"If you want me to beg for mercy, you'd better die. I'm the general of the Zula fleet. A noble Zula will never be like a high head under the weak."

Zagna slowly closed her eyes. As a proud Zula, there was no word "surrender" in her dictionary, only the consciousness of dying for Zula's glory.

"I'll interpret your words as" No. "Ye Feng's finger on the trigger began to force and prepared to shoot the Zula man, but at this time, an accident happened!

Ye Feng suddenly felt that his neck was tightly clenched by a strong arm as cold as ice. Due to the strong sense of suffocation, Ye Feng was forced to release the pistol in his hand. He tried his best with both hands to open the arm imprisoned on his neck, but Ye Feng's struggle was useless. Ye Feng was clenched by the man behind him with one hand, The whole body was forcibly lifted into the air.

"Do you really think that you psycho can fight against the Zula Empire alone?"

The person who imprisoned Ye Feng brought Ye Feng up to him, and Ye Feng saw the face of the man who attacked him, a plus version of Zula - K1 Zula. The purple skin Zula of XXL grabbed the arm of Ye Feng's neck. On her thick and tight arm, there was a cold light blue. You can see at a glance that the arm of the goods had some super ability of freezing attribute.

"Calm down, biggerl. That person, the respected madam, I actually didn't intend to open a hole in your head. You are an alien, so I don't understand. This is one of the ways for us to say hello. You know, it represents friendship." Ye Feng struggled in mid air and tried to explain to zagna who stood aside and looked coldly.

"Put him down," zagna ordered the K1 Zula.

The eldest sister is good at talking. It seems that being handsome is good. Ye Feng was secretly happy in his heart.

In fact, because zagna's soldiers have surrounded Ye Feng, zagna certainly has no fear.

Ye Feng, who was put down, looked at his situation. Dozens of fully armed Zula soldiers surrounded him. Ye Feng couldn't find any room for him to make trouble

"Sir, he has a remote communication device." a Zula soldier found the communication device in Ye Feng's ear while scanning Ye Feng's whole body with a detector.

"Well, you caught me, captain. I'm happy to talk with you. Continue next time." Ye Feng's communicator in his ear and his whole body's equipment were captured by Zula soldiers. Ye Feng is now alone.

"Human, who are you? Why are you here?" zagna asked Ye Feng calmly.

"Name: Ye Feng. But most people call me death, an invincible handsome mouth gun mercenary. Report here, sir!" Ye Feng saluted zagna with a sincere attitude, real expression and sincere heart. People who don't know will never think that Ye Feng will be a prisoner

All around, baby, yes, all around. I'm going to see if this perfume is so magical that Dick's old guy said.

Looking at the hooligans who surrounded her, Ye Feng's mouth corners rose slightly, and the perfume he had sprayed on his body was the key to the success of the mission. Now, it is the best time to play the role of perfume.


Ural Mountains

In the hollowed out mountain in the continuous mountains

Zula secret base built in the mountains

Fs-i2 conference room

"Ladies and sisters, please allow me to introduce myself. As I said, my self-healing ability comes from the genetic transformation experiment. The original intention of giving me super ability is to make me a killing machine to kill targets efficiently and accurately. In fact, this has indeed become a reality. You have personally experienced my professional ability.

"It took a long time for those scientists with bearded hair style to turn me into what I am now. Although the process was a little painful, er, I'd better tell the truth. It was really very painful. Surrounded by you, they were filled with test tubes and unknown test solutions of various colors and flavors. In fact, it was disgusting. At that time, I often thought I was It's not a pickle

"But in my heart, I still enjoy spending time with those scientists. At least every day is very comfortable, isn't it? Of course, this is my feeling before they throw me directly into the dangerous goods treatment plant after using me. I still haven't figured out why everyone loves me and will be thrown away as a big lump of organic waste. They But they are really bad children, although I am a failure in their eyes.

"Maybe you will feel better after killing everyone in the laboratory and completely destroying the secret laboratory, but it's not like that. My young heart has been hit and hurt, leaving an irreparable wound on my beating heart.

"With that unpleasant experimental experience, I gained the self-healing gene, which greatly improved my success rate in completing the employment task. Ladies and sisters, in the following days, I returned and became a mercenary who fought not only for money, but also a hero who provided paid services only by interest. You may not know my influence in human beings on earth Xiangli, do you know MJ? I'm MJ in the mercenary world!

"Well, well, I know you've heard enough. Let's get to the focus of today's conversation. You also know what I am, and you've seen what I can do with your own eyes. Therefore, now, I solemnly want to tell you my thoughts: I, Ye Feng, also known as the God of death, voluntarily devote myself to the conquest and hegemony of the Zula people! For the prosperity of the Zula people I will make my own modest contribution! "

Ye Feng, with his hands tied, stood upright at one end of the conference room and gave an impassioned personal speech to more than a dozen Zula senior officials present in the conference room.

After listening to Ye Feng's long and unintelligible speech, more than a dozen Zula people began to talk to each other. The more than a dozen star female hooligans discussed with each other in a low voice. At this time, they had been stunned by Ye Feng's mouth gun, and they didn't know whether that sentence was true or false in the long speech said by the human psychosis.

This really can't, but Zula people are too harsh. Even from a mental point of view, what Ye Feng said is a little crazy

And I don't know why, more than a dozen Zula people present began to feel hot and dry. With the passage of time, the human male madman who was bound to his body became more and more heroic in their eyes. His whole body seemed to emit a charming fragrance, making all Zula ladies and sisters gradually gush out a strange crisp itch in their hearts.

It worked.

Looking at his burning eyes, Ye Feng's heart was secretly delighted, and the perfume played a role.

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