most of the Ji Gu in the razor tribe have not undergone rigorous training, and their own strength and inner quality are not high. It is these little guys who are most frightened by the threat of explosion attacks.

However, Ye Feng is not worried about what big things will happen to the frightened and appeased little Jigu. As for Ye Feng's concern about the orc trouble, under the close monitoring of naibald, this bad situation is finally a serious event.

In fact, for those orcs who want to make trouble by taking this opportunity, naibald knows better than Ye Feng. After all, the old city of razor is its back garden, and he is familiar with it.

Due to heavy training and various security tasks, the students of the razor standing army and razor kindergarten are sometimes taken out by naibald to sweep away a circle of small tribes around the razor tribal territory. Therefore, the orcs did not say whether they had the idea of making trouble, but dealt with their own tasks to be completed every day. The orcs were exhausted.

The real potential danger is the idle orcs who do nothing in the commercial street of the old city of razor all day. Due to their physical deformities, even after a period of self-healing, only a few orcs are lucky to recover to their former peak state, mostly due to incomplete recovery of their stumps or too long rest time, Lead to physical waste and can not meet the standard of going to the battlefield again.

Therefore, this group of qualified and disabled orcs with a past has gradually become an unstable factor in the razor tribe. Dick is also because these wounded orcs who rush into battle on the battlefield have objectively made contributions to the development of the razor tribe, which is good to eat, drink and treat these old orcs.

But with the passage of time, Ye Feng felt that naitou was right. "In the orc race, the only belonging of soldiers is to die on the battlefield. If you don't let the orcs step on the battlefield, he will turn your territory into a battlefield! How do you think so many small tribes are formed? They are not all screened by large tribes and can't fight and automatically leave the tribe "It's made up of geneng."

(Gorgon: the general name of orcs under combat effectiveness. According to the rules of the orc tribe, the orcs listed in Gorgon will be driven out of the territory by the tribe and let them live and die.)

In fact, Dick was determined to be responsible for all the disabled orcs. His original intention was to eliminate the concerns of the orc soldiers in the war. Even in the face of the situation of death, he dared to light his sword without flinching!

It turned out that Dick's move was undoubtedly taking off his pants and farting.

Are you afraid that the orc army will flee? Are you afraid that these big beasts will be afraid to fight in the face of powerful enemies? Brother, don't use your rigid thinking to figure out what these reckless beasts will do. These ferocious chin flippers, the only purpose of living is to have fun on the battlefield and finally die in the hands of more powerful enemies

In Ye Feng's opinion, Dick has always had a clear misunderstanding when managing the development of the razor tribe: he is always imperceptibly thinking about the affairs of the orc tribe with the human way of thinking. In fact, this has buried a lot of thunder in the razor tribe. The potential threat of the Gorgon orcs is one of the thunder that can be felt at this stage.

Did the Gorgon orcs of the razor tribe make any trouble during this time? It really turned milk bald's worry into reality.

Due to the two explosions, the nearby shops involved were also damaged to varying degrees, which gave this group of idle beasts who had nothing to do and accumulated energy with nowhere to vent an opportunity to simply summarize that this group of goblins took advantage of the fire.

For the kigoos whose master was killed, they burned, killed and looted unscrupulously. Because Dick had repeatedly spoken in the tribe to prohibit the orcs from wantonly killing kigoos, especially the kigoos of other people's homes, you are not qualified to drive them at will.

This makes these Goblins who have nothing to do all day and know to eat, drink and have fun very unhappy: don't let us kill KIGU casually? Who am I going to kill? Who else can we kill except KEGU with this incomplete lattice? The contradiction between the two sides intensified a little. Finally, at the time of the serial bombings, things broke out.

Here, Ye Feng first wants to thank a man, his Orc subordinate: milk bald. Compared with Dick and Ye Feng, he had no expectations about the riots of the Gorgon orcs. Naibald was a mirror in his heart. He had been wary of the every move of the Gorgon orcs for a long time.

Milk bald is waiting for an opportunity to wipe out this group of garbage that it has long hated in one fell swoop. As long as this group of bastards dare to make any extraordinary moves, milk bald will take this opportunity to wipe out all the violent orcs, commonly known as the Gorgon orcs!

The thunder method adopted by naibald to treat the Gorgon orcs does not exist the problem that Ye Feng and Dick have been worried about not being able to convince the public. In fact, Ye Feng and Dick are human beings, and they do not understand the thinking of orcs.

The rules and regulations of various Orc races engraved by the orcs in their genes clearly call this method of screening the combat effectiveness of the orc army "purification", which is intended to improve the strength of the army. The orc races who have fought countless large and small battlefields are too clear: if there are Orc soldiers whose combat effectiveness level is lower than the average, the overall strength of the army is not weakened by n-1, but weakened by n-x.

So when Dick proposed to give preferential treatment to the amputated orcs, not only the other orcs did not understand, but also the amputated orcs in the razor tribe did not understand themselves: is this disgusting human old man brain crippled again? Money is nowhere to spend? Burned?

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