"... again, but this time," zagna, who sat at the other end of the conference table, didn't seem to be affected. She still said coldly to Ye Feng, "remember to say to the quantum translator."

Compared with other people in the conference room, Zagna had little influence. Because of this, the degree of perfume perfume exerts a direct connection with the willpower of every individual. Zagna, who has strong will, has almost no interest in Ye Feng.

The other sisters of Miss Zula are almost panting and staring at Ye Feng. To tell the truth, Ye Feng is a little afraid. This almost crazy enthusiasm and attention makes him not only a little nervous. After all, the effect is too remarkable, which is not necessarily a good thing

"You don't understand at all? I specially practiced this speech several times in my heart on my way here!" Ye Feng looked at a precision instrument rising from the ceiling in front of him, turned his eyes helplessly, and then said, "well, let's do it again... My birth --"


A cloud of smoke suddenly erupted from the instrument in front of Ye Feng. Before the surprised expression on Ye Feng's face appeared, he inhaled this powerful fainting gas, kept his body at attention and fell straight to the floor.

Damn it, we're overcast! I was fucked by a stupid Zula!

This was the last thought in Ye Feng's mind, and then he fell into endless darkness.

"Take the goods to the laboratory and let the research institutes work overtime," zagna told the others in the conference room, and then she got up and walked out of the conference room.

Zagna noticed the abnormal behavior of the fellow men at the door. From what they looked into the hot eyes of the human male, it was easy to analyze that all of this was obviously related to the crazy man of human nature. Although Zagna did not know what had happened, after all, her strong intentions almost completely blocked the influence of perfume on her.

However, in order to avoid possible situations, zagna, who has always been cautious, made a decisive decision, skipped the trial link and directly sent Ye Feng to the laboratory for solution. Somehow, zagna's temples are jumping wildly. It seems that something extraordinary will happen in this Zula base built in the hinterland of the mountains, and it is definitely not a good thing.


"... why does this always happen to me?"

Gradually waking up from the coma, Ye Feng reluctantly opened his eyelids. In the confusion of his mind, Ye Feng found that he returned to the scene he was very familiar with: the laboratory.

At this time, Ye Feng was lying on the experimental platform, and his strong body was filled with various test tubes. Because he often experiences similar situations, Ye Feng has to admit that it makes him feel "home".

Ye Feng is now in zagna's secret base on earth, a steel fortress built inside the mountain. Zagna brought Ye Feng back to her nest, on the one hand, because their invasion ended in failure again. It is undoubtedly the wisest choice to return to the base built on the earth in time to avoid more unnecessary losses and repair.

On the other hand, zagna attaches great importance to Ye Feng's self-healing gene. She has witnessed the horror of this super ability: in the face of the fatal injury caused by the powerful Zula weapon, he can recover in a very short time. Zagna is eager to take this rare super ability as her own, so that her soldiers can become "immortal" like Ye Feng.

"... these data are amazing."

The research director in the laboratory said to alba, a K1 Zula who came to inquire about the results. Alba is the powerful Zula warrior who lifts Ye Feng with one hand. She can be called zagna's confidant, a perfect cold killing machine.

"Tell me about his specific research results, research director. For me, he is a bug that you crush at will," Alba said coolly.

"Of course, compared with you, he is just an insect. But he is a special insect. He has a magical self-healing gene. I'm doing some experiments and simple tests. I'm going to put the human self-healing gene data into our Zula gene matrix and integrate it into the gene sequence. Don't you think? He trembles while sleeping The trembling eyelashes are so tempting that the Adam's apple, a symbol of male power, stands proudly. Oh, it's so -- "

The eyes of research director Shuang are shining with crazy and hot light. After all, the addition of self-healing genes can increase the geometric multiple of the combat effectiveness of the second generation of Zula people! Of course, in her already vague brain, the temptation emitted by the human man tied to the experimental platform in front of her is almost swallowing her will. If it were not for the existence of alba, she might not be able to restrain her impulse at the moment and have rushed to the experimental platform to eat

"Director? What do you smoke?" Alba looked at the erratic research director suspiciously, watching the latter's red cheeks with beads of sweat. Alba inexplicably stepped back and opened the distance between her and the research director.

"Hold, sorry, I lost my temper, maybe because I was too excited." the research director wiped the red cheeks with her sleeves, and the sweat poured out continuously. She was very hot at this time.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Research director, what you just said is that all K2 synthetic Zula soldiers will have the same super ability of self-healing as this product?" Alba asked movingly.

"Of course, like this human being, he will theoretically become an" immortal man. "The research director tried his best to suppress his thoughts and said firmly.

"Oh ~ I like you ~ pancake fruit ~ we'll always be together ~" Ye Feng, who was tied to the experimental platform, roared fiercely, startling alba.

After waking up for a while, Ye Feng fell into a state of confusion again. Of course, no matter what the situation, it will not affect Ye Feng's love for pancake fruit, which is absolutely beyond doubt.

"Our soldiers have become so crazy?"

Alba suddenly felt that adding the neuropathy gene to the Zula gene matrix did not seem to be a very wise choice. The human brain was obviously abnormal.

"The way he screams is so sexy that it's a foul. No, it's working time. I can't think about it. I can't!"

"... research director, are you okay?"

Alba looked at her head, clinging to her head and clinging to her eyes, speechless, and she did not know that her cold and cruel character had not affected her perfume, but the relatively weak research director had been deeply immersed in the madness of Ye Feng.

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