"Hey, steward, you've seen it with your own eyes. I used to kill your ship alone by relying on my self-healing gene. Your little soldiers can only be said to be vulnerable in front of me, including this bald purple potato girl, who was easily killed by me -"

"You didn't!" Alba angrily interrupted Ye Feng's boasting, "who do you say is purple potato woman? What is purple potato?"

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and said to alba, "it's terrible to have no culture, purple potato woman. That's a fact. You can't deny it."

Then Ye Feng told zagna:

"In charge, my self-healing gene is the only help I can provide to the Zula empire. But think about it carefully. Those test tube babies may have amazing self-healing ability like me, but can they think as wisely as I do? Can they act as efficiently as I do? Can they complete tasks by surprise and surprise like me? Answer Yes: no! If you want these imitations to reach my level, unless you let me train them. And you also see how popular I am among your men. You'd better not try easily if you kill me. "

"Human beings, this is impossible." zagna rejected Ye Feng's idea.

"Wrong answer. You see, it's obvious that you're trying to improve your rank, which coincides with me. You use my self-healing gene to develop a new generation of powerful Zula soldiers. This is a brilliant achievement. I believe if you do well, you will get a lot of praise."

Ye Feng began to persuade zagna with emotion and reason: "you see, the manager, we are both pursuing one thing: climb up. We can help each other in this process, so, cooperate?"

"..." zagna fell silent for a moment.

On the one hand, zagna is considering whether the human man in front of her is really valuable. On the other hand, the shouts outside the interrogation room seemed to indicate that almost all Zula people in the base were crazy calling for Ye Feng, which put zagna in a dilemma.

Reason tells zagna that Ye Feng, a human, must die, but the reality is that she really doesn't dare to easily face the possible consequences of killing this strange human man. Looking out of the window at those crazy compatriots, zagna was full of confusion and strong fear from the bottom of her heart. The power of the group is black and white, justice and injustice. The party with many people is right. Standing on the opposite of the crazy crowd, zagna knows that this is undoubtedly self destruction.

"Come on, baby, don't hesitate. Take my hand and let's go together." Ye Feng released his right hand imprisoned in handcuffs in front of zagna.

"How did you do it?" zagna knew that Ye Feng was telling herself with practical actions: you can't lock me up.

"Gifted. So we cooperate?"

If you observe carefully enough, you can see that Ye Feng's right hand is trembling slightly. In order to get rid of the handcuffs, Ye Feng broke his finger bone. In order to force once, Ye Feng is out of it. Anyway, he will grow well in a while


In Alba's inexplicable gaze, Ye Feng's right hand, which was in pain and grinning, was tightly held by zagna's right hand. Two humanoid creatures of different races, a man and a woman, who were still standing on the opposite side three minutes ago, began their cooperation.


Zagna's Office

"Sir, I strongly recommend that the human madman be sent to the incinerator! How can you put such a time bomb in the glorious Zula base!?"

Alba stood tall and straight in front of zagna and spoke fiercely about her ideas. She couldn't agree that zagna let Ye Feng move freely in the base. In zagna's view, it was undoubtedly a great compromise to the enemy!

"Alba, you see our compatriots. They are crazy about the human male. It seems that you and I are still rational in the Zula base of nuota. You saw with your own eyes that when I released the human male named Ye Feng from the interrogation room, all our compatriots waiting at the door of the interrogation room issued deafening cheers and their faces The joy of God made me understand that we have lost the chance to kill this human male forever. "

Zagna, sitting behind her desk, looked like water. She gradually realized that the Zula base under her jurisdiction had been out of her control, and she had to buy time for the next action.

During its hiding on earth, the base collected a lot of intelligence resources about human beings on earth, including a large number of video screens, audio and collected documents. These valuable intelligence resources must be uploaded as soon as possible to the Zula Mothership that will top the Lagrange point in space. It is urgent.

However, due to the huge volume of intelligence information, in order to safely and secretly transmit all the intelligence as much as possible without being intercepted by humans on earth, which greatly increases the difficulty of data transmission. The whole process takes at least three days

During this period, because she can't trust other Zula people except alba, zagna must do her best to ensure the smooth transmission channel. This is also the reason why zagna released Ye Feng. She needs Ye Feng to divert the attention of all other confused Zula compatriots.

Deep in zagna's heart, she has long stopped thinking about bringing Ye Feng into the Zula base. At this time, she has given up the Zula base, even all the Zula people in the base, including herself. For Zula's glory, she can give up everything without hesitation!

As long as the precious information about the earth can be transmitted to the mother ship, she and her compatriots, even if all are destroyed, have completed their mission.

"Sir, what are we going to do next?" Alba interrupted zagna's meditation.

"I will authorize you to start the self destruction program of this base. If I encounter an accident and can't start the self destruction program, Alba, I hope you can finish it for me."

Zagna thought over and over again, but still didn't tell Alba about the data transmission. She didn't distrust alba, she just wanted to be more cautious about it. However, zagna gave Alba the authority to start the base self destruction program in case of her own accident.

"Sir, this, this is not in line with the regulations!" Alba shook her head again and again. The responsibility was too heavy. For a moment, she was overwhelmed.

"Alba, when the war comes, there is no need to be bound by useless rules. After all, you and I, what we need to face is a human male and the compatriots of the whole base..."

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