A few minutes later, zagna sent a second team composed of Zula elite soldiers to the ground. These alien female hooligans walked to the strange panda doll in twos and threes, trying to recycle the human body.

But when they tried to move the panda doll dress, the two Zula people were surprised to find that it was just an empty panda doll dress, and the non-human with a strange mask was no longer among them!

"The glory of Zula!" shocked, the two Zula soldiers directly threw their dolls on the ground.

"... sisters, keep calm. You'll lose all the faces of the Zula people!"

Zagna looked at the screams of the two Zula people on the ground. She was angry and keenly aware of the strangeness of the situation. She decisively issued another order, "I think it's time to let a really powerful Zula people come on stage and see how she completed the task. Send k-1 Zula people."

With the issuance of zagna's instructions, a very tall Zula man wearing heavy armor was ejected from the spacecraft. After a series of elegant somersaults in the air, the extremely muscular eldest sister, a giant Zula man strong enough to be too strong, sensitively landed on the ground and appeared on the stage in a gorgeous one knee kneeling posture.

This distinctive Zula warrior is a k-1 Zula, a genetically modified super soldier. It is a biochemical weapon developed specifically to defeat those "non-human" with superior ability on earth. It has extremely ferocious combat effectiveness and super ability brought by acquired transformation.

Of course, because it is a synthetic human in gene culture, k-1 Zula people do not have the ability to reproduce, and are somewhat different from ordinary Zula people in all aspects.

In fact, due to the mixing of too many genes of other races, k-1 Zula people are significantly different from ordinary Zula people with brown and yellow skin and bald head. Although they still have the bald head shape of shaking their eyes, this k-1 Zula has a pair of iconic slender ears and purple skin, The height is 50cm higher than that of ordinary Zula people generally about 170cm, reaching a terrible height of 220cm.

"Wait for orders," the k-1 Zula elder sister stood up and said coldly on the communication channel.

"The order is as follows: find all the students in this stadium -" zagna said coldly.

"Find the target! Find the target!"

Before zagna finished speaking, the members of the second team on the ground suddenly heard a warning, interrupting zagna's instructions.

"Where?" the bridge staff hurriedly scanned the ground, but still got nothing.

"What's going on? What happened?" zagna asked suspiciously.

"He's --"

"Stop panting and speak quickly!" zagna wanted to jump off the ship and give these unreliable soldiers a few big mouths.

"He's, he's on top of the ship!"


All the people on the bridge of the spaceship raised their heads one after another. They happened to see the figure in yellow and black tights standing on their heads and on the transparent cabin wall. He was humming and putting down several bundles of explosives in his hands.

Just before the high-energy beam was about to annihilate Ye Feng, he was lucky to escape the area through the small jet device carried by his tights. Then with the rising power, Ye Feng stumbled onto the wing of the Zula spacecraft. The price he paid was not only the appearance of embarrassment, but also the one-time jet device he used as a means of running.

"* when the sun shines in the sky, the flowers smile at me * * the bird says, early, early, why are you carrying a dynamite BAG * damn Zula people, go to hell!"

"The glory of Zula..." under zagna's shocked gaze, Ye Feng suddenly jumped off the ship and pressed the button of the detonator in his hand.


In zagna's prayer, a fierce flame broke out on the spaceship she was aboard. The damaged spaceship, emitting thick smoke, fell directly from the circling air and fell straight into the "San Diego Stadium".

The simply falling height is not very high. The spacecraft itself did not explode violently again after colliding with the ground. Zagna and others only suffered a little skin trauma, which is no big problem.

"An unexpected explosion attack. Although it's a bit of boasting suspicion, I still have to say that we did a good job! Captain, can you hear it? Captain?" looking at the ship wreckage with flames and smoke in front of us, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and appreciated it carefully. He didn't leave here in disorder. In fact, his task has just begun.

"Death, don't play too high and pay attention to your task." Captain victory shouted calmly.

"Captain, you're such a boring man"

"Shut up."

Like the protagonists of general action games, Ye Feng also has a large pocket similar to the fourth dimension, which holds all kinds of weapons and can be switched at any time. After all, as a protagonist, you don't want to say hello to others without taking more guys out.

"Captain, I think I'm in trouble. There's a biggerl staring at me on the ground. You can't believe what I see. Her body is stronger than you for several times."

At this time, Ye Feng, who was slowly landing in mid air with a parachute on his back, noticed a very strange Zula man separated from the crashed ship. Ye Feng said to captain Shengli on the communicator.

"Wait a minute... 'destroy the ship and kill a biggerl' is your plan?" Captain victory asked helplessly.

"There will always be a plan that pops out of my mind. Damn it, it falls too slowly." Ye Feng falls slowly in the air.

Captain victory's cold voice came from the communicator: "there is only one way to make you fall faster."

"Captain, we want to go together"

Ye Feng took out his pistol directly in mid air and pierced his parachute with several bullets. This kind of killing behavior is to speed up the descent

The free falling leaf maple hit the Zula ship that crashed on the ground. After a series of tumbling and collision, leaf maple fell in front of a tall and slender Zula. Resisting the severe pain in his body, Ye Feng quickly raised his pistol and aimed the muzzle at the Zula man not far from him.

"This lady, you'd better stay where you are!"

The Zula who was pointed at his forehead by Ye Feng was zagna, the commander of the crashed ship. The latter knelt on one knee and stared at Ye Feng coldly without speaking.


"Tell brother, is there any guarantee that aliens will open a big hole in your Zula's life insurance?" Ye Feng stood up and walked to zagna.

This moment of aiming the muzzle of the gun at the enemy's forehead can be easily ranked in the top ten of Ye Feng's favorite "peak moment"!

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